Skeleton Trip-Stretching

Hunter jumped onto the roof of the closed museum, his mask lenses glowing green. "The director should be heading up here soon. So keep an eye out." Savage said, polishing his machete.

Hunter nodded, turning away and holding up a receiver. "No mutants are detected within a half-mile radius, but there is mutagen, probably because of those worms." He said, scratching at his hood.

Dirk smirked, holding up the clean blade. "Oh well looks like there will be no bloodshed today."


Iris looked up at a sewer cover as Dakota looked at his phone. "Ok, this is it. The ally will lead to the back entrance of the building." He said, starting to climb the ladder. Iris looked up in hesitation as he reached the top. Dakota turned to her over his shoulder. "Is everything ok?"

Iris could see the light shining through the grate. "Ive never really seen what's up there in person." She looked down as she sighed. "And I feel bad doing this without the others." She finished scratching at the back of her hand. Dakota thought for a moment and smiled.

"I have an idea."


"Hey, have any of you guys seen Iris?? Ryan asked, entering the Living area where they were now watching TV.

"Oh, yeah, Dakota and her went to Donnie and April's room to show him some more cool nerd books." Cody said, stretching out his back. Ryan narrowed his eyes on him. "Ok, well then, the next time you see them tell them to stop by me before they head off and do their own thing."

Cody squeaked as Kiba spit out her drink. "What? Are they not in the layer?" Kohanna asked, standing up.

"Those two are probably just snuggling in a tunnel or something." Irillia said, rolling her eyes with a smirk only to make Ash gag.

"Yeah, what Irillia said." Cody grinned, sweat forming on his forehead. The room just went quiet as Ryan raised a brow at him.

"Well, unless you want those two in trouble, you better convince them to get back here before the others find out." Ryan crossed his arms making Cody stand up.

"Yes sir."


The museum director stood in the storage area with the two humanists. "So in exchange for the Krathatrogons, you have the stars you promised?" He asked, holding the container with the worms. Hunter nodded and held out 3 Hamato shurikens. The director smirked. "Perfect." He said before straightening himself out.

"Well, to introduce myself, I'm Dr Komodo." He grabbed the three stars and looked at them. "I hope to finish this Kranng invasion operation in time for the unveiling, but we still don't know much about who took these aliens down except for the minor Hamato symbolism."

Hunter turned his head to the Kranng display. "Yes, it was truly an interesting time." He added, noticing a throwing star embedded in the eye socket of a robotic exosuit identical to the ones they brought.

"Is there anything else you all know about this operation? I assume there is some mutant involvement, given your connections." Komodo asked, holding up the worms. Hunter nodded. "We're not certain of anything. We just know that these shurikens belonged to the Hamato clan."

Dr. Komodo lowered his head. "I see. I guess many things need to simply be dug deeper." He said, looking at the three Hamato symbols.

"We're grateful for the help. Thank you for your research, and we hope you will crack this mystery." Dirk said, nodding as Hunter returned to the present and took the box of worms.

"It's been my pleasure, but make sure to keep an eye on those worms. We never know what could happen." Komodo said, shaking their hands.


Dakota had a bandanna around Iris's head as he guided her into a big open room. "How did you even manage to sneak in here?" Iris asked as he pulled her hand along with him.

"Well, this part of town has been losing a lot of power due to construction, so the electric locks weren't even on, so the cameras are probably down too." He said, untying the makeshift blindfold and holding up a flashlight.

Iris opened her eyes looking around before she gasped. Right in front of her was a giant skeleton of a Brachiosaurus. "Whoah." She gaped, looking up at the long-neck dinosaur.

"Pretty awesome right? It says here they lived in North America over 150 years ago." Dakota said, looking down at the podium.

Iris rushed past him to many of the other skeletons. "No way! No way!" There was a triceratops and a raptor she gawking at. She ran past him again, looking at the Ammonite fossils. "This is so awesome!"

Dakota smiled as she marveled at the room before noticing a replica statue of a familiar animal.

"Hey, Iris, look at this." He said, walking over to the exhibit.

Iris's rushed over as her eyes widened. A Giant ground sloth was right there in front of her. "Wow." She looked at it in wonder as she smiled. "It's way bigger than I thought it would be." She leaned against the railing with a smile. "Who would've believed the slow lazy sloth of today is descended from this?" She said, raising her arms up to the animal.

