The Plan In Action

3rd person Pov

Both Dylan and Vance we're waiting for the grabber to come down to the basement. They had both taken turns sleeping Vance would sleep for 3 hours while Dylan kept watch so she could wake him up if the grabber came down. Dylan had also slept 3 hours while Vance kept watch. Now it was around 11pm and both of them were awake, and no sign of the grabber in the basement.

Meanwhile the grabbers brother max was Slowly walking down the stairs to his brothers basement and opened the door.

Dylan and Vance heard someone come down the stairs. Vance got the phone from under the bed while Dylan left hers in her shoe so they could put there plan into action. As the 2 teenagers were ready to fight a very different man opened the door.

He had a beard and had darker hair than the grabber.

Max-No fucking way. I knew that he was hiding something from me down here, but holy Mary, mother of God.

Dylan-help can you call the cops?

Max- Oh, listen. Don't worry, he's not here. Hehe had to go into work.

But before he could take another step a axe was ment with his head. He immediately died.

Dylan had put her had over her mouth while Vance was wide eyed.

The grabber- Now look what you two made me do you made me kill my brother.

The grabber had a black mean dog by his side and and the bloody axe in his hand.

The grabber- you know you two are special and when I kill you I really want it to hurt.

He stated while he tied the dog up. Dylan had started to put there plan in action by walking back into the "bathroom" being careful not to fall in the hole they had created.

The grabber- Where do you think your going you little shit.

Dylan-Well if you want to kill me your going to hat to catch me.

With a smirk on her face she pulled the carpet up from the hole they dug and Vance had came up behind him hit his head and pushed him in the hole. The grabber dropped his axe and when he fell in the hole one of the "weapons" Dylan made had stabbed him in the foot and when all the way trough it. While his opposite ankle had broke. He was screaming in pain. He picked up his axe and started to swing it towards Dylan. But she didn't let that slide.she stepped on his wrist and unarmed him from his axe.

She then took out her weapon from her shoe and hit him across the head and had even punched him a few times. Vance had took the phone cord and wrapped it around his neck multiple times. The phone started to ring.

Vance-It's for you asshole

Holding it up to the grabbers ear.

All the dead kidnapped kids started to yell at the grabber them Robin said.

Robin- I can't kill you, you hijo de puta, so Dylan, and Vance are gonna do it for me.

Once he said that Vance had lived up to when he said he was going to kill the fucker for hurting Dylan. he tugged both ends of the phone cords. Then Dylan took her "Weapon" and stabbed him in the heart. Blood got on both of there faces while turning there heads away. Dylan went and grabbed a raw piece of meat and threw it to the dog as a distraction.

Meanwhile police were across the street and looking for the 2. Gwen had had a nightmare of Vance when he lost on his game and carved the house number in the guys arm. He had lead her to the house. And she had told the police.

Detective- there's a basement.

When they opened the basement they saw mounds of dirt when they dug it up it was all the dead kids that went missing.

Dylan and Vance made there way out of the house after putting the combo in the lock. They were all bloody and bruised up mostly Dylan. There eyes adjusted to the bright sun. The only person that had seen the, was Gwen.


She ran up to the 2 and hugged them. Both of them, were smiling and hugged her back. Vance knew Gwen he had helped her and Fin with fights a few times when Dylan wasn't there. So they had a little friendship. Fin had followed behind Gwen and also gave them a hug. Once the police and medics saw them. They helped take them to and ambulance. Gwen was sitting to the right of Dylan, Fin was standing next to Gwen, while she had her head on Vance's shoulder and holding his hand. It was now dark and the sun had set.

They were wheeling the other kidnapped kids, and the grabber and his brother on stretchers. Mr.Shaw, and Mrs.Hopper had been driving as fast as they could to see there missing kids once they got a call.

Dylan saw her dad running towards the ambulance. She picked her head up from Vance's shoulder. He dad had grabbed onto his 3 kids and was kneeling down sobbing.

Terrance Shaw- I am so sorry. I'mI'm...I'm so... I'm so sorry. Please forgive me.

Dylan-Dad it ok we forgive you.

He hugged his 3 kids and once he pulled away Vance was holding his hand out instead of living up to his promise that he would beat his face in.

Vance-Hi mr.Shaw I'm Vance I was with Dylan when we were missing.

Terrance-Call me Terrance, thank you for keeping my daughter safe.

Vance-It was more of your daughter keeping me safe sir.
Laughing slightly

As mr Shaw and Vance were laughing they heard a woman yelling Vance's name. They looked and saw Ms.Hopper running and hugging him

Ms.Hopper-Vance I'm so sorry I wasn't there I was never there to take care of you.

Vance-it's ok mom

They were both slightly crying when ms.hopper turned to Dylan.

Ms,hopper- Thank you for keeping my son stay safe you must be Dylan.
As she held her hand out for Dylan to shake.

Dylan shook her and and said

Dylan-It's nice to meet you Ms.hopper, we were both keeping each other safe.

As the 2 families were waiting for the couple to be discharged from the ambulance and crime scean mr.Shaw and Ms.Hopper we're introducing each other. Vance and Dylan had also told the parents about them dating.

Detectives-Dylan Shaw, and Vance Hopper you too are free to go home thank you for waiting. You two are safe the grabber is confirmed dead.

Thank you both of them said. There families were headed to there cars when Vance grabbed Dylan's hand and pulled her in for a kiss.

Vance-So see you Friday for that date.

Dylan-Yep but remember don't be lat or your paying for popcorn.
She smirked


sorry for the long wait on this chapter, the story is not over so just sit tight for a little more.😉
