Pilot -In the Dojo

-This is essentially a slightly modified continuation of the 2012 series. With new inspirations from the IDW comics and previous series.

-I Write 2 chapters to be equivalent to one episode.(I'll condense them down if you want if things get too long)

-Anyone remember Angel bridge from the 2003 series or IDW comics?

-My Archive of Our Own link(Which has been updated with more of the story)



Ps-I have 3 OCS who also interact in this story-I have officially posted the first chapter of their story, so you can now go check it out. :)

=The 3 OCs=

-Angel Bridge-Her and her brother Ryan lived with their problematic uncle Burne after the death of their grandma. Bad rumors of her connection to the purple dragons ruined her childhood friendship with April O'Neil. Her family couldn't afford to pay them protection money, so they required that either her or Ryan join them. After she refused they attacked her, forcing her to run leaving her brother behind. They ordered a new member to capture her but he decided to spare her by letting her escape through the sewers, where she runs into the turtles and April. She later begins to train as a kunoichi alongside April as their friendship reforms.

-Vine Shui-His older brother was a member of the purple dragons so his pressure had him in the gang. He spared Angel when she tried to escape and later encounters Angel with the turtles. They eventually exchange info, with him secretly giving her underground information about the gang/Kranng/Footclan. When he decks his brother and sides with the turtles becoming an ally, he got mutated into an ink-like creature. This ink mutant is basically a moving puddle of black ink that can capture, drown, and manipulate people. When he's healed by Donnie and Angel, he can shift into this ink at will.

-Ryan Bridge-Angel's 8-year-old brother at the time, who they rescued from their toxic family. He had a little bit of trouble getting used to everyone at first but learned to love his new family. He also had a major love for legos, popsicles they would make together, and of course his big sister. He often displays minor aspects of his Autism.




"In the crazy grand scheme of this life, a mutant turtle with a staff told me that some things are just beyond our control."

"It's been many years now in New York City. Thankfully, Shredder and the Kranng are gone; we haven't even heard of them in almost 30 years. The Mighty Mutant Animals have expanded their role with new recruits. The foot has stood firm, with Karai and Shinigami holding down the fort. And as of now, most of us have gone off, gotten married, and simply grown up."

"Heck, I mean, if Splinter were here with us, he would be the grandfather of nearly ten children."

"But with all good things aside, we are still hidden away. The world still isn't very kind to the world of mutants, and there is no telling what any future threat may come with it. Even Casey, Angel, and I have to keep an eye out on the streets. The claims of mutant sightings keep us on our toes, and my Journalism career only adds fuel to this."

"We had taken down our enemies, but many more have taken a stand. In reality, all this does is make me wonder if one day the world will be welcoming of our interesting family, scales and Mutagen included."




Within the new york city sewer, a set of teenagers stared each other down, weapons readied, prepared for a fight. The atmosphere in the dojo was intense and focused. Lingering as Leonardo stood firm in front of the bonsai tree, looking at his students.


Instantly the sparing begun, the teens aiming for one another.

Kiba hissed, her fangs blaring as she spun with her sword to hit Kohanna with her tail. Landing a blow to her leg knocked Hanna off her feet, but she caught herself as she fell with her bo propped behind her back.

"That's not going to work on me Kiba." Hanna smirked as she gripped and thrusted her staff.

Kiba dodged and sliced through the air as Kohanna ducked, the sliced tips of her red hair falling past her face.

"Looks like you just need to get faster." Kiba said as Kohanna repositioned herself. She growled spinning her staff and charging forward, locking their weapons together in a clash.

On the other side of the room Irillia, the sea green salamandrian, wasted no time running forward and swinging her Jitte knives. Mei laughed blocking them with her Kamas and kicking Irillia in the stomach.

With a growl Irillia countered, harshly turning her knife and knocking one of the kamas out of Mei's hands.

Mei blinked her bright blue eyes in confusion before Irillia twisted and kicked her across the face.

She hit the floor, face covered by her curly blond hair, making Irillia snicker. "Look who's laughing now." She smirked crossing her arms.

Mei let out a whine standing up to sit next to Leo.