Dakota laughed. "Yep, the irony of evolution." He said as Iris held her hands together.

"Ooh! Let's go see everything else!" She said, grabbing his hand.


Leo sat on an old tire, wiping his forehead as Mikey continued his search. Karai was using her snake tail to move some of the larger objects. "I hope the others are having better luck than us." Leo said, standing up.

"Yeah, those labs should have something." Mikey said, throwing objects behind him. Leo's phone rang, earning the other two's attention.

"Oh, it's Donnie." Leo said, pulling out his phone. "Hey Donnie, did you find anything useful? All we've managed to get is a laser drill head." Donnie sighed over the end of the phone.

"Well, uh, about that, we think someone might have gotten to these supplies before we did." Leo looked at the ground in confusion. "What?"

"Everything was gone, we've checked over ten places, yet there was nothing." Donnie said, from over the phone.

"How? Who would know where to find these places, when they have been abandoned for years?" Leo groaned.

"Well, that's what we were wondering, and based off our knowledge, we think it might have something to do with the foot clan." Donnie sighed as Leo's eyes widened.

"We think some rogue soldiers might of spread the word."


Dirk and Hunter looked past the dinosaur exhibit as Dr. Kamodo sent them off. "Could I see those little things? They're rather intriguing." Dirk asked, holding his hand out.

Hunter looked to the side. "Just as long as you don't do anything crazy."

Dirk smirked, grabbing the box. "And when have I ever?" He laughed as Hunter groaned. Dirk began to open the small box but was immediately cut off by Hunter.

"What are you doing?! These things make mutagen, and one drop is enough to turn you into a monster!"

Dirk rolled his eyes. "Relax, you big baby, I'm in a higher position than you. So you can't tell me what to do." He said, picking up one of the small worms. "See, no harm done." He said, squeezing it like a stress toy.

The worm hissed and bit his hand, making him yell. "Ahh! What the heck!" He ripped the squirming worm and threw it, smashing it into a dinosaur bone.

"Ugh! Well, that's just great, Savage! One good testing worm gone!" Hunter groaned, yanking the box back as his receiver went off. "Let's get back to Chaplin; it seems that there's a mutant nearby." He continued looking at the device on his belt.

Dirk scoffed, walking behind him, not noticing the oozing worm they left behind. It laid there as mutagen dripped from its body, rubbing onto the fossilized claws of a very large dinosaur.


Iris and Dakota walked down the halls decorated with beautiful paintings using their phones' flashlights to light up the area. "Wow, to think some of these are over a hundred years old and are still so beautiful." Iris said, looking up at the canvases.

"Yeah, in fact, many of them are probably older." Dakota added, stuffing his hands into the pockets of his black hoodie.

Iris smiled, turning to him, only to notice he wasn't smiling. He looked caught up in thought, glaring at the painting of a woman holding her newborn son to her chest. "Dakota?"

He said nothing as the air filled with a long moment of silence. "The art exhibit was always my mom's favorite." He said deadpan, breaking the lingering silence. Iris lowered her head before glancing back at the piece of art.

"She would always point out the details I never noticed, making me look at everything closer." He continued making Iris's face fall.

She glanced back up at him turning and slowly giving him a hug. He kept looking forward to the image, his breathing becoming shaky.

"Ok, enough dwelling. Let's go check out some more of the exhibits." He said, running his hand through his hair.


"I think this next room has something we connect with." Dakota said as they wandered through the archway. Iris shined her light over some of the artifacts, including kimonos, Pottery, and Nihonga paintings.

"Feudal Japan?" Iris glanced around the room, noticing the vast array of Samurai and Ninja gear.

"Yeah, the backbone to the lives we have now." He added as they both admired two tall suits of armor, both holding a symbol in the middle.

One suit was the Hamato clan, the other the Foot clan. Iris's eyes widened as she opened the camera on her phone to take a picture. "Amazing. This history is more than a backbone it's the heart. Our families origin."

"Wow. So they really have been at never ending war with each other." Dakota said, standing next to her. In between the two sets of armor was another artifact. A long katana with a bright red blade.

