strawberry ice cream

Theo likes strawberry ice cream.

Though maybe not as much as he likes Lucas's excitement. They get the news, both open their envelopes at the blue benches of the park. Lucas jumps, stands on top of the table, waves the letter in the air, speechless for the first few seconds. His wide eyes fall on Theo, he yells some nonsense, comes down from the table and shakes him by the shoulders. Theo mirrors his beaming smile. One of them pulls the other into a hug, a spine-crushing one that speaks of relief and exhilaration and a bit of hysteria.

They pull back and Lucas starts jumping, too full of restless energy. Theo mimics him—they bounce and twirl like they've lost their minds. Dizziness takes over Theo first, he trips with his own feet and brings Lucas down with him. They tumble to the ground and dissolve into a puddle of giggles.

An hour later, when they can finally act like functional human beings, they make their way to the closest ice cream store. Lucas tells him to wait at a table, and minutes later places an ice cream cone in his hand.

"You like strawberry, right?"

It's not like he needs to ask, really.

"You're not gonna regret it?" Theo asks out of nowhere.

Lucas blinks at him, droplet of chocolate ice cream rolling down his chin. "What? You can give me the money back if you want, but it's not-"

"I'm not talking about that," he says, waving a hand. "I mean. We're going to the same college now, same faculty, same career. You'll be stuck with me."

"Who says we'll be friends in college?" Lucas deadpans.

Theo kicks him under the table, but gets no satisfaction from the pained yelp he lets out, doubling down to rub his shin.

"Fuck off."

"Kidding, kidding," Lucas says. "It's you who's gonna be stuck with me, until we graduate, I'm telling you. Do you think an airhead like me can get through engineering? Not without your help, nah, no way."

He wants to be annoyed, should be, probably, but a smile tugs at his lips.

"Oh? So I'm your appointed tutor for the rest of our career?" Theo asks.

Lucas quirks his eyebrows, fluttering his eyelashes in false innocence. "Of course not. Didn't you say we 'study together'? We're study buddies!"

"I hate that."

"You love it."

"I hate it. I hate you."

"You love me."

The strawberry ice cream is almost melting on his hands by the time Theo remembers about it. He licks at the sides, hurries to finish it when Lucas starts nagging him for being so slow. As they walk back home, the sun is setting to their right, painting the buildings around them in pink and orange.

Maybe they can still have this, even in college, Theo muses. They both got into electrical engineering: if everything goes right, they're guaranteed to be together at least for five more years. Fits to say they didn't pick the career only to be together, but. It helped Theo decide, if he's honest.

"There aren't many girls in the faculty," Lucas says, stuffing his hands in his pockets.

Theo shrugs. Girls are the least of his worries.

"The few ones there are too smart for you, anyway."

"Shut the hell up. I'll get a girlfriend before the end of first year, sucker, wanna bet?" Lucas elbows him on the side.

"Not really," Theo says, pushing him away. "You should focus more on studying, not dating."

"I can do both."

"You can do none."
