Chapter 25

Ralph merely rolled his eyes before taking out his pistol and shooting Bates right in the heart.

Alice gasped, her palm pressed to her mouth.

Bates went down, looking shocked.

"Im only sorry you didn't make him suffer," Wolf snickered from behind him.

"I'm free, fancy that," Bender grunted.

"You're not free, you're going to prison now," Wolf smirked.

Ralph finally turned to look at his wife, ignoring everyone around him. She stood still, her eyes wide. Ralph felt guilty that she had to see that. But he hadn't wanted to play any games, he hadn't wanted to give Bates the chance to cause more trouble, to hurt Alice.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," he murmured, cupping her cheeks in his hands.

"It's alright," she whispered, looking dazed.

"You don't hate me do you?"

She looked at him then, confused.

"Because I killed him?" he clarified.

"Oh not at all. I know it was necessary, he didn't deserve to live," she smiled hesitantly.

"I believe this belongs to me for now," Wolf said, coming to take the pistol from Ralph's hands.

"I can face the consequences," Ralph rolled his eyes.

"Don't be an idiot. If you wouldn't have resigned formally, it would have been different. But you don't work for the government anymore. You might not hang, but things will certainly get messy. You don't want that with your new wife and all," Wolf finished his lecture. Then he turned to Alice.

"I believe we haven't been formally introduced, my lady. You may call me Wolf," he smiled, turning on the full force of his charm, intending to render her speechless, no doubt. He liked doing that, Wolf.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Wolf. We could have met if you had attended our wedding," Alice smiled her most dazzling smile. She looked beautiful despite her dusty appearance.

Ralph smothered a proud laugh when he saw Wolf blink against his wife's radiant smile.

Wolf thought he could render Lady Alice Orford speechless, did he? Not bloody likely.

"It seems our job here is done," he said finally, clearing his throat.

"It's far from done, but I'll leave you to it. I need to take Alice home," Ralph said. Alice sighed her relief.

They turned to leave when the sound of a carriage screeching to a halt came from behind them.

Lady Sarah Gilbert and a very pregnant Lady Rosalyn Orford got out of the vehicle accompanied by another man Alice didn't recognise.

"Oh Alice! You're alive," she screeched, coming to hug her friend.

"Yes, I'm fine," Alice rubbed Rosalyn's back before Sarah lunged at her to make sure she was alright.

"Now where is that black guard?" Rosalyn asked, looking indignant.

"Mr. Gerald here followed Ralph and lead us here because Rosalyn thought she could save you," Sarah explained, signalling to the seemingly amiable young man who had accompanied them.

Before Alice could answer, the sound of another carriage stopping distracted them.

This time a very angry Lord Fortescue and a sheepish Lady Vanessa Martin got off.

Lord Fortescue charged at his wife like an angry bull. He got hold of her shoulder and shook her, "have you completely lost it? Who even does something like that?"

"I had to save Alice," Rosalyn said a bit meekly.

Oh, but Ralph was going to enjoy this very much.

"Save her? By going away with a strange man and literally no one else for protection when you're increasing?" he shouted.

Rosa cringed a little. And then, "Mr. Gerald  here was extremely kind and solicitous."

Theodore looked close to exploding.

And their friends, Wolf and Mr. Gerald looked on in amusement.

Van was in the middle of hugging Alice when Rosalyn walked up to her or tried to because Theodore practically dragged her back to his side before muttering an angry, "where do you think you're going?"

"I can't believe you told him," she whisper-shouted.

"I was worried sick and you were being extremely idiotic," Van whispered back, not looking very apologetic.

Theodore finally acknowledged the rest of them, trying to rein in his temper.

"I hope you're well, Alice," he said.

Alice merely nodded. She was afraid that if she spoke, she'd burst out laughing.

"Where's Sir George Bates?" Rosalyn asked impatiently, her wrist still firmly clasped in Theodore's hand.

"He's dead," Wolf put in.

"He's what?" Rosalyn shouted. "Well, it's a good thing too. The man was a toad," she added.

"I think you should all go home now," Wolf intoned.

Ralph, Alice, Sarah, Theo and Van seemed to heartily agree. But Rosalyn didn't.

"I think we should stay here and make sure Sir Bates doesn't try to get away," she said.

"He's dead, Rosalyn," Theo said, looking at her as if she was mad.

"Yes, but did you check?"

"She does have a point," Mr. Gerald grinned.

Rosalyn smiled triumphantly.

Sarah walked over to Bates's still body. She poked at his shoulder with the edge of her boot. His head lolled to the other side, but his eyes remained open, like his mouth.