Iris and Dakota glanced at each other and the sword in awe. It held many engravings resembling fire on the blade's edge, ending at the black leather handle. "Interesting. I've never seen a katana like this before." Iris inspected the weapon and took another picture before Dakota began to read the description.

"Kira No Ken, the legendary red Katana, also known as the sword of hate. The most powerful ninja warriors wielded this sword to help end centuries of conflict. The war between the two oldest ninja clans in history."

Iris appeared deep in thought as she looked up at Dakota, who only kept reading. "This blade is believed to be spiritually blessed and enhance the skills of any who use it. However, it is also believed that it can be cursed and cause tragedy because of its origins."

Iris stared down at the sword in wonder. "This Katana will forever be one of the ninja's most mysterious stories and an object of power to the world."

"The two oldest clans?" Iris glanced back to the two armored manakins. "So that means this Katana was used to fight in the battles between the Hamato and Foot clans. War dating back hundreds of years." She said, turning to Dakota.

"Whoa, the history of our ninja family goes way farther back than I thought it did." He said and turned to her with a smile.

Iris giggled, meeting his gaze. "Yeah, but it's both a gift and a curse."

The sudden sound of shuffling feet in the hallway turned Iris and Dakota's attention to the archway. "So where are we gonna store these when we get back?" A low voice asked, making Dakota and Iris jump and duck behind a display of weapons.

"Chaplin probably has something arranged for them." A younger voice added as they entered the room. Iris looked from beside the weapons, gripping her short blade. They were holding the clear container of worms, and the symbol on their sleeves seemed to glow amongst the dark in the room. Iris looked at it for a moment before her eyes widened. A sudden flash in her mind of getting kicked into unconsciousness in a lab made her jump back behind the display.

Dakota grit his teeth as the two of them waited for the strangers to leave. "Hey, this is that Hamato clan they asked us about." Hunter said, pointing at the wall painting of colliding ninjas. Iris and Dakota froze.

"Yeah, it's a shame this group turned into a freak show. This seemed pretty awesome." Dirk added.

Iris clenched her fist as the two humanists began to leave. "Oh well, I guess all good things must come to an end."

Dakota sighed in relief before his Tphone immediately went off. Iris's eyes went wide as her jaw nearly hit the floor.

The two soldiers quickly turned to the noise as Dakota frantically tried to turn off his phone. Iris whipped out her blade and stood up, Dakota growling at his phone. "Imposters!" Dirk yelled, taking his sword out.

"I swear Cody is gonna be the death of me!" Dakota yelled as the two strangers prepared to strike.

"Now we run!" Iris yelled.


"I can't believe Iris went topside without us." Irillia groaned, tapping her foot. "It seems those two just couldn't wait to have a date." Hanna snickered with a smirk on her face. Cody looked down at his phone as it dialed.

"Oh no." Cody groaned. "What?" Kiba asked, standing next to them.

"Neither of them answered. And now, every time I call, it goes straight to voicemail." He said, turning back to Ryan.

"Do you think they're in trouble?" Mei asked, curled up next to Chompy. The room went quiet before they all turned to Ryan.

"I'll handle this."


The two teens headed to the door as they were chased. "Agh!" Dakota yelled as Iris threw a shuriken at Dirk. It hit him in the leg but didn't seem to affect him. "Ugh! Their armor is tough!" She groaned as they kept running.

They made it into a room full of statues and pillars as the two began to catch up to them. Dakota twisted his way out of Hunter's reach as he tried to jab at him. "Ahh! What the heck!?" He yelled ducking another blow.

Across the room, Dirk reached out to grab Iris, but she jumped up to the arm of a statue and pulled herself over it kicking him into the neighboring pillar. He groaned, gripping his jaw as Iris hopped atop the stone figures throwing many shurikens at him.

It was forming a collection of them on his body, one even landing on his eye patch. She ducked behind a chiseled and polished head, frantically looking around the room as Dirk tried to brush and pluck off the blades.

Hunter was pulling out his sword and aiming for Dakota. The boy gasped, turning to the soldier, but before Hunter could strike him in the back, Iris blocked the blade and kicked him in the chest. "We need to get out of here!" She growled, holding her Hamidashi out. Dakota nodded and threw a smoke bomb, vanishing them in a cloud of smoke.