The parents were sparring on the other side of the dojo, paying occasional glances to their kids in hopes they would win.

Mikey gave Mei a thumbs up and silly face, making her giggle, only for Raph to kick and pin her dad to the ground.

She hissed, shifting her gaze to her cousins as Irillia waited, leaning against the wall.

The two watched as Iris jumped away from ash, throwing a trio of kunai in his direction.

Blocking them with his tonfa, he quickly used the other to hit her in the chest, making her wince. Grabbing her teal top, she pulled out her Hamidashi blocking another hit.

Ash scowled and pushed away his jet-black hair, revealing many band-aids and the beauty mark on his face.

He quickly spun around her in an effort to knee her in the back but ended up in the matter of a second getting stuck pinned with her arm around his neck. Pulling on her purple-dyed hair, only made her grip tighten as he struggled gasping for breath.

"You should probably come up with a better strategy if you want to catch me by surprise." Iris said before pressing into a point on his ribs, making him twitch. Muffling a laugh as his body constricted on itself.

"I surrender." he said, barely breathing in her grip.

She dropped him to the floor with a thud before picking up her Kunai with a smirk.

He groaned sitting next to Mei as she giggled.

"That's what I thought." Iris said throwing a knife between their heads. Mei flinched away Ash however, simply remained unfazed.

Thalos, Irillia's younger brother, was watching in the background as he practiced with his shinai. Irillia sent him a smile before turning to kohanna who was dodging a slice from Kiba's Ninjato.

Kiba jumped over her, spinning before crashing their weapons together. Kohanna hissed dodging a second strike before elbowing her in the shoulder.

Kiba groaned and braced herself on the tree before using it to quickly flip and knee kohanna in the back of the head.

She landed face-first into the floor as Kiba sighed and bowed setting her weapon at her side.

With a groan Kohanna got up picked up her staff and went to sit next to the others with a prevalent knot forming on her head. "Ouch" She winced poking at it.

Irillia, Iris, and Kiba all circled around each other weapons in hand.

On instinct, Iris threw a couple knives at Kiba as she gripped her short blade.

She managed to dodge the blades, before jumping and elbowing Irillia in the jaw.

She grimaced, holding her lip that was probably busted but quickly had to move to not get kicked.

Iris blocked many kicks from Kiba with her forearms before twisting to block Irillias jitte with her short blade. "What? This isn't fair! It's two on one!" She yelled trying to push them back.

Irillia laughed swirling her blade and slamming the handle against Iris's waist knocking the air out of her.

Iris fell on to the carpet, her blue glasses falling off her face as she coughed.

"Nice one." She winced and gripped her ribs, picking up her glasses before sitting next to Kohanna.

Kiba and Irillia readied their weapons looking each other dead in the eyes.

In unison, they both leapt towards each other and slammed their weapons together the sound echoing in the dojo.

Kiba jumped and kicked her in the shoulder, making Irillia stumble for ward, and Kiba slice with her sword.

Irillia steadied herself, blocking Kiba's sword. With a grunt, she turned and attempted to kick her off her feet, but Kiba jumped over the attack and threw a shuriken.

Irillia blocked it and scoffed, swiftly shifting to punch Kiba in the chest with a fierce amount of force.

Kiba ducked under her blow with success but was immediately met with a surprise knee to her face. The others gasped as she fell on her back, groaning and holding her nose.

"Owwwww." Mei groaned holding her own nose.

Irillia released a breath rubbing her lip. "You almost had me there." She said before reaching down to help Kiba up.


Leonardo ushered the group in front of him with their parents standing at the side.

"You all did a great job today." Leo said, nodding to them with approval.

They all smiled.

"But there is still much to improve on."

"Mei stay focused."

"Ash, stand your ground."

"Irillia maintain your form"

"Iris use adaptation."

"Kiba more agility."

"And Kohanna increase your speed."

Leo finished, pointing at the young teens.

"Hai sensei." They all bowed.

"Very well, you are excused for the day." Everyone gladly stood up and walked out of the dojo, with Leo and Thalos not far behind them.