Sarah took her time because Rosalyn looked on as if Bates was going to catch hold of her ankle any time now. Her expression was priceless.

"Well?" Rosalyn called out impatiently.

"Dead," Sarah finally smiled and walked over to their little group.


Ralph and Alice were seated on the edge of their bed.

"I'm so very sorry, Alice," he murmured, applying poultice to her swollen cheek.

"It's alright, you're lucky you've married a very forgiving and generous woman," she said airily and grinned.

But Ralph didn't smile at her little joke. His eyes were serious, his face solemn.

Alice sighed.

"Darling, it's my fault too, you know. I should've just told you about Bates that day. It would've saved us all this trouble," she said, touching the tips of her fingers to his lips.

Ralph caught her small fingers in his larger ones, kissing each one.

"I don't know what I did to deserve you, my sweet. Please don't try taking the blame. I let my rage blind me. You ended up getting kidnapped, anything could've happened to you. And I exposed you to more ugliness when I shot Bates in front of you."

"But Ralph, when you killed Bates, you killed my all demons with him," Alice whispered.

Ralph looked askance.

"When Bates fell to the ground, I saw Ralston in his place. I know it's twisted, but that's what I saw. Bates, Ralston and all the other men who think they can take advantage of a woman and get away without facing the consequences. Do you understand, Ralph?" she looked up at him with her deep green eyes.

Ralph nodded, brushing his thumb against her good cheek.

"So you see? I'm glad he's gone. If you hadn't killed him, I might've done it," she said.

That brought a smile to Ralph's face. He couldn't imagine Alice hurting anyone, even if it was bastard Bates.

"I would've," she insisted and that made Ralph chuckle. Alice's eyes softened too.

"Isn't there something you needed to tell me?" Ralph asked hopefully.

"Nothing I can think of at the moment," she smiled mischievously.

"Minx," he muttered under his breath and turned to get off the bed wanting to see to the dying fire.

And then he heard it. The softly whispered words.

"I love you, Ralph."

Ralph turned around as if possessed. He cupped her face. "Say it again."

"I love you," she giggled.

"I love you too, sweetheart. I love you too," he whispered hoarsely, raining kisses down her face. He kept repeating the words like a litany, unable to stop. He hadn't known just how much he'd wanted to hear that until she'd said it.

He was a wreck of a man and she still loved him.

Their frantic kisses turned heated and before he knew it, Alice was impatiently tearing at his clothes while he practically shredded her night gown.

"I've been in love with you for a very long time, woman," he murmured, resting his nose on hers for a spell.

"I think I'd known all along," she grinned, pulling his head down.

After that, their words dissolved to incoherent murmurs and breaths. Neither caring.

One week later.

"Where are you taking me, Ralph?" Alice muttered, annoyed at being blindfolded.

"Patience, my Lady," Ralph admonished, but Alice caught the excitement in his voice.

Finally he ushered her into a room and Alice heard the sound of a door being closed.

He began untying the knot at the back of her head. "Open you eyes on the count of three," he instructed, tugging off the blindfold.

Alice waited until he'd counted and opened her eyes.

She gasped, unable to rein in her reaction.

It was a library. Except it wasn't. It wasn't dim, it was bright and vibrant. Full of colours and tastefully chosen furniture.

Half of the room was filled with high shelves full of books. And the other half consisted of a large wooden desk with a plush chair, a comfortable sofa on one end. To the free wall, a huge black board was attached.

"You keep losing your workings because they don't fit in a single paper. This way you can work out large equations without confusion," Ralph grinned, looking excited.

Alice felt a choked laugh escape her. She felt the tears gathering in her eyes. She looked at all the thick, newly printed volumes of mathematical books and heard a sob escape her.

"Why are you crying, love? If you don't like something, we can always get it changed," he said, searching her face.

Alice shook her head, unable to speak.

"Alice darling, you're worrying me now."

"I love it...perfect. I...thank you, Ralph," she hugged him, crying into his coat.

"Then why are you crying?"

"Nobody's ever done something like this before! Why did you do this, Ralph?" She asked, collecting herself a little.

"Because I love you, my little mathematician," he said simply, gliding his finger down her smooth cheek. "In fact, this is how I wanted to tell you that I loved you. We began working on this room two weeks ago," he added. Fresh tears sprung in Alice's eyes.

"Well, I love you too," she mumbled, snuggling into his coat. "Now let's christen that sofa," she said coyly, her lips stretching into that smile he loved so much.

"Oh Alice, we're going to be so happy together," Ralph laughed, dragging her to said sofa.

And they were.

*** THE END ***

Let me know if you enjoyed the book, guys.x