They continued to run but had to stop due to an indoor balcony above the dinosaur exhibit. "Crap!" Dakota yelled, looking down over the railing. Iris Urgently looked around before noticing something off.

"Uhh, Dakota, either I'm hallucinating because I'm panicking, or someone managed to steal over 500 fossils in the span of an hour." Dakota looked at her, confused, before looking down and realizing what she meant.

"The T-Rex skeleton is gone!" Iris yelled as their attackers charged toward them. She growled, clenching her fist. "Remind me to kill your brother when we get home!" Iris yelled, holding her short sword in front of her.

Dirk smirked, aiming his sword. "Now here's the bloodshed I've been waiting for." A roar echoed in the building, making Dakota go pail and Hunter groan.

"Of course, this would happen." Hunter whined as his receiver went off.


Angel, Vine, and Casey ran through town, jumping across the buildings. "We have to make sure those two are ok! Cody said they should be somewhere in the history museum." Vine yelled, looking down at his phone.

Casey shook his head, jumping off a billboard. "I must've been too hard on them. They went off and snuck out not even a day after they had to stay." Casey groaned.

"Don't beat yourself up. Right now, we need to get back and help." Angel said, flipping off a roof.


Iris and Dakota were pressed up against the railing as Savage and Hunter eased closer to them. "Great, now we have another freak to take care of!" Dirk yelled as another roar radiated in the building. Dakota held out his own knife gripping at the small black handle.

"Well then, let's make this quick!" Hunter yelled, leaping forward and slicing at Dakota's head. Dakota dodged before Iris kicked Hunter into the floor, dropping the container of worms. Dirk aimed for her with his blade, but she stopped it with her own and jumped over him. Dakota swung his knife at Hunter elbowing him in the ribs.

Dirk and Iris had their blades pressed together, but he was already starting to overpower her. Iris glared at him as he towered over her before a smirk spread on her face. She wasted no time rolling backward onto the wall before twisting and kicking him in the groin. Dirk Savage yelped, falling to his knees as Iris laughed. "Works every time."

Hunter groaned, rubbing his waist, his eyes barely visible from behind his mask. He straightened himself up the balcony railing right behind him. Dakota grit his teeth, swinging his knife at him, but Hunter swiftly ducked and kicked him over the railing. "Ahh!"

Iris punched Hunter in the mask, tripping himself on the worms and onto his back as they squirmed. "Dakota!" She yelled, leaning over the rail. Without a thought, she climbed over the edge and jumped after him. Dakota was reaching out to her, but he was already way farther down than she was. "No!" She yelled, reaching her hand out to him.

Her head stung as she grit her teeth, pulling her arm out to help him. Her mind went blank, and her breathing hitched before her eyes turned black. Her arm contorted, Stretching out like black putty to reach him. Her arm wrapped around his waist as she used the other, swinging them into an exhibit pool of water.

Hunter looked over the rail as Dirk Savage pushed himself to his feet. "We need to take that mutant down!" He looked around on the floor. "Quickly pick up that last worm so we can get down there!"He yelled, pointing at the worm on the floor.

"Wasn't there another one?" Savage asked before turning to the sound of a roar. "Yes, but it's likely gone. So let's just focus on the task at hand." Hunter finished taking out his sword.


Iris and Dakota panted and gasped as they crawled out of the water. Dakota coughed as Iris's eyes turned back to normal. "What? How? How did you do that?" Dakota asked, water dripping from his blue and black hair.

Iris looked down at herself, noticing her arms turning back as well. "I-I don't know. I must have activated my mutant side somehow."

"Well, it saved us both. Thank you." Dakota gasped, rubbing the water from his face. Iris smiled and looked down at her fingers before clenching her fist.

Their small moment of peace quickly ended as loud crashes and roars erupted from the other room. Hunter and Dirk were both fighting a mutant skeleton of a T-Rex. "Ah! Now's our chance to get out of here." Dakota said, helping Iris up.

"But what about that mutant? If it breaks out, it could crush and devour tons of people." Iris said, looking at the mutant beast as it snapped its jaws at the humanists.

