The One You Cannot Have

The wind gliding slowly,

The streets dimly lit,

The moon lit up the night,

Giving a treat to the eyes.

In a dimly lit room,

She was looking at his picture,

Like an artist,

Memorizing his masterpiece.

His crinkled eyes,

His sharp nose,

His pink lips,

Made her heart flutter.

She knew she couldn't have him,

She knew he would never love her,

She knew he would never know her love,

She knew she had to let go.

She waited all these years

With hope,

That he would see her love,

But he never did.

She realized with time,

That he is the moon,

She can desire,

But cannot have.

All those years of sleepless nights,

All those tears she shed,

Taught her about life and,

Transformed her into the woman she is today.

He would be the memory

Of her past,

And the mentor

Of her future.

She knew it would break her,

But she had to let go.

To start living her life,

That she missed for him.

As she clicked the block icon,

She realized,

He would always be the one,

She cannot have.

Somewhere in the world,

A man cried,

With a broken heart,

For the love he had lost.

The fate smiled,

And connected the dots.


Dedicated to 123456emmal for giving me this beautiful topic, thank you so much for your support:)

This poem ,in particular, was very hard for me to write. It took me many sad ending books and lot of tears and tissues to finally feel the pain of one side love!

I hope you all enjoyed the poem:)

College started so I rarely have time for myself, that's why the updates will be a lot slower. Hope you'll support me!


And Those Unsaid Words won FIRST position under Best Title in The Choice Awards hosted by BadBitchCommunity

Thank you so much for all your support and love!

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