Chapter 4

Ralph felt a wave of relief wash over him the moment Alice came with him.

"What do you think you're doing?" she hissed at him as he lead her to an alcove.

"I don't catch your meaning," he replied happily. He liked it better when she was snapping and scolding him. At least this was real.

"You insulted him," she said flatly, as if he was daft.

"I merely wanted the pleasure of your company," he shrugged.

"It's too bad that I don't want the same thing," she snapped and made to move.

"Don't," he said, suddenly angry.

"Unhand me," she warned. Ralph hadn't even realised that he was holding her wrist.

"What were you doing with Bates of all people?" He asked, not releasing her.

"It's none of your concern."

It was the reply he'd expected from her and yet it angered him more.

"You're not to see him from now," he said firmly.

"Does your arrogance know no bounds? You don't own me, Ralph. No one does," she said.

"You don't understand..."

"Oh please do enlighten me," she said sarcastically.

"He's a cretin, unworthy of your company. He's a bad man and his behaviour is improper, Alice."

Much to his extreme vexation, she began to laugh.

"What amuses you so, my lady?" He asked through clenched teeth.

"The fact that you think you're a connoisseur of propriety," she said, still laughing.

"I assure you, when compared to Bates, I am indeed that," he grit out, desperate for her to understand.

"Ralph, I don't know why you suddenly care about who I socialise with. But get this straight..."

"Alice, there are things you know nothing about," he cut her off.

"And I prefer it stay that way. Ignorance is bliss, remember?" she smiled up at him ruefully.

He didn't miss her meaning. She'd undoubtedly liked him better before she'd caught him with Lady Dolby.

He couldn't tell her the entire truth, but he could tell her one thing.

"Not that it's any of your concern, but nothing happened between Lady Dolby and I," he said.

She looked surprised at his directness.

"I don't believe you, but I also don't particularly care," she said carefully.

"I care," he said, solemnly.

She stayed silent for long moments, searching his face.

"You kissed her," she said finally.

"She came onto me."

That much was true.

"You said something about chasing her."

Did the woman forget nothing?

"I did. But I assure you, my interests in her were not of the carnal nature," he replied, truthfully.

Alice wasn't convinced, but he'd have thought less of her had she believed him so easily. She swallowed and he knew she was dying to ask more questions. But Lady Alice Woodbury had too much dignity to indulge in curiosity.

"Why choose to clear the air now? It's been three years..." she murmured.

"I honestly don't know," he sighed.

"But the air isn't exactly cleared. You still haven't told me what you were doing hiding behind the drapes that night," he added.

She nodded, but she said nothing.

Ralph felt like they'd reached some sort of understanding. Both of them had secrets they weren't willing to share.

"So can we go back to being the way we used to be?" He asked.

"Ralph, you never paid any of us even the slightest of attention then," she chuckled.

"Really?" He couldn't believe he'd ignored Alice then. He certainly couldn't ignore her now.

At eighteen, she'd been beautiful. He remembered that much. But now, at twenty one, she was stunning.


"I'd like to go inside," she murmured.

Ralph nodded.

"Dance with me?" he smiled.

Alice nodded, recognising the olive branch.

Besides, she was utterly confused. It felt like her brain had stopped functioning. She needed to dance. Dancing always restored her equilibrium.

They took their positions when they heard the first notes of the waltz.

Alice would have preferred an energetic quadrille just then.

She felt strangely detached.

Was she a fool to trust Ralph? The last time she'd trusted a man, things hadn't gone very well.

She also felt guilty for jumping to conclusions. Like Ralph had said, she knew nothing...

Alice looked up to find him staring at her.

"I can practically see the gears turning in your head," he said.

"I can't decide if I should trust you and your judgement on Sir Bates," she shrugged.

Although she didn't really like the man herself, she doubted he was as bad as Ralph thought him to be.

"A known devil is always better than an unknown one," he grinned.

She returned the smile.

Alice was struck by the familiarity she felt as they looked at each other, not paying any attention to their movements. She was absurdly aware of his presence, of his hand on her back, of his legs brushing against her gown.

She had to tilt her head up to look at him. Alice wasn't precisely short, but Ralph was taller than average.

His eyes were the exact same shade of blue as Rosalyn's. His hair was brown like Rosalyn's as well, although his was darker and crispy where Rosa's was light and silky, she supposed.

"What are you thinking about?" He murmured.

"Your hair," she blurted out.

"I had no idea ladies found my hair fascinating," he grinned boyishly.

Alice merely rolled her eyes.

"We're friends I hope?" He asked.

"You're pushing it," she said but couldn't fight the smile pulling at her lips.

"I'd forgotten how often you did this."

"Did what?"

"Fight your smile. You purse your lips a bit. It looks quite adorable, I must say," he said.

"Thank you?" she muttered, but she could feel the blood rushing to her cheeks.

Ralph was supposed to be boring, he wasn't supposed to make her blush.

But if he could catch the dazzling Lady Dolby's attention, he wasn't so boring, perhaps...

She blushed anew at the thought of Lady Dolby. She still couldn't look the woman in the eye.

"Don't look, but Bates is looking at you from behind a tall fern," Ralph said, sounding displeased.

Alice felt a wave of dismay flow through her at that.

"Shall I take you to Sarah? She's over there by the punch stand," he offered.

Did his eyes miss nothing?

She nodded, too flummoxed to reply.

"I trust you're having a grand time," Ralph said to Sarah.

"By the punch stand? Of course," she grunted.

Ralph grinned at that and excused himself.

"Why aren't you dancing?" Alice asked Sarah.

"I don't feel like dancing. Besides, not everyone finds a dance partner like that," she smirked.

"I'm sure I don't know what you mean," Alice said airily.

"And I'm quite sure that you know exactly what I mean," Sarah replied.

Alice would've given anything to wipe off that smug expression from Sarah's face.

"Ralph seemed to be in good spirits too, I don't recall the last time I saw him dance. Or even laugh, for that matter," Sarah continued.

"We are not romantically interested in each other," Alice groaned.

"Of course not," Vanessa said, appearing there out of nowhere.

"Wonderful timing," Alice practically snapped.

But her friends only smiled, taking pleasure in her misery.

"Where's Lord Ker?" Alice suddenly asked.

Vanessa had been dancing with him and now he was no where to be seen.

"He left," Vanessa said nonchalantly, but she didn't fool her friends.

Sarah and Alice looked at each other, knowing better than to pry. No one could make Vanessa talk unless she herself wanted to.

And judging from her grim smile, she wasn't going to elaborate on what had happened.