"Well, what is it we can do? We don't have anything that can stop that thing!" He yelled as the Dinosaur stomped and swung its tail. Iris looked at the mutant, thinking to herself before grabbing Dakota's hand.

"Shh! I have an idea."


The skeleton had a green fluid encompassing its bones. Most of it, however, resided on the claws of one of its feet. "Curse this monster!" Dirk yelled, slashing at it with his sword.

"Only one worm left. We can't risk losing it, or we'll have hell to deal with." Hunter said as he released a gas grenade, the mist swelling up around them. Dirk Savage gripped his blade, jumping onto the T-Rex's tail and running up its spine.

"Agh!" He skewered the Dinosaur's head with his sword making it screech and thrash his head around. Savage held on for as long as he could before being flung from the mutant, and crashing into the wall with a crack.



Iris and Dakota were now on the balcony, looking down at the chaos. "Ok, the fluid appears to be linked to the skeleton's right foot. I bet that's where it got mutated." Iris said, pointing through the rails.

"That gas grenade should also be able to slow it down." Dakota added before Iris coughed. She pulled the front of her shirt over her nose and mouth as she pulled out her kunai.

"Im gonna need a clear shot, though. Or else well just end up giving away our position." She huffed, pushing up her glasses.

Dakota fanned away some of the gas that was rising."Yeah, this gas is fogging up the area."

"Goongala!" A voice yelled before the main window shattered, revealing Casey Jones with his hockey stick. "Dad?!"

A firecracker hockey puck had broken the window and landed on the ground next to the Dinosaur's foot. Hunter looked at the scene in shock before a loud explosion rang in the room, followed by the T-Rex's roar.

"What is going on!?" Dr. Kumodo suddenly yelled, watching from a staircase. "I told you two to be careful! Now this interaction is a total disaster!" He growled, pulling out one of the Kraang laser guns. He shot at the Dinosaur, making it flail its tail and short arms as it screeched.

Casey charged at Dirk, striking relentlessly as Angel and Vine jumped through the broken window. Iris and Dakota watched in shock as some of the gas vented through the window.

Hunter looked at the three of them as they fought and held up his stun cane. "I-I don't understand. I swear I've seen these three before." He said as sparks came from the end of the metal rod.

Dakota looked down at his father, who was fighting the man with the eyepatch, while Angel and Vine ran around the T-Rex. "Iris, now's your chance. The gas is clearing." He said as Iris looked over the front of her shirt.

She coughed, grabbing her head. "I-I don't feel very good." She groaned, rubbing her head. Dakota frantically looked down at the chaos. Watching as the Dinosaur thrashed around, knocking over another exhibit and almost falling onto their parents. "Oh no, Iris? We need to hurry!"

She winced, pushing herself to her feet with Dakota propping her up. She held a knife in her hand, leaning forward and narrowing her eyes.


She whispered as her mom and dad kept the mutant from running away. She released a steady breath, throwing the knife through the air.

She lightly smirked as the blade flew threw the air and pierced directly into the top of the Dinosaur's foot. The dinosaur roared as the glowing fluid began to shift, making it scream and fall forward. Angel looked at the mutant in confusion before turning up to see her daughter and Dakota on the balcony.

"Iris!" She yelled, pulling out one of her Escrima sticks. The T-Rex growled as it shook its head around, Vine running towards it. He jumped onto one of its arms and over the Dino's head, grabbing and pulling out the sword in its skull.

Dr. Komodo gasped, watching as the Dinosaur squirmed and collapsed on itself, turning into a pile of bones. Embedded in its bones were the same Hamato stars. "What? How is did this happen?" He asked as Angel ran past him.

Hunter picked up the container of worms before slugging Casey in the face. "Let's go!" He yelled, ushering Dirk up. Vine roared and ran over, slicing the container in Hunter's hands. "No!" Hunter yelled as Dirk got himself situated.

Hunter dodged another strike from Vine and stunned him in the chest, making him wail and fall to his knees. He rushed to pick up the only worm left, but to his disappointment, it was already dead. "Agh!"

Casey helped prop Vine up as Iris and Dakota watched the commotion from above. "So did we win?" Dakota asked as the mutant fell apart. "No, those creeps are still fighting. We need to get out of here." Iris groaned before lowering her head.

