The Game


That's what I woke up to this morning.

I quickly got out of bed and saw my sister getting hit with our dads belt. He was screaming at her asking why there were detectives at his work. She must have came home after staying at Susie's. In the other door frame stood your brother screaming not to hit her.

She had threatened him with dropping a bottle of vodka. She got scared and dropped it he started to scream at her telling her how her dreams were only dreams. After he started to settle down he told her to clean up the mess and not to put ice on where he whipped her. He looked at my brother asking him something I couldn't hear then looked around and saw me standing in the hall.

Me and my dad were close at once before our mom died. We used to do everything now I had to watch him turn abusive towards us. I would try and take the blame for my siblings and take the beating so they didn't haft to.

I looked at him with a disappointed face and when Gwen came back in she started to clean up the mess while he left. I had started to help her but if he saw me try and help when he was still in there he would yell at me and tell me that that was her mess and not to get involved.

Today was Saturday and Finney had his baseball game and I was going to hang out with one of my best friends Vance Hopper.

We had been friends after my mom died. We both were going through bad shit and found each other and since we shared so much in common we decided to be friends. It took Vance awhile to open up but eventually he did.

I got ready for the day and packed some money and strapped my skateboard to the back of my backpack so I could use it later.

I walked Gwen and Fin to his game to make shure they got there safe. I took my skateboard out and skated to a small store where Vance and I usually meet at. When I was skating I saw a black van driving around I started to skate faster when it was getting close and the next thing I know I was at the store.

I walked in and there he was as usual playing that stupid ball game he's obsessed with. I never really found it interesting so I just watched.

I walked up next to the game and started to watch

"Hey, what's up " I said

"Hey Dyl look at this I'm about to beat my high score."

I watched and eventually he beat his high score and to celebrate I bought us some slushes.

Last time he almost beat his high score he was at 98,000 when a kid bumped into the game causing one of the balls to fall and made him lose. He had gotten into a fight and was kicked out. But I ended up convincing the store owner it wouldn't happen so he was only banned for a week.

We were now in his room and I was telling him about what happened this morning with my dad. I was laying on his bed while he was sitting against a wall while we're were talking I had noticed him looking a me but it wasn't how friends look at each other it was like a look of love if that's what you want to call it.


Y'all the next chapter will be in Vance's pov