A dark hooded soldier looked down through his mask. Green lenses covered their eyes as they stared at the mutant alligator on the floor, chains wrapped around his limbs, back, and mouth. There was a symbol of diamonds on the soldiers shoulder and a long sword sheathed on their back.

A light buzzed at their belt with static.

"Make sure to keep it contained, it's to dangerous and feral, even when chained."

The soldier nodded pressing at the remote device before turning away.

They remained silent, closing the cell door and leaving the mutant behind.

Unconscious, cold, chained, and beaten, practically lifeless.

"I just found this cool new pack of guitar strings in the music store water drain. See, they're neon wire." Irillia said, picking up her black guitar that is currently covered in stickers.

"Wow, that was lucky; maybe you can go out and find some cool nit knacks for me." Kiba said, using her tail to climb up the hanging ramp in the middle of the lair.

"I'm not going to waste my time looking for antiques." Irillia scoffed, unstringing her guitar.

Kiba rolled her eyes as she watered her plants that were getting sun at the top, causing water to drip onto the floor.

"Hey princess, you're getting water on the floor." Irillia said, putting her guitar down.

"Then I guess you won't mind getting a towel."

Irillia rolled her eyes before Mei ran and jumped on top of her. "Mei! What are you doing!? I thought I told you no more pouncing."

"Oh, well, I thought you were just messing with me." Mei said giggling.

Irrilia growled.

"Ow! I-im sorry! I won't do it again!" Mei yelled in the background as Kiba watched a few bees land on her plants.

She sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose as Mei wined.


In the kitchen, Iris and Kohanna were chatting while Mikey was cooking in the background.

"I bet you when those two get here Cody's gonna ask one of us to help him with his homework." Iris said, drinking her tea.

"Well it depends on the subject, is it math english or science?" Kohanna said, sewing some white polka dots on a piece of fabric.

"I honestly think the only subject he cares about is rollerblading and hockey."

Iris and Kohanna giggled as Donnie, Ash, Thalos, and Mona walk into the kitchen.

"Mmmm, something smells good." Mona said, walking towards Mikey with Thalos at her side.

"It's almost ready, just needs a little more pizza sauce, and it will be perfect." He said rather bubbly.

"Yum." Thalos smiled. Ash just looked at him expressionless before walking away.

"Still not very cheery, is he?" Donnie asked, looking at Mikey.

"Nope, it's his inherited Shini trait." Mikey said as he put another cup of pizza sauce into the pot and Donnie and Mona just glanced at each other.

"So dad, when do Cody and Dakota get here?" Kohanna asked with an innocent smile.

"They should be here by the time we all start eating but knowing Casey Jones, It's not unlikely that they'll be late." Donnie said, causing the two girls to snicker.

Ash sighed. "That wouldn't surprise me. There only late when we want them not to be."

"Yep, that's Jones, alright." April said, walking into the kitchen. "And I'm pretty sure Ryan will be coming as well." She continued, sitting next to Donnie.

"Ooh, I'll go check to see if those strawberry popsicles he loves are here." Iris said before walking to the fridge.

"So, how's Ryan getting here anyway? Does he have his license yet?" Mona asked, sticking her finger into Mikey's pot of noodles.

"Hey! No salamander hands in my noodles." Mikey pulled the pot to his chest. Mona walked back to the table, still tasting her finger.

"No, he's probably just coming with Casey. Unless Angel's going to pick him up." April said, leaning on the table.

With everyone's conversation in the background, Iris opened the freezer. She giggled pushing up her blue glasses before scratching the top of their infamous frozen cat's head.

"Hey, ice cream kitty." She said before gazing down. "Hello, Mint Chip, Cookie cream, and Sherbet." She said cooing to the little ice cream kittens sitting in front of their mother.

Thalos urgently jumped up to try and see the kittens but failed. Ice cream kitty reached for something and came back, showing Iris a frozen red popsicle.

"Thanks, ice cream kitty." Iris said before tickling the cat's neck and closing the freezer.

"Awww man." Thalos said before walking away.

"Looks like we have the good popsicles." Iris said giving a thumbs up to the others.

