nose kisses

Theo likes nose kisses.

It takes him a few days to come over to Lucas's, but he does, eventually. He stands outside the door with Lucas's favourite drink from the nearest coffee shop, eyes bright and feet restless. It takes all of him to not kiss him senseless right there.

"I got the new game," Lucas says instead, stepping aside so he can come in.


It's still comfortable, between the two of them. They sip on their drinks and take turns playing a horror game. The situation is familiar, yet it feels new somehow—the way his mind fixes on Theo's knee pressed against his own, the way he finds himself staring, the way he wraps an arm around him just to have him close.

Lucas wasn't lying last time. It's exhausting to the bone, to have Theo this close and still stop himself from- he doesn't even want to think about it. Can't risk it.

A jump-scare makes Theo yelp and drop the controller on the mattress, turning his head away from the TV screen. Lucas laughs, not half as startled; brings a hand to the side of the boy's neck and pulls him down until he's leaning on his shoulder. With a low whine, Theo nuzzles into his touch.

"I hate this stupid game."

"That's okay," Lucas says, running his fingers over the shorter ends of his hair. "I'll get you through this part if it's too scary. You can take over from then."


Theo gets comfortable next to him, distractedly brushing his thumb on Lucas's thigh. Lucas follows the movement and keeps his thoughts in check. Tries to, at least.

"Alright? Pass me the controller."

The only answer he gets is Theo shuffling closer and resting his forehead on the crook of his neck.

"Hey," Lucas says, voice growing softer. "Do you want me to play or not?"

"Hm. Comfy."

Lucas rolls his eyes at the funny feeling in his stomach. He moves his shoulder and gently pushes Theo away, more for his own good than for the game's sake. Theo glances up at him with a pout, cheeks puffed, and it's all he can do to not kiss him until next year.

Instead, he leans in and pecks the tip of Theo's nose. The boy jumps a little, his ears grow red, and then he's turning away. He shoves the controller in his face and mutters something incomprehensible.

"Sorry," Lucas smiles, "did I startle you?"

Theo nods, rubbing his nose until it turns red. A small laugh stumbles from Lucas's lips.

"Don't make that face then, and I won't do it again."

At that, Theo whips his head toward him once more.

"No, you..." he trips over his words; the colour in his ears starts spreading to his round cheeks. "You- you should- you can do it again."

He lifts his chin and shuts his eyes, the gesture squeezing Lucas's heart until it aches. He moves without thinking, half smiling as he presses a second kiss on Theo's nose. When the boy squirms under his touch, a third of his self-control vanishes. He kisses the bridge of his nose next, the space between his eyebrows, down again to the tip, then one side and the other. Theo's a giggling mess by this point, face scrunched and smile giddy.

Lucas catches the moment Theo starts to lean forward, and promptly pulls away.

"Back to the game!" he says, and the boy blinks at him, befuddled. "I'll show you how it's done."

Theo clicks his tongue but lets it go, turning back to the TV. Just as Lucas is starting the game again, though, he drops his head on his shoulder. It's alright, that's fine. He can deal with Theo being clingy. He focuses on the game.

It's so faint he almost doesn't feel it at first. Theo shifts a little, and Lucas assumes he's getting comfortable, but then something presses on his shoulder, the faint sound of a kiss. His character on the game almost hits a wall. Focus, focus. But the next one is impossible to miss: plush lips on his skin, right next to his collar. It's barely a graze, butterfly touch.

Focus, focus. He's getting to the part of the game where Theo lost.

Another kiss, on the dip behind his collarbone. A thrill runs down his spine, goosebumps bloom all over his skin. What is Theo even doing? Lucas swallows and moves forward. A kiss on the base of his neck, then one on his pulse point. His breath hitches. One more on the same spot, this time more purposeful. Like he wants to drive him crazy.


The game's picking up the pace, an enemy chases after him, Lucas misses half the buttons he meant to press.

A wet kiss near his jaw; half his thoughts turn into static.

"Theo," he warns.

No answer except a nose brushing along his jawline—he feels Theo inhale long and deep, like he's breathing him in. Focus. Fuck.

"Theo," he whispers.


Soft kiss right under his ear, jolt of electricity through his nerves. Theo, he thinks, but can't quite utter it. Open mouthed kiss on his pulse point, liquid fire in the pit of his stomach. His hands clench around the controller, his knuckles turn white with the effort of staying still.

"Wh-" he sighs. "What are you doing?"

It's an achievement in itself to manage such a long phrase. A string of kisses up and down his neck threaten to take away the rest of his self-control.

"Nothing," Theo says against his skin.

His character is now running in circles, tripping with every obstacle, and there's no way Lucas is getting out of this alive. The game or the situation in real life, he can't be sure. Theo runs his lips up his throat, breath hot and dizzying; he snakes an arm behind Lucas's back to hold him closer. The touch burns through his clothes, but maybe if they could take those off...

"Theo." It's a plead, now. The boy hums against his jaw. "Theo, please-"

"Dinner's ready!"

They both jump, hearts caught in their throats, eyes almost falling off their sockets. Lucas looks at Theo, and Theo looks at Lucas, both speechless for a moment. From downstairs, Lucas's mother calls them again. Embarrassment and disappointment make for a sickening mix in his belly.

Coughing out his awkwardness, Theo turns to the TV, where bold letters are written on the screen.

"Huh. You lost."

"Well what the fuck did you think."

In more ways than one, too.
