NATALIE: Season Openers


A shut out to start the season.

Nate was out after the first half to give our second stringer a try.

Pinecreek Panthers didn't stand a chance against the Blue devils.

And my squad killed it. I don't know if it was the new routines or the excitement from the game but, we were on fire.

As the crowd rushes the field I rush my brother.

"NATHAN!" I jump in his arms and he swings me around laughing.

"Good game Nathan." Sophie says, she followed me over.

"Thanks," he puts me down and smile's his cocky smile.

Soph blushes but pulls her phone out to hide it.

Nate is giving me his play by play as we walk to the locker rooms.

"Wait!" Sophie shouts and we both stop and turn to her.

"Everybody is tweeting that Dixonville is going into overtime! They're away at Mason, that's only like fifteen minutes away!"

I look at Nate.


"I love you Nathan! You're the best brother ever!"

"So they tell me. Take Soph's car and change out of your uniforms. I'll just tell mom we're going to a party and you text me with updates," he tells me.

"Okay dad."

"Bye Natty, have fun." He gives me a bear hug, and Soph and I sprint giggling to her car.

Sophie pulls out my hair bow and tosses me a section 2 track and field t-shirt that I slide over my uniform. She wears a Myrtle Beach hoodie. I slip my sweat pants over my skirt and she just takes hers off and puts shorts on.

Our hair and makeup is still cheer perfection but, we aren't in your face blue devil still.

We get to Mason's field and the score board says 5:27 left in OT and the score is still tied 24-24.

We lean against the fence and I see my angel.

Tight white pants, DAVIS written across his red jersey. The whistle blows and Kyle gets the ball and looks for a pass but, before any of his boys can run their routes his line breaks and Kyle gets sacked.

Oh no.

A time out is called for Dixonville.

He hops right up but rips his helmet off and storms over to his coach.

He looks upset but shakes it off and gets back on the field.

"WOOO GO KYLE!" I shout hopping up and down.

He looks back and I know he spots me.

The ball is hiked and he looks for the pass. His receiver is open it the end zone. Kyle bullets the ball 30 yards. It's a beautiful pass and it lands right in his receiver's arms.


Dixonville wins!

"WOOOOOO!" Sophie and I are jumping around screaming.

"ANGEL!" I turn and see Kyle jogging toward me, helmet in hand.

I take off toward him. I leap onto him and wrap my legs around his waist, kissing him like we're in The Notebook.

"Good game Handsome," I say breaking the kiss.

"Did you guys win?" he asks.

I nod and kiss him again.

"Hey love birds! You have an audience!" Soph shouts to us.

We laugh and walk hand in hand to Sophie.

This night has already been great and it's just beginning.