A strange slime-like noise caught her attention. "Hm?" She looked next to them, noticing something caught in the rails. One of the small space worms had gotten caught in the railing and was squiggling around to escape. Iris seemed confused, but curiosity getting the best of her, she helped release the kraathatrogon.

"What in the world?" She gasped as it wriggled itself in her hand. The echo of running rushed through the neighboring hall, Making Iris tuck the worm into her hood.

"Iris! Dakota!" Angel yelled, rushing over to them. "Mom?" Iris and Dakota got up and ran over to her. "What happened?! Are you hurt?!"

Iris and Dakota went quiet before they laughed nervously. "Uhh, I don't know." Dakota said as Iris face palmed. Angel sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"We'll talk about this later." Angel finished crossing her arms.


Casey cracked his hockey stick across Dirk Savage's face forcing him to the floor. He laid there holding his jaw in pain as Casey huffed. "Come on! We need to go!" Vine yelled, grabbing Casey's hand.

"No! We could use these monsters; why don't we just take them and force some information out of them?" Casey said as Hunter picked up his sword. "We can't do that right now! We need to make sure the kids are safe. Besides, it's not like we can torture them." Vine added, pulling at Casey's arm.

"Oh really? Cause I'm ready to tase the heck out of them." He yelled, sparking his glove. "Casey, that's enough. We need to focus on getting out of here." Vine growled as Casey glared at the floor.

"Ugh! Fine! Next time." Casey groaned, taking something out of his pocket before Dirk and Hunter were immersed in smoke.


Iris and Dakota stood in the sewer tunnel with their parents. "You two are ok, right?" Angel asked, holding her daughter's face to examine it. "Yes, Mom, we're fine." Angel sighed.

"Then what the heck were you two thinking?!" She yelled, pulling on their ears.

"Ow, ow, ow!"

"So not even a day goes by without you breaking the rules again." Angel said, her arms now crossed in front of her.

"Dakota, what were you thinking? Taking Iris up to the surface. She could have ended up shot by one of those darts, or poisons by the gas." Casey said as Dakota raised his head.

"I just wanted to show her the place Mom would always take us." He muttered, gritting his teeth. "Do you really think your mother would approve of you getting yourself killed?" Casey asked, looking down at his son, who was only staring at the floor.

"He only took me up there to see the museum. He wanted to show me some of the animals that were in my book." Iris said, placing her hand in front of Dakota. Angel raised a brow at her as Vine sighed.

"Iris, we have those books so you can learn without risking your life. If something happened to you, we would lose ourselves."

Iris glared at him as her eyes turned black. "Well, those books certainly didn't teach me this." She said before shifting her arms into black slime. The three adults gasped and watched in confusion as she swayed her arms in their faces before turning back to normal.

"I learned that here in the real world." She turned to her mother, clenching her fist.

"Besides, what's the point of learning about a world you never see?" She scoffed before turning and walking away.


Hunter and Dirk Savage scoured amongst the museum in frustration. "And, of course, that missing Kraathatrogon is nowhere to be found!" Hunter growled, kicking a table onto its side. Someone started to stomp towards them, growling intensely.

"Just look at what you two did!" Dr. Kamodo yelled, gesturing to the collapsed skeleton. "Do you know how long it took for those Dinosaur fossils to be arranged? Now the museum is gonna have to be closed for reconstruction!" He yelled, pointing his laser gun at them. "This is all your fault!" He yelled, pulling the trigger.

Hunter dodged a shot and turned, punching him in the nose. "Ahh!" Hunter kicked the gun out of his hands, forcing him to his knees with a grunt. The doctor groaned, gripping his face as Hunter took out his sword.

"That's true." He paused, staring down at him.

"But I also promised I wouldn't come back empty-handed." Hunter growled, pressing the blade to Dr Komodo's neck.


The teens were sitting in the living area as Iris, Dakota, and their parents walked through the lair entrance. "Iris! Dakota!" Kiba yelled as the group turned to them. "Hey." Iris sighed as they all made their way over to them.

"Man, Iris, now you've gone off and seen the surface without us." Irillia groaned, placing a hand on her hip.

