Chapter 2- 🪦Stay Strong, darling...

Sokka drove Toph to her grandmother's house, and sokka was making Funny jokes to make Toph smile. Most of them worked, but when she fell silent, Sokka looked behind and saw her sleeping in the corner. She looked peaceful. Sokka smiled and continued driving.

Sokka- Toph? We're here.

Toph was confused for a few seconds but then remembered what had happened. She got out of the car and walked to the door slowly, holding sokka's hand for support. He rang the doorbell and a kind looking, but sad lady answered the door

Grandma Satsuki- Toph, How I've missed you darling!

She gave Toph a sad smile and a hug

Grandma Satsuki- Y- Your grandfather. He left you this.. 

Satsuki handed Toph a note, and a beautiful locket which had a small message on the back. It read 'Stay Strong, darling.' (Title)

When she opened it, she was a photo of herself and her grandfather, laughing and smiling. Her eyes teared up, and she smiled, squeezing my hand. Toph put the locket on. And hugged her grandmother

Toph- Thank you. I love you Gran gran.

Grandma Satsuki- You should come in, child. It's cold outside,

Sokka- Coming.

Toph- Gran gran, this is my best friend. Sokka.

Grandma Satsuki- Nice to meet you- Oh! 

The doorbell rang again.

Grandma Satsuki- I'll get that.

Toph- No, it's okay. I'll get it.

Grandma Satsuki Smiled at Toph.

When she opened the door, Ursa, Kiyi, and Zuko were outside.

Ursa saw Toph's bloodshot eyes- Toph? Are you okay..

Kiyi gave Toph's shirt sleeve a tug, and Toph bent down to hear what she had to say. Kiyi  gave her a big bear hug. She could sense that something was wrong with Toph today.

Zuko- Toph? What happened?

Toph carrying Kiyi- M-My grandfather.. He, he passed..

Toph jerked her head. Not too hard, but hard enough to make her bangs fall out of place and cover her red eyes.

Ursa- oh Toph.. I'm so sorry. 

Toph put down Kiyi on the couch. 

Toph- Gran Gran? I'm gonna go to my room..

She got up and slowly walked to her bedroom, and collapsed onto the bed, shaking.

2 hours later.

Grandma Satsuki- Sokka? Could you go to Toph's room? Ursa and I have some private things to talk about.

Sokka- Sure.

He knocked on the door a few times, but no answer. He thought she must be asleep, and opened the door. He saw her, curled up in a corner, crying her eyes out.

  (Like the pic at the top.)

( If it ain't there, just message me 🖤👩‍💻)

Sokka kept his hand on Toph's shoulder, sitting down next to her, worried. He bent down to see her face. She was crying. Really hard. When she noticed Sokka, she quickly wiped her face.

Sokka- Hey, Toph.

Toph- What.

Sokka: Your grandma asked me to come be with you. She said you needed to talk to someone.

Toph: [sniffling] I don't want to talk.

Sokka: That's okay. You don't have to talk if you don't want to. But I'm here if you need me.

Toph's expression softened. -Thanks, Sokka.

Sokka- Do you want me to stay here with you for a bit?

Toph- Yeah, that'd be nice.

Sokka- Okay. I'm here for you. You're not alone.

She hesitates for a moment before throwing her arms around Sokka in a tight hug. Sokka is taken aback for a moment but then wraps his arms around her, holding her close. Toph buries her face in Sokka's shoulder, allowing herself to finally release the pent up emotions she's been holding back.

Toph gradually calms down, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand.

Toph] Thanks, Sokka. I needed that.

Sokka- Anytime, Toph. I'm here for you.

Toph Smiled warmly.

Toph- I think I'm ready to talk now.

Sokka-, I'm listening.

Toph takes a moment to compose herself before speaking

Toph: My grandfather... he was more than just a family member to me. He was my mentor, my confidant. Losing him feels like losing a piece of myself.

Sokka- I'm so sorry, Toph. Losing someone you love is never easy.

Toph nods, her gaze drifting to the locket clutched in her hand. She takes a deep breath, steeling herself to continue.

Toph- But I won't let his memory fade away. I'll honor him by staying strong, just like he always encouraged me to be.

Sokka- You know what I think? I think you'll make him proud.

Toph- Meathead, you're a really good friend. Thank you for being there for me.

Sokka- Anytime Toph, Feeling a little better?

Toph-Yeah, thanks Sokka. Your jokes helped.

Sokka- Hey, anything for you, Toph.

Toph gave him a weak smile, grateful for Sokka's attempt to lighten the mood.

Toph-] I guess I should go see my grandma now.

Sokka-Do you want me to come with you?

Toph-] No, I think I'll be okay. Thanks, though.

Sokka gives her a reassuring pat on the back as she gets up to leave the room. Toph hesitates at the door, turning back to face Sokka.

Toph- Sokka, I just want to say... you're an amazing person.

Sokka feels a warmth spread through him, his cheeks flushing slightly at Toph's words.

Sokka- Wow, thanks, Toph. That means a lot coming from you.

Toph smiles gratefully, a hint of mischief in her eyes.

Toph: Don't let it go to your head, Snoozles.

Sokka chuckled. -Hey, I'll have you know that being called amazing by the great Toph Beifong is a once-in-a-lifetime honor!

Toph rolls her eyes with a smirk, but there's a warmth in her gaze that Sokka can't help but notice.

Toph- Thanks, Sokka. For everything.

Sokka's heart skips a beat as he watches Toph leave the room.  She sat down next to her grandmother. 

Grandma Satsuki- someone's smiling. What's got you so happy?

Toph- Sokka, he's just the best. You know why I love him? He reminds me of my grandfather..

GGrandma Satsuki- I know. That's why I sent him to check on you. 

Grandma Satsuki Smiled.- You like him, don't you sweetheart.

Toph- I really do, but I don't think he likes me back.

Grandma Satsuki- Why is that?

Toph- I don't know. I Just haven't seen him for 2 years. What if he doesn't love me, then we can't be friends anymore.

Grandma Satsuki- Toph I know he loves you More than anything, I see the way he looks at you.

Toph- really? 

Grandma Satsuki  - Definitely.

Toph smiled- can I stay here for a while? I don't really feel like going to school ...

Grandma Satsuki|- of course. It's a Friday anyway. 

Toph- thanks gran gran ❤️ 


Word count 1037..
