The Sump

"The Priesthood of Mars, they dedicate their live to technology. The use it, praise it, perhaps replicate it, but never understand it."

Lupa and Tarkis had jumped off the train and had landed on a black iron pipeline. It was large, around 20 meters wide, colossal pimps pumping radioactive and vile waste far away from the manufactorum. Missles had damaged it and bright orange liquid was pouring out of all sides. Underneath them was a black void, who knew what lurked down there. On both sides they were overlooked by burning buildings, once proud and mighty strcutures, now falling ruins.

"The skyshield landing pad array is 50.51 miles from our current location. I believe if we follow this pipeline we could travel straight there with minimum diversion." Said Lupa.

"Archmagos! Two flyers approaching, fighters of sorts, heavily armoured and armed!" Yelled Tarkis, performing battle calculations in his head.

As soon as he yelled this, screams were heard. Not human, mortal screams, but the screaming of tortured engines and exhausts. Two silver silhouettes appeared in the sky above, some kind of strafing run.

"Firing now." Said Tarkis calmly. There was a click as ammunition reserves from his back poured ammuntion into his assault cannon through his arm. A second later, fire burst from the end of the six barrels as thousands of self-propelled missles lauched themselves in the sky. The crackle of gun fire created a symphony with the whizzing of the motar, driving the barrels in a circular motion. One missle caught the right engine of the nearest eldar aircraft and started smoking. A second later it exploded, sending the lightweight chassis sprawling out of the sky and crashing with a thud into a nearby stone skyscraper.

The second fighter however flew down lower, and from one of its back facing wings launched a projectile. It screamed a thousand screams as it raced for the pipeline. Lupa dived for cover as it struck the pipeline, the defining scream made manifest and destroying a whole section of the piping. Lupa scrambled with his mechatendrites as he tried to get a hold on something; he was hanging off the edge. Tarkis rushed over to his Archmagos. Nothing he could do. Having no arms working he couldnt lift him up.

"Archmagos, I believe letting go will be the best course of action, as chances you will land on another pipeline."

Lupa considered it, before letting go. He fell into the gloom, the last things he saw were Tarkis glowing silver optics.


Omnissiah's Retribution and Banefist stomped over to the smoking hab-center, standing on reinforced buildings and carefully avoiding troops and tank blockades. The atmosphere of war buzzed around them. Various aircraft painted in the red, white and black of the mechanicum fought the eldar aircraft in acrobatic duels miles in the sky. The eldar craft were far more agile, but lacked the armour of the mechanicum gunships. As the Eldar titan came into view, the warlord titan Omnissiah's Retribution laughed, a booming cackle that demoralised all nearby foes of the machine god. It leveled it's volcano cannon, a weapon built from forgotten technology and easily over 40 meters long.

"I am an adept of the adeptus mechancicus collegia titanica, and engine who's soul purpose is too destroy enemies of the Imperium, the God-Emperor and the Omnissiah. I am his fist."

A shell the size of a tank was loaded into the stock of the weapon, doused in blessed oils and holy lubricants.

"Feel my wrath." He said in prayer like fashion as a boom shook the sky. The barrel of the volcano cannon exploded with an angry shout as the colossal projectile flew towards the eldar titan. Dispite the moderati's advice, Omnissiah's Retribution had chosen it's target as the top of the chest and base of the neck. As the shell speed up, reaching its terminal velocity, a sonic boom shook the nearby air, the shockwave causing an eldar bomber to stall and fall to the surface. At this sound, the eldar titan turned, reflexes like a cat. Using thrusters on it's back it attempted to move away, but to no avail. The blast knocked the titan off its slender legs. It's head flew off backwards, shattered into a million pieces. The chest and torso cracked before splitting apart in a violent field of destruction.

"We are the Ordo Reductor, the bringers of blessed ruin." Said Banefist, stepping out from behind the leg of it's warlord brother.

"We are your doom, your end and your worst nightmare."
Banefist fired with it's turbolaser and carapace mounted apocolypic missle launcher. The bright beems of red hot superheated energy tore through the legs and split them in two. Banefist clentch it's titan power fist tightly as 200 projectiles flew towards the falling wreckage of the titan. Blowing up falling parts of the titan, Banefist let out an insane laugh. This was what he was built for. What he was designed to do. To bring ruin to all. He relished in the carnage and would only be satisfied by the total annihilation of his foes. Beneith him, thousands of workers and techpriests dropped to their knees, seeing this mighty engine as their saviour.

"Glory to the machine! Iron over flesh!" They chorused.


Lupa landed on his legs with perfect balance. Springs stabilized and gyroscopes tilted to keep him upright. When he landed the recoil was spread against his trio of legs, but it shattered a few muscle strands. The Archmagos was in a cavern of darkness, lit only by the orange waterfalls of waste and sewage. Probably one of the canyons the manufactorum was build on. Switching to night vision, he started looking for a way out. Activating a beacon on his person, no doubt a team would be looking for him. He heard a sound echo through the cavern. A sob? Maybe. Looking around he saw a curled up body of someone - or something at the other end of the cavern. Holding his ornate bronze phsophor pistol, he took cautious steps towards the figure. It suddenly turned. A head covered in lenses shone light apon Lupa.

"Archmagos?" Said a female voice.

Lupa let out a sigh of relief at a human voice, a mechanicum voice, but he kept his pistol raised. Many abominations lay beneath the forge worlds. Rogue serviors, sentient machines and worse - and Lupa would not hesistate to cover this person in white hot phosphor.

"Who are you, speak." Said Lupa with no remorse.

"I am Techpriest Engineseer Skylar of the warhound titan Ripskin. Apon it's.." she sniffed. "Destruction I was thrown here by a blast of energy."

Lupa lowered his pistol.

"I have called for assistance. They shall arrive soon. I am sorry for your lose. The felling of a titan wounded us all."

"Thank you, Archmagos."

Lupa said nothing and looked away.

"Omnissiah save us all." Said Skylar as a thud knocked dust from the ceiling.
