Thank You

As they enjoyed their meal, the wine flowing freely between them, Miu couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with gratitude for this moment, for the love that surrounded them. She savored each bite, each sip, knowing that she was exactly where she was meant to be—wrapped in S.Coups' embrace, surrounded by love and warmth

"It's delicious," she remarked, taking another bite. "It's Mingyu oppa's taste."

S.Coups nodded, his gaze never leaving her. "That's because Mingyu prepared it, with the help from Joshua and Seungkwan," he explained, a hint of pride in his voice.Miu felt a warm surge of affection for her fellow members, grateful for their thoughtfulness and the love they poured into every aspect of their lives together.

Scoups leaned in closer to Miu, his voice gentle as he recounted the efforts of their friends. "They wanted to create magic for us tonight," he whispered, his breath warm against her ear. "From the decorations to the food, every detail was carefully planned by them, all to make this moment unforgettable for us."

Miu's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude as she took in the extent of their friends' efforts. She felt a warmth spread through her heart, knowing that their love and support surrounded them, even in this intimate moment.

Miu's curiosity piqued as she glanced around the serene setting, noticing the absence of their friends. "Where are they?" she inquired softly, turning her gaze back to Scoups, her eyes searching his for an answer.

Scoups grinned as he recounted the evening's plans. "They decided to go see a movie and have dinner outside," he revealed, his eyes sparkling with fondness. "But I told them they didn't need to leave. They insisted it should be just the two of us tonight."

In that moment, they felt truly blessed to have such a supportive and loving group of friends by their side, ready to celebrate their love and journey together. With a gentle smile, Miu intertwined her fingers with Scoups's, silently conveying her love and gratitude for their incredible bond and the wonderful people in their lives.

As they sat together under the canopy, surrounded by the twinkling lights and the soft melodies of Scoups's song, Miu and Scoups shared a silent moment.
the soft breeze whispered through the canopy, Scoups gently cupped Miu's face in his hands, drawing her closer. With tender reverence, he pressed his lips against hers, his kiss conveying all the love and longing he felt for her.

Miu melted into his embrace, her heart soaring with every brush of his lips. In that fleeting moment, time seemed to stand still, and the world faded away, leaving only the warmth of their shared affection.

Their kiss spoke volumes, a silent exchange of promises and devotion, binding them together in an unbreakable bond. And as they lingered in each other's embrace, lost in the sweetness of the moment, they knew that their love would endure, steadfast and unwavering, against whatever challenges lay ahead.

In Scoups' arms, Miu felt a rush of warmth and safety, her heart fluttering with anticipation as he carried her to her room. With each step, she nestled closer to him, reveling in the comforting strength of his embrace.

As they entered the room, the soft glow of candles danced across the walls, casting a romantic aura over the space. Scoups gently laid Miu down on the bed, his gaze soft yet intense as he looked into her eyes, silently conveying his love and devotion.

With a tender touch, he brushed his fingers along her cheek, tracing the contours of her face as if committing every detail to memory. Miu's breath caught in her throat as she felt the electricity between them, the air thick with anticipation.

Leaning in, Scoups captured her lips in a sweet, lingering kiss, igniting a fire that burned deep within her soul. Their lips moved in perfect harmony.

In that moment, there was only the two of them, their hearts beating in perfect rhythm as they surrendered to the undeniable pull of their love. And as they lay intertwined, bathed in the glow of their shared affection, they knew

As they cuddled, Miu felt a sense of peace wash over her, knowing that she was safe and cherished in Scoups' arms. His touch sent shivers down her spine, igniting a fire within her that burned with passion and desire.

Lost in the warmth of their embrace, they melted into each other, their hearts beating as one. With every kiss and tender touch, they reaffirmed their love, building a connection that was unbreakable.

In the soft glow of the moonlight, they shared secrets and dreams, basking in the glow of their love. And as they drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other's arms, they knew that they were home, together in the embrace of their love.

The morning sun streamed through the windows, casting a warm glow over the dining area. Everyone was already awake, although still a bit groggy from their late-night movie outing. The smell of breakfast wafted through the air, pulling them out of their sleepy haze.

Miu had risen early, feeling refreshed and full of energy from the previous night. She prepared a delicious breakfast spread for everyone. As the members gathered around the table, they couldn't help but notice the extra pep in Miu's step and the satisfied smile on Scoups' face.