The 4 kids looked to the left side of the kitchen as the family chef yelled.

"Dinner is done!!"

Mikey continued to stir the pot of noodles as everyone started to enter the kitchen. "Dig in everybody!" Mikey said while sliding multiple bowls full of noodles and pepperoni onto the table.

Everyone rushed to pick up their big bowls of pizza spaghetti before munching away. "Mmm, so good." Irrilia said before scarfing more down. Kiba just looked at her perplexed before slowly eating another addition of Italian noodles.

"Told you they would be late." Donnie said with a noodle hitting him in the face.

"Ryan should be heading here with Casey, but as usual it seems like they're taking their time." Angel sighed before taking a bite of the spaghetti.

"Hey, Mikey, are there any meatballs we could add?" Vine asked, leaning against the table.

"Oh, come on, man, don't expect my food to be perfect."

Leo sighed. "You did awesome, Mikey. Thanks for the food." he said, walking up next to him.

"No problemo, my brother." Mikey smiled. Raph rolled his eyes.

"We're not kids anymore, Mikey." Raph groaned, jabbing a fork into his bowl.

"Oh, Lighten up Raph. This spaghetti is amazing." Karai said, eating another mouth full. "Besides, don't expect Mikey to be mature." She added, covering her mouth with her pair of chopsticks. Mikey glared at them.

"So when does rennet get back? She should be getting all her Time master hours in soon, right?" April asked.

"Ya, when does mama get back?" Mei said, mouth still full of food.

"Oh, well, she should be back sometime over the next few months." Mikey said, looking away.

"It's ok, Mikey. She's a time master. She'll definitely be back." Leo said, placing a hand on his shoulder, making Mikey smile.

"Guess who brought pizza!" Casey yelled, walking in with Ryan.

Angel went up and gave her brother a hug.

"Hi, Angel." Ryan said, slightly muffled into her shirt.

"Hey, Ryan." Iris walked up with a popsicle and gave it to Ryan. He laughed a little. "Thank you." Iris smiled, exposing her braces.

"Yes, pizza!" All the turtles rushed over to Casey, holding the box.

"Man, they're gonna eat it all before we even have a chance to get some." Irillia said, putting her bowl down.

"Well then, let's not waste any time!" Kiba said, running towards the pizza.

"Hey, wait up!" Irillia yelled, rushing after her.

"Hey, Cody, hey Dakota." Iris said picking the spaghetti from her braces.

"Hey." Dakota said with his brother pushing by him.

"Oh, hey, Iris! Have you seen Kohanna? I need her help with my math homework." Cody said frantically, holding a binder.

Iris sighed and pointed. "She's over there"

"Thanks." He rushed away from them making Iris and Dakota laugh.

"Hey, got you a slice of pizza." Kiba said, handing Her a slice with pepperoni on it.

"Oh, thanks." Iris said taking a bite.

"You know your twin really needs to pay more attention in school." Irrilia said, gesturing her eyes to Dakota's rollerblading bro. They all looked to see Kohanna groan, having to leave her textile work to help Cody with geometry.

"I know; his brain is constantly out of his head and in the rink." Dakota said, rolling his eyes.

Iris and Kiba snickered.

There was suddenly a high-pitched beeping noise that came from Donnie's phone.

"Bomb!!" Cody yelled as he ran from the kitchen, and Ryan flinched covering one of his ears.

"Calm down; it's not a bomb!" Dakota yelled before eating another bite of pizza.

"Oooh, ooh, can I have some pizza!?" Thalos asked.

"Uhh, I don't see why not." Dakota said to the small child.

"Yes!" Thalos yelled before rushing to the pizza box.

Donnie checked his phone before releasing a gasp.

"Donnie?" April turned to him as he clicked at his phone.

"Leo! We have a problem. There's an SOS from the mighty mutant Animals base."

Everyone looked at each other not really sure what to say. "Well what do you think happened?" Angel asked, turning to the other adults.

"Maybe it was an accident?" Mikey asked innocently with Mei nodding next to him.

"Doubtful." Karai said crossing her arms.

"Rockwell isn't picking up the phone either." Donnie added phone held up to his ear.

