Treasure Hunt (1)

As the sun began to rise, casting a soft glow through the windows of their shared home, Suga emerged from his room, his steps purposeful as he headed towards the kitchen. With practiced ease, he began mixing together ingredients for pancakes, the rhythmic whisking filling the room with a soothing sound. Meanwhile, Jin, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, joined him, cracking eggs into a bowl with a smile helping him.

The kitchen soon became a hive of activity, with Suga preparing breakfast for the housemates and jin quietly helping him in mini tasks.

Across the hall, Scoups peeked out from the stairs, observing the scene with a fond smile. Seeing Suga and Jin working together With a small pout, coups rapped lightly on the door of room 1 before calling out, "Seungkwan, time to lend a hand to Suga hyung for breakfast!" Hearing no immediate response, he moved down the hallway, knocking on the door of room 3. "Joshua, could you join Suga hyung in the kitchen, its your turn?" Finally, he made his way to room 5 and knocked again. "Jun, you need to help for breakfast duty with Suga hyung . Let's get this day started right!" With his task accomplished, Scoups smiled, knowing that their morning routine would now be even livelier with the addition of their fellow housemates.

Jun, Joshua, and Seungkwan entered the kitchen, their steps quickening as they caught sight of Jin and Suga already deep into breakfast preparations. "Sorry we're late," they chorused in unison, their expressions contrite.

Jin glanced up from his task, a warm smile gracing his lips. "No worries, guys. You're just in time."

Suga nodded, a playful glint in his eyes.

Jun, Joshua, and Seungkwan exchanged excited glances before rolling up their sleeves and eagerly joining in, ready to make up for lost time and contribute to the morning feast. Joshua starts making his famous french toast while jun helps suga with Pancakes and seungkwan started to prepare juices and milkshakes.

After half hour the breakfast was done and suga tells seungkwan to call everyone for the breakfast. Soon after they all gathered around their tables and started eating their breakfast.

After eating their breakfast jhope and hoshi cleans everything and everyone gets ready for their today's task.

With a clap of hands, the host gathered everyone's attention in the kitchen. "Good morning, everyone! Today's task is going to be a blast. We're having a Scavenger hunt !"

Excitement rippled through the group as they eagerly awaited more details.

"The teams will be divided into three groups," the host continued, "and you'll compete in a series of tasks and challenges to get hints . It's all about teamwork and speed, so make sure to bring your A-game!"

Cheers and nods of agreement filled the air as the housemates prepared themselves for the upcoming competition. They exchanged determined looks, ready to give their all in the Scavenger hunt and showcase their teamwork and skills.

The host looked around at the eager faces in the ground. "Alright, it's time to choose teams. Let's keep it fair and balanced.The host stood before the housemates, a large pinwheel in hand, ready to explain the rules of the team selection process.

"Alright, listen up, everyone," the host began, drawing their attention to the colorful pinwheel. "Each of you will take turns spinning the pinwheel. The options are Team 1, Team 2, and Team 3," the host continued, emphasizing the number. "Whichever team number the pinwheel lands on will be the team you join for the Scavenger hunt ."

The housemates nodded in understanding, their anticipation growing with each passing moment.

"You'll go one by one," the host reiterated, "and once all the teams are formed, we'll move on to the first challenge. Remember, it's all about fairness and teamwork, so let's keep the spirit of friendly competition alive Let's start with the eldest to youngest order Jin come !"

The process continued as each housemate took their turn, spinning the pinwheel and eagerly awaiting their team assignment. With each spin, the teams gradually took shape, and the housemates prepared themselves for the challenges ahead, united in the spirit of friendly competition and camaraderie.

The teams got divided as
Team 1

Team 2

Team 3

With the teams formed and excitement buzzing in the air, the host addressed the housemates once again. "Now that the teams are set, it's time to decide on a leader and a team name for each group."

The housemates huddled together, discussing among themselves as they considered their options. After a few moments of deliberation, they reached a consensus.

"For Team 1, our leader will be RM," Suga announced, gesturing towards Rm.

Meanwhile, on Team 2, Scoups stepped forward, a confident gleam in his eyes. "I'll take the lead for our team," he declared, earning nods of approval from his teammates.

And for team 3 everyone chose jin as their team leader.

With the leaders chosen and team names decided, the housemates exchanged excited looks.

"Alright, everyone, it's time for the first game: the scavenger hunt!" the host announced, drawing the attention of the eager housemates. "Here are the rules:"

"Each team will need to find flags within the forest area. You'll have a set amount of time to search for these flags and bring them back to the starting point."

"Teamwork is key! You'll need to communicate effectively and strategize to find all the flags."

"Once you've gathered all the flags, bring them back to the sitting area. The first team to collect most flags and return wins this round."

"Remember, no entering in the house, and be respectful of each other's space. And most importantly, have fun!"

With the rules laid out, the housemates exchanged determined nods, ready to put their teamwork and problem-solving skills to the test in the scavenger hunt. The clock started ticking, and the teams sprang into action, eager to uncover the hidden treasures scattered throughout the house.

The host nodded in understanding as the housemates huddled together, discussing their strategy for the upcoming scavenger hunt. Giving them a moment to strategize, the host stepped back, allowing the teams to plan their approach.

As the scavenger hunt began, Team 1 spread out, each member scanning their designated area with sharp eyes and eager determination. Suga, and Namjoon explored the backyard, while Dk ventured into the front yard. Inside, Dino and jun kept watch, ready to assist at a moment's notice and jeonghan and jimin were assigned to look at the forest area.

Jun spotted a flash of color fluttering in the breeze and grinned triumphantly. "Found one!" he called out, waving a small flag above his head.

Suga nodded in approval, spotting another flag nestled among the flowers. "Two down, one to go," he remarked, his eyes scanning the area for the final flag.

Meanwhile, DK darted between bushes and flowerbeds in the front yard, his gaze focused on finding the elusive third flag. "Come on, where are you hiding?" he muttered under his breath, determined to complete their mission.

Back inside, Dino kept a close watch on the nearby area, ready to spring into action if needed. With his teammates scattered across the yard, he knew that every second counted in their quest to find the flags

As the hunt intensified, Team 1 worked together seamlessly, their communication and teamwork guiding them towards success. With each flag discovered, their confidence grew, fueling their determination to emerge victorious in the scavenger hunt.

As Team 1, embarked on their scavenger hunt, Teams 2 and 3 respectively, also sprung into action, each with their own unique strategies and approaches.

In Team 2, led by Scoups, quickly divided their tasks among themselves. Vernon and Jhope took charge of the backyard search, while woozi scoured the front yard. and Taehyung and joshua tackled the nearby park area , with mingyu and scoups ready to go to the forest area.

Across the house, Team 3 led by Jin, implemented their own strategy. Minghao took charge of the backyard search, while Jin scoured the front yard. Hoshi and Seungkwan teamed up for the nearby park, with Wonwoo, miu and Jungkook ready to dash outside to the forest area.

With their respective areas assigned, Teams 2 and 3 set off on their scavenger hunts, each member driven by a shared determination to complete their tasks swiftly and emerge victorious in the challenge. The competition was fierce, but with their teamwork and determination, they were ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

Hey lovelies, its been many days sorry for late posts my exams are starting soon so I'll be posting slowly ๐Ÿ™‚ please bear with it for some time ๐Ÿ’•