"Good morning, lovebirds!" Jeonghan teased as he took his seat, a knowing grin on his face. "How was your night?"

Mingyu, always the jokester, chimed in, "Yeah, did you two even get any sleep?"

Miu blushed a deep shade of pink, her eyes darting to Scoups, who just chuckled. "You guys are impossible," she said, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Scoups wrapped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "It was perfect," he said, his voice full of warmth. "Thanks to all of you for making it so special."

So, did you like the food? We  worked really hard on it. Seungkwan chimed in.

"It was amazing," Miu replied, smiling at Mingyu. "I could tell it was all your cooking."

Minghao leaned forward, a mischievous glint in his eye. "And what about the decorations? Did you like the photos i picked out?"

"They were beautiful," Miu said, her eyes softening at the memory. "Everything was perfect."

Woozi, usually the quiet one, spoke up. "Did you like the song? Scoups had a lot to say about you in it."

Miu nodded, her eyes glistening with emotion. "It was beautiful. Thank you."

Joshua smiled, his eyes twinkling. "We just wanted to make sure everything was perfect for you two."

Scoups squeezed Miu's hand. "It was more than perfect. It was unforgettable."

As they all dug into their breakfast, the teasing continued, but it was filled with love and joy. The members shared their memories of the night, laughing and joking, but always coming back to the fact that they were a family, supporting and loving each other through every moment.

For Miu and Scoups, it was the perfect start to a new chapter in their lives, surrounded by the people they loved most.
After finishing breakfast, Miu and Scoups got ready and headed downstairs together. Jeonghan, lounging on the couch, looked up and grinned. "Already out for a date?"

The rest of the members who were present in the living room turned to look at them. Hoshi, sitting cross-legged on the floor, raised an eyebrow. "Waah, the new couple is making moves already."

Mingyu, who was scrolling through his phone, added, "Just be careful of the media. Even though you’re from the same group, they can still create rumors."

Scoups nodded, his arm around Miu’s shoulder. "We’ll be careful. Thanks for the heads up."

Miu smiled at everyone. "We won’t be long. Just going for a walk."

"Enjoy your date!" Seungkwan called out, waving as they headed for the door.

As they stepped outside, Miu and Scoups felt a sense of freedom and excitement. They were starting a new chapter, and while they were aware of the challenges, they were ready to face them together. Hand in hand, they walked down the street, ready to embrace whatever the day had in store for them.

Miu and Scoups decided to take a leisurely walk along the Han River. The gentle breeze and the serene water made for a perfect backdrop as they strolled hand in hand, enjoying the tranquility and each other’s company. They talked about everything and nothing, sharing dreams and memories, feeling more connected with every step.
After their peaceful walk, they headed to a cozy café nearby. They found a secluded corner and ordered their favorite drinks. The café had a warm, inviting atmosphere, perfect for the deep conversations they indulged in. They laughed, teased each other, and shared heartfelt moments, savoring the precious time together.

Miu turned to Scoups with a playful smile.

"Oppa, let's go to the mall," she said, her eyes sparkling. "I want to buy gifts for the members."

Scoups nodded, understanding the sentiment behind her words. "Sure, let's go. They deserve something special."

At the mall, they wandered through various stores, selecting thoughtful gifts for each member. As they moved from store to store, they laughed and shared stories about each member, recalling funny moments and inside jokes.

As they finished their shopping, their bags filled with gifts, they both felt a warm sense of satisfaction.

"Thank you for doing this with me," Miu said, leaning on Scoups' shoulder as they walked out of the mall.

"Anything for you, and for our family," Scoups replied, squeezing her hand gently. "I know they'll love these gifts, especially knowing you picked them out with so much love."

When Miu and Scoups returned home, the members immediately gathered around them, eyes twinkling with curiosity.

"So, how was your date? Was it fun?" Dino asked with a teasing grin.

Miu laughed, holding up the bags filled with gifts. "It was great! We went to the Han River, a café, and then did some shopping."

"Shopping, huh?" Mingyu said, eyeing the bags. "Did you get something for us?"

Scoups nodded. "Of course, we did. We picked out something special for each of you."

"Really? What did you get me?" Dk asked, bouncing with excitement.

"Patience, Dk," Scoups said with a chuckle. "Let's sit down and we'll hand out the gifts."