"Oh, don't worry. I couldn't see anything until I got to the museum, given I was blindfolded." Cody and Irillia snickered before getting smacked on the head by Ryan.

"Yes, but you still snuck out and ended up being attacked." Casey groaned before turning to Cody. "And worse, some of you knew about it and said nothing." Cody averted his eyes from the others as Dakota and Iris lowered their heads.

"Wait, so you guys were really attacked?" Hanna asked, gripping the Bo in her hands.

"We'll explain later, but for right now, I think we need to have a word with these two alone." Angel said, crossing her arms. Iris and Dakota gulped.


"You two are very lucky we found out you were attacked in time." Ryan groaned as the two teens stood in the Dojo.

"Iris, I know you're curious, but we already have other issues to deal with." Angel sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"What? Did your plan also backfire?" Dakota scoffed before getting a dirty look from Casey. "Yes, Dakota Jones. In fact, it did." She snapped, making his eyes slightly widen.

"We need more supplies to help Mondo and Rockwell, but our "Allies" are unwilling to help." Casey griped, clenching his fist. Iris furrowed her brows looking down before suddenly twitching with a yelp.

"Iris?" Vine asked raising a brow at her ash she squirmed. Iris reached behind her back, trying to grab at whatever was moving around in her shirt. "Ah!" She squirmed again before grabbing and pulling out the Space worm. It made a high-pitched noise as it wiggled in her grip.

"What?" Angel stepped forward and looked down at the alien. She observed it for a moment before her eyes widened. "You found a Kraathatrogon?" She asked, glancing up at the two teens who were still silent.

"Uh, I guess." Dakota shrugged.

"Ahh! Seriously! This is the stupid type of worm that swallowed me!" Casey yelled, flinching away from it.

"Kraathatrogon?" Iris asked as Dakota looked at his father In shock. Angel still looked shocked glancing back up to Iris. "Where did you get this?" She asked as Iris's eyes darted around the room.

"Uh. Well, It was stuck in the railing at the museum. But what's so important about this alien-looking slug?"

Angel held the creature up to Dakota and Iris.

"These are the worms from Dimension X that make mutagen. The chemical that created our family all came from Kraathatrogon worms." She said, watching the alien wiggle around.

"Wait really?! Those two nut jobs that attacked us were the ones that had them." Dakota gasped as Iris examined the worm in her mother's hands.

"Well, it's a good thing we stopped them cause now this little guy can provide all the mutagen we need."


Donnie and his group met on a rooftop with Leo's group. "Ok, guys, what did we gather today?" Leo asked as Karai and Raph placed down the small collection of items.

"Well, we have some new basic lab equipment, such as beakers, a scale, and pipettes, but the only significant objects are the drill head and a Distillation Apparatus." Donnie said, picking up the laser drill.

"Hey, I mean, at least it's a start." Mikey said with a shrug.

"Yes, but those labs were completely barren. Someone must've had access to them and took the equipment." April said, turning to the side. Leo looked at the group, just waiting to say something to Karai.

Karai glared at them as the group stayed quiet. "Is there something I need to know? Cause you all are acting very obvious." She groaned, crossing her arms.

Leo sighed, picking up the distillation device. "I'll tell you when we get home."


"So what punishment do you think is waiting for us?" Dakota asked as Iris sat next to him in the Dojo.

"I'm unsure, but I think we're about to find out." She said as Her mother and the other adults walked into the room.

"Ok, we have made up our minds." She said, her hands propped at her hips. Iris and Dakota gulped as their parents towered over them. "We will not speak of this again and simply tell the others the EPF gave us the worm." She said, making Iris and Dakota's eyes widen.

"Wait, really? We're not gonna have to do lots of hour-long training sessions." Iris asked, shifting her gaze to her dad.

"Yep, but only this one time. If your mishap hadn't been helpful, you would have been punished." Angel finished holding up the Kraathatrogon. Iris and Dakota sighed, turning to each other as the other teens watched from the doorway.

"Well that went better than expected. It's a good thing they found that worm." Kiba sighed leaning against the doorway.

"They said something about those worms making mutagen." Kohanna added looking over Kiba's head.

"Whoah, this is one crazy world." Irillia said as the worm shrieked from Angel's hand.
