

I havent updated this in little over a year - I had a blast making it as well.

While the story remains unfinished, I will finish it if you readers are desperate for it.

The chapter Two Knives was reported for using the names of characters contained within codex skitarii. This is cannon, as mechanicus often reuse personal skitarii ID codes once those have fallen. 

This was reported by a particularly righteous wattpad user who did not enjoy how this fitted into the story, or felt that this affected the whole experience of my fanfiction too much and so it was removed.

This chapter was crucial too the plot. If wanted I will re-write it, but I cannot guarantee when that will be.

This chapter involved an imperial titan being blown apart after destroying the eldar titan, after releasing a storm of rockets into the nearby surroundings, and the titans tech-priest being launched into the sump, meeting Lupa.

I do plan to be more active but I feel that this fanfiction has had it's time. I plan to upload my narrative campaign novel, about Inquisitor Coteaz, Archmagos Karkarov the Artisan and several Inquisitor apprentices, fighting against the forces of chaos.

In addition I plan to expand my novels about Ar'ushia, Archon of the flayed Skull. This is my adaptation of the existing kabal of the Flayed skull, the kabal mentioned in raiders of commoragh. I have expanded upon their story and created this character. She will often fight against space marines, imperial guard and other eldar. 

I appreciate all the support my fanfictions have recieved (save my mlp one not a brony anymore jesus christ the cringe)

Thank you so much

For the Emperor!!