"Who knows, but whatever it is, I don't like it." Raph said, standing up from the table.

The group looked to Leo.

"Ok, we better go check it out. Donnie, April, Karai, Raph, angel, you're with me. Mikey, vine, mona, and Casey. you guys stay here in case we need backup." Leo said pointing at the group.

"Wait, what about the kids? If, in the end, we need backup, who knows how long we will be out there?" April asked while sheathing her tanto blade.

"You know we're not really kids any more." Irillia said only for Raph to glare at her.

Leo thought for a moment. "Ok, vine Ryan and mona, you guys stay here. It's your job to watch the kids. Mikey and Casey can come if we need backup."

"I don't understand why they still refer to us as children. We could probably kick 90 percent of the population's head into the ground." Iris said, whispering to Dakota, making him laugh a little.

Vine, Ryan, and Mona looked at each other and nodded.

"The mighty mutant animals may be okay, but we have to make sure. There's no telling what the cause of this could be." There was a brief moment of silence. "So are we ready to go?" Leo asked, looking at everyone.

The adults all nodded in agreement as the teens just watched and sighed.

"Dad, when will we be allowed to go to the surface with you? You guys always go on missions without us when we are completely capable of helping." Kiba asked, walking up to him.

"This isn't an argument worth having right now, Kiba. If you're patient, we'll talk about it later." Leo said, preparing his swords.

Kiba frowned, looking at her pizza.

"Donnie, any hints as to what happened?" Leo asked.

"No, all that's stated is their location."

"Ok, let's get going. You two be on guard, and if we're not back by 11, head out and search for us." Leo said, pointing at Mikey and Casey.

The two nodded.

"Well, let's get going. I don't want to see what happens if we're too late." Angel said, pulling out her Manriki.


"Do you think they'll ever let us go up to the surface? I mean, we've been up there before. Why stop us from going again?" Irrilia groaned as she rammed her fist into the punching bag.

"That was when we were infants. We hardly even remember what it was like up there." Iris said, turning the page of her book.

"Who knows... I mean, they first went up to the surface when they were 15, so given our age, we should be allowed to go up there soon." Kohanna said, putting the finishing touches on the pink cloth in her hands.

"Who even knows anymore?" Dakota sighed flopping back first on the bean bag.

"You guys are lucky. You get to constantly see all the bright colors on the surface, while we're stuck down here in only surrounded by a gross grey." Mei groaned laying on Chompy's back as he released smoke from his nose in his sleep.

"Ok, to be honest this city isn't much better. It's all concrete. Besides were always to busy to really do anything." Dakota said, crossing his arms.

"Ya, we have school, dirty dishes, laundry, rollerblading, Hockey, Dakota does those voodoo fortunes, and we work at Mr Miracamis restaurant. we can't even go out much due to our background involving you guys and the turtles." Cody said before lowering his head to do more of his math homework.

"Our dad's scared we will get attacked or kidnapped." Dakota continued.

"Ok you just said like five things we don't get to do." Irillia scoffed as Mei huffed, blowing her blond hair out of her face.

"Come on, let's just hang out while they're gone, and then once they get back, we can easily just ask them." Iris said next to Kiba and Thalos now watching the tv.

"Ok well, why the heck are we watching this? The Peyos?!" Irillia said in disbelief while looking at the screen showing the tiny purple men with mushroom hats. "This show is literally meant for toddlers, not for training ninjas." Irillia crossed her arms.

"What? This show is a classic and super entertaining, don't blame us for wanting to watch it." Kiba said, still looking at the screen that showed screams and explosions.

Irrilia scoffed before crossing her arms and picking up her guitar. "Well, don't get mad at me if somehow my head magically explodes."

Iris rolled her eyes as Thalos laughed at the screen filled with fire.

"What!? How does such a small village fall apart so easily?!" Kiba said, scratching at her head.

"I mean, they do successfully build themselves back up again every time, but you would think that after how many times this has happened, they would finally get some form of community therapist." Dakota said, sitting up on the bean bag next to Kohanna.

Iris, Kiba, and Dakota laughed as Thalos looked at them confused.

