Part 1. Info ♥️♥️


Aang-  Aang is dating katara. 

Katara- she is dating Aang

Sokka- He has a crush on Toph 

Toph- she likes Sokka

Zuko- has a crush on suki

Suki- has a crush on Zuko 

(I put Zuko and suki together cuz I didn't know who else to give them.)

Family relations 

They all are in a college rn, but I thought I would add their home.

Aang- he is adopted. Lives in an apartment.

Katara- she lives with hakoda and Sokka. Hakoda is really a cool dad. Also, sokka can water bend. It goes with my plot idea so..

Toph- Her parents are real rich,snooty, and TOO protective.

Suki- she's from a small island called Kyoshi. She got a scholarship because of how smart she was 

Zuko- he's the cutest guy in their class. Azula is the most popular girl. He hates most of his family and lives with his mother Ursa and Ikem in Hira'a.

Style preferences 

Aang- he is pretty minimalistic. Favourite colour orange.

Katara- She is modest, but spicy at the same time. Really modern and always up to date on the latest fashion trends. Favourite colour Blue and black

Sokka- He loves baggy clothes. He wears a jacket for no reason, and his favourite colour is Dark Blue and White.

Toph- she's definitely an e-girl. Toph loves baggy clothes too, especially cargo pants with platform sneakers. Her favourite colours are green and yellow.

Suki- her style is Athleisure and baggy clothes ♥️♥️. Her favourite colours are Beige and pale red

Zuko- he is a 199% e-boy, and is always wearing black and/or dark red. He wears comfortable clothes, and loves black jeans 

