NATALIE: What are we doing?




His closet is huge.

It's kind of like mine. It looks like it used to be a bedroom but, somebody just decided to start putting shelves and clothes everywhere.

Unlike my closet, it is a mess. There is not a surface that doesn't have clothes on it.

I love it.

I spin around grab his cheeks and kiss him then quickly spin and run in. I dance around in circles then start looking through his clothes.

"Thank God my boyfriend has good taste in designers."

He just starts laughing.

"Angel, I don't buy my clothes."

"Well whoever does, I must thank." I tell him.

He just grabs my hips and starts kissing me.

I'm so happy right now.

I kiss him harder.

Things are getting hot and heavy.

I slip my hands under his shirt and feel his ab muscles tighten up under my roaming fingers.

"Take it off," I murmur without taking my lips off of his.

He breaks the kiss for only a second but, once he's shirtless he takes my mouth.

His hands move to my butt then he picks me up.

I wrap my legs around his waist and push my hips closer to him.

He groans then pushes my back up against the walls.

He thrusts his hips against mine and the friction is killing me.

I moan and he slips his hand up to my breast.

I'm tingly everywhere, especially down there.

"Jesus Christ, Natalie."

We aren't even kissing anymore, just breathing really heavy with our heads pushed together and our hands all over each other.

He slides his hand down to the elastic on my cheer shorts and slips his fingers underneath.

"Oh Kyle," I breath.

He moves his hands back to my butt and starts walking us to his bed.

He lays me down and crawls over me. He softly frames my face with his hands and kisses my nose.

"Angel," he whispers, "I'm in love with you. I'm not just saying it in the moment, I really mean it. I think I've been in love with you since I first saw you but, I know for sure now. You are the silliest, prettiest, most innocent angel in the world and I, Kyle Davis am in love with you, Natalie James."

Oh my god.

I reach up and kiss him trying to put the most feeling possible in that one kiss.

He grabs my thighs and puts his hips between them.

He starts to push my shirt up and I am going to let him take it off when we hear "KYLE!" followed by footsteps on the stairs.

We both freeze looking at each other.

"Shit." He hops off of me.

I try to be cool and hide but I just fall off the bed.

"Shit, Natalie are you okay?" I give a thumbs up over the side of the bed.

"I'll be right back, angel," he says and then he's gone.

I lay on the side of his huge bed, in his huge room, in his huge house.

What am I doing?