"Haza! It's finished!" Kohanna said, standing up from the couch. "Tada! I made this for you." She said walking in front of Irrilia.

"Another fancy poncho?" Irrilia took the pink and white garment from her hands.

"Yes, but it's another layer you add on top of your current scarf, and I gave it a hood." Hanna said enthusiastic about her work.

"Oh, thanks, I like the polka dots." Irrilia said before putting it on and pulling up the hood. "I feel like the vigilante night watcher." She hid her face with the pink hood.

Cody laughed at this before gasping and running to hide behind Dakota forcing him off the bean bag. Slinky, Irillia's pet snake had slithered its cute head out of her hood.

"Oh, come on, you shouldn't still be scared of him. He's completely harmless." Irillia said smirking as the orange snake snuggled up to her face.

"Heck no! Snakes are the devil!" Cody said, looking from behind Dakota's black and blue hair.

"Ahem!!" Kiba yelled, turning to the group. Cody froze in confusion before Kiba's snake tongue slipped out of her mouth.

"Oh, my bad. Any snake that's not a mutant?" Cody said, rubbing the back of his neck.

Kiba hissed before facing the TV again.

"I wonder how many more snakes are on the surface? Probably a lot." Irillia said as Thalos came and rubbed slinky's head.

"Ugh, I'm tired of not having you guys to hang out with on the surface. You guys make everything so much more interesting! I mean Iris, you're not entirely a mutant, why can't you go up to the surface?!" Cody yelled, annoyed.

"The purple dragons still have a vendetta against my parents, and just because I'm only a semi-mutant doesn't mean it's safe for me." Iris said, standing up.

Cody crossed his arms in annoyance.

"Don't be to upset, you guys are welcome down here whenever you want." Mei said before jumping on Cody's back, making them laugh.

"I just wish we all didn't have to deal with our parent's vendettas. Now we're stuck down here." Irillia said kicking a can.

"Irillia, let's just appreciate what we have now, after all our parents had to deal with far worse." Kiba said, standing up. The teens looked at each other the mood in the room suddenly dipping.

The unwritten rule of the family, that there's a dark history that's best avoided, and yet acknowledged at the same time. Mei's face fell as Irillia grit her teeth, and Hanna lowered her head.

"All those battles with shredder and the Kranng." Irillia said turning away as the others looked at each other.

"The fights with the purple dragons and dangerous mutants." Iris added as she lowered her head.

"Being forced into hiding, and witnessing the earth being destroyed." Hanna sighed her bangs covering her eyes.

Kiba looked down.

"Even the death of master Splinter."

The family remained silent as the TV continued to play in the back ground.

"I can't even imagine how awful everything would have been." Dakota said, shaking his head. Thalos looked up at his cousins confused as they all became cold and uneasy. This wasn't what one would expect out of their life, yet their family has been living in a sci-fi nightmare.


The teens turned to the voice.

"That's something we will never have to deal with." Ash said from the corner of the room.


"You don't think that maybe one of their new members turned against them, do you?"April asked Donnie as he walked through the sewer using his tracker.

"Doubtful, Violet is a trustworthy mutant, and so is Oli." Angel said, walking past them and interrupting Donnie's chance to speak.

"I know, but they're still new, and there's nobody we really have a vendetta against anymore." April said.

"And they are not both mutants. Oli is technically a salamandrian." Donnie said, adjusting the goggles on his head.

Angel looked at him, as they turned down a separate path.

"Then shouldn't that make them the mighty mutant animals and aliens?" Angel said, shooing a rat away.

"Well, what kind of name is that." April said, defending her husband. Angel laughed.

"Come on, you guys were getting close." Donnie said, pointing down a tunnel.

"You know Donnie, we do know where their base is; there's no real need to use the tracker." Angel said, looking at her Tphone.

Donnie scoffed. "Haha, very funny. Forgive me for wanting to make sure we don't get lost." Donnie said, full of sarcasm.

Angel let out a sigh.

"Hey, don't ruin his fun, we haven't been on a mission like this in a while, and he finally gets to use his tracker again." April said, walking at a faster pace.

