
Warning!!Cringe alert**

Flashback(5 Years ago) {Y/n 's 9 years old btw}

Y/n slowly creeped behind the 13 Year old in front of her, "Boo!"


Y/n laughed pointing towards the shocked expression of the young boy in front of her, wiping a tear from the side of her eye, "Long time no see S.a.b.i.t.o~"

"Y/n? When did you come back?!", Sabito beamed as he took off his mask.

"This morning.. hm?", Y/n pointed towards the cat he was holding, " that..?"

"Oh! It's a stray cat that I found in the forest a few days back"

"Cuteee!", Y/n eyes sparkled as she got closer to take a better look.

'Too close!', Sabito thought as he flinched, taking a step back.

"A-anyways.. Y/n?"


"Did you meet Gyuu yet?"

"Hm? Who?"

"Guess you didn't meet him yet. Well...he's a good kid, I'm sure you'll get along"

"Why are you bringing him up so suddenly?"

"Well...I won't be here for some few weeks since I have to go to the 'Final Selection'...and I thought that he'll be a good company while I'm gone"

"But.. he's not you..", Y/n complained.

"First thing I'll do is come to see you as soon as I come back so wait for me k?", Sabito smiled patting Y/n's head.

Y/n turned bright red all over, turning her head away from him she mumbled, "D-deal"

"Okay.. I'll be going now. Makomo's probably waiting for me", Sabito softly placed the cat on the ground and turned towards Y/n, patting her head again.

"Ah.. Makomo?", Y/n mumbled, sounding a little disappointeddisappointed, "Please send her my regards"

"Sure.. and also when I come back...", Sabito scratched the back of his head, slightly blushing, "I have something to tell you.."

"Hm? Now that's just cruel leaving me hanging like that..", Y/n complained.

"'ll have to wait!"

"Then you'll have to promise me one thing too..", Y/n said pulling out her little finger, "'ll take care of yourself and come back to me safely okay?"

"Promise", Sabito smiled as he intertwined his finger with hers.

"It's a deal then!!", Y/n slapped the back of his back making him nearly choke.

"You're not planning to kill me now are you?"

"Who knows..", Y/n shrugged as they both giggled.

"Sabito kun!! We're getting late", Makomo yelled, waving towards them.

"Well...I'll be off now!", Sabito patted her head one last time as he walked towards Makomo, waving his hands he yelled, "Take care.. bye Y/n!!"

Y/n's POV

I wanted to go hug him and tell him not to go but my legs won't move.

As he walked away, his appearance became smaller and smaller, until I couldn't see him anymore, "Take care too.."

But little did I know...that was the last time I'd ever see him...

He died

He was devoured by a demon. That's 'first love' ended. It was a sad ending for the both of us and at the end I didn't even get to know what he wanted to tell me.

"Liar.. you said you'd come promised..."

I wish I brave enough to run after you that day and give you a hug.. I wish you never went there in the first place.. I didn't even get to say goodbye.

I always wanted to tell you something..

"I love you"

and maybe I still do..

Guess I just couldn't forget you.

Farewell.. my 'first love'. 

5 Years Later (Present)

3rd Person POV

In the Doll estate

"*yawn*", Y/n stretched her arms up, laying on the field of grass.

"What are you doing?", Muichiro suddenly appeared above her, scaring the shit outta her.

"GAHH!!", Y/n quickly got up, bumping her head with his, "Ouch!"

"W-What are you doing here?", Y/n yelled as she placed her hands on her forehead.

"To see you", Muichiro yelled, making Y/n freeze on her spot.

'He yelled? So he can yell too..', Y/n thought as she blankly stared at him.

"What's wrong? Did you brain finally stop working?", Muichiro waved his hand in front of Y/n, making her come back to reality.



"Hahaha", Y/n laughed as she wiped her tears off her eyes.

As she laughed, Muichiro blankly stared at her before he joined her too.

'Yes, just smile like that...don't be sad for someone else when I'm with you', Muichiro thought to himself as he laughed along with Y/n, 'I only want to see you smile when you're with me'

To be continued...

Hey Wisterians!

It's been a while since I updated...I'm sorry...

But I hope you enjoyed this Chapter as well.