Angel snickered, but that soon came to a stop as they entered the mighty mutant animal's base.

The three gasped.

The base had been completely destroyed. Pipes, pillars and concrete scattered and fallen throughout the area. Some even just barely hanging in place on the ceiling and walls.

"H-how did this?" Angel looked around.

"This- this doesn't make any sense." Donnie said, gaping at the destruction of their mutant buddies' home.

"What happened to them?!" April said, rushing into the room. "I don't know, but I'm gonna call up Leo." Donnie typed into his Tphone.

Angel quickly went to look for their old pals, searching through the rubble of the room. There was a cough from the rubble that gained her attention as she went towards A piece of fallen concrete.

"April over here!"

April rushed over and began to levitate the rubble reviewing two of their Mutant allies.

Both Rockwell and mondo gecko groaned from underneath it as Angel pulled them from under the floating stone.

Donnie quickly ran over to them as Leo ran through the tunnel door.

"What the heck happened?!" Leo shouted from across the room, Raph and Karai not far behind him.

"Hum- they fou-." Mondo Gecko barely said before groaning and passing out again. Donnie began to examine them checking their pulses and their limbs for major injuries.

"They're out cold, but they should end up ok. Worst case scenario a concussion or broken bone." He paused looking at them for a moment. "Well at least i hope so." Donnie said, still examining them.

"So what do you think happened to them?" Raph asked, also looking through the rubble.

"I'm not sure. But they definitely got roughed up." Donnie said, now looking at Mondo's body with his goggles. His breathing hitched as his eyes widened, noticing a familiar green wound on his back.

"Oh no! Leo! We need to get them back to the layer! Stat!" Donnie yelled pushing his goggles up.

"What is it? Did they get worse?" Leo asked, looking over them.

"No time to explain, but I need to examine them in my lab." Donnie yelled quickly turning to them.

"Well, what about the others?! I mean, Leatherhead and slash are no where to be found." Raph said, throwing a broken cylinder block as April used her telekinesis to lift up more of the rubble.

"Ya, same with those two newbies, and what the heck could have taken down both leatherhead and slash?" Karai said, jumping off a ledge.

Angel looked around the mess before noticing something that caught her eye.

"Let's deal with that later. Right now Mondo and dr Rockwell need to be taken back to the layer. Come on, you guys." Leo said, gesturing them to head out.

"Wait! shouldn't we check to see if any of those attackers are still here? What if it's us next?" Raphael yelled towards Leo.

"Not now, Raph!" Leo said, turning to him.

"Not now?! Whatever this is has successfully taken both leatherhead and slash! Along with severely hurting these two!" Raph yelled, gesturing to the two knocked-out mutants. "This is not something we can deal with later. We need to stop this now before it hurts any of us!" He argued.

Leo scowled as he thought to himself. It was true that their still might be something here for them to use.

"Fine! You and Karai can stay here and keep a watch out for them while we take these two back to the lair. But call if you guys need backup." Leo said before he helped pick up Rockwell.

Raph crossed his arms.

"Admit it, Raph, you just miss the action we used to have." Karai said with a hand on her hip.

"No! I just don't want anything out there that could hurt us, including our kids!" Raphael yelled.

The two of them began to bicker as Angel, now down in a drain, examined the communication device she had found in her hands. She examined it curiously when she noticed a Diamond symbol on the side of it.

Her eyes widened and blood ran cold at the memories this symbol had brought.

"Now is not the time, you guys! These two need to be taken back to my lab ASAP!" Donnie said, standing up with a mondo gecko in his arms.

"Just shut it, Donnie!" Raph yelled, jabbing a finger at Donatello.

April growled. "Raph, stop this. It isn't helping." She said, defending Donnie.

Leo was about to step in, only to be interrupted by more of their bickering.

"Uh, guys!" Angel said with something in her hand. Everyone looked toward her as she jumped back out of the drain.

"I think we have a bigger problem."


Back in the lair, all the kids are just hanging out, bored out of their minds.

"They have been gone forever." Mei groaned as she slowly swung on the tire swing.

"I hope nothing bad happened," Kiba said, holding the punching bag dummy as Irillia went ham on it.

"Ya! We'd be stuck down here not able to help!" She yelled while slamming her fists into the dummy's chest.

"I mean, they did say to wait until 11 to assume anything is up," Dakota said, tugging at one of his gloves.

"Uhh, well maybe they're just running late and everything's all just a false alarm," Kohanna sighed, forcing a smile.

Iris rolled her eyes at the redhead's positivity as Ash just looked in disgust.

"Hey, Cody! Finished with your math yet?!" Dakota yelled towards the kitchen.

"Almost! Kohanna showed me how to do it, but it still might take a while!" Cody yelled back.

Kohanna and Iris just shook their heads in disappointment when suddenly, vine and Mona ran through the room towards the door.

"Whoah, wait! What's wrong, i-is everything ok?" Kiba asked, startled by their sudden appearance.

"The others should be arriving any minute now. With both Mondo, and Rockwell in critical condition." Mona said at the lair entrance.

"What!?" Irillia yelled, immediately holding back her punches.

"Yeah, apparently, their base had been raided and destroyed!" Vine said urgently, looking at his phone.

"Wait! How? They have both Slash and leatherhead! Who the heck can get past them?!" Dakota yelled as Cody, along with Mikey and Casey, ran into the room.

They heard the shuffle of feet outside, running towards the lair.

"Only something really bad," Iris answered as their parents rushed through the lair entrance with both mondo and Rockwell in hand.

"Quickly to my lab!" Donnie yelled as they sprinted through the living area.

The kids quickly got up and rushed behind them to the lab and saw an unconscious mondo and Rockwell get placed on the examining table. Angel and Donnie quickly got to work observing their physical states which were now bruised and bleeding.

"Their techniques have gotten stronger," Angel said as she examined the oozing green wounds on the mutant's bodies.

She took out a strange glowing green dart and placed it on a metal tray. "Huh? What on earth is that?" Hanna said as the teens all watched from the doorway.

"Any signs of severe physical trauma?" Donnie asked rushing to get his supplies.

"No, but something is definitely wrong. I'll take a blood test, maybe we will see what has changed." Angel said getting extra supplies out.

Raph, Karai, and Leo rushed into the room.

"I can't believe these idiots are still out there! I thought we took them down!" Raph yelled standing next to Leo.

"Yeah, what if they go after us again? I mean they clearly have some form of insight on where the city's mutants are hiding." Leo said concerned.

"And how exactly would they learn that Leonardo?" Karai asked.

The kids stood at the door as their eyes widened not able to comprehend what they were hearing.

"So the Mutant haters are back? Why? You would think they'd take the hint the first time we took them out." Casey asked as the teens gasped.

"What?" Kiba hissed as they all realized what was happening.

Irillia shook her head in disbelief. "Hold on a second! You mean those idiots who kidnapped us as toddlers are still alive! How could this happen!" Irillia yelled barging into the room.

"Look we're just as confused as you are." April said trying to control her nerves.

Everyone looked at each other in fear.

If April couldn't tell what has happened, then something is definitely up.

"Oh no." Donnie said from the microscope he was using.

"What is it?" Karai said walking up next to Angel who was now stitching up their mutant friend's wounds.

"They enhanced the Antigen serum. The mutagen in their body has become unstable to the point it's attacking their own bodies." Donnie said turning towards the group.

"Well, can you reverse it? I mean we've dealt with things like this before." Vine said.

"Yeah but not to this scale. Even the slightest wrong move could turn them into who knows what." Donnie added.

"Well, there has to be something Donnie. Before we know it this could be used against every mutant in the city including us." Leo said starting to get angry.

"Look we're trying our best with what we know! I might be able to counteract it if I use and edit the serum. That way it could in the end reverse itself, but that will take time and lots of resources." Donnie said anxiously scratching at the back of his neck.

The room fell into silence as a state of fear fell on the family.

"What are we gonna do?" Kohanna whispered to Iris.

Iris looked at her mother and Donnie who were currently trying to save their close friends.

"I have no idea."


—Family Tree—
