
Mt. Natagumo

"*sigh* Finally...", Y/n sighed before she sensed something unusual, "What the heck? It's....coming from the mountain?"

"HAHA...I finally found something interesting!", Y/n said as she ran towards the mountain.


                      ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ       A FEW MOMENTS LATER       ㄟ( ▔, ▔ )ㄏ

"What the hell is going on in here?", Y/n said as she kept staring at the hordes of cocoons in front of her, "H-Humans? They're all...dead?"

 Y/n sensed something in front of her, "Two humans...and a...DEMON!", she transported herself to her destination quickly, "Huh? Shinobu....nee-chan?"

"Huh? Oh! Konnichi wa...Y/n-chan...", Shinobu said with a smile on her face.

"Shinobu nee-chan!", Y/n beamed as she gave Shinobu a big hug before she titled her head to see a running demon, "Ah! She's running away..."

Shinobu transported herself in front of the demon in a blink of an eye making the demon to flinch, "Why are you running before we even became friends?"

"Wha-What are you-", the demon was cut off by Y/n who appeared out of thin air.

"Shinobu have a demon friend?", Y/n said as she took a bite of her cookies.

"Y-You...who are you?", the demon asked Y/n as she shuttered.

"You...are you the one who massacred the people in those cocoons back there?", Y/n said as she ignored the demon's question, giving a sinister smile, "Let me see...13? No 14 people in total...?"

"I-", the demon was cut off by Y/n again.

"Ne you want to play dolls with me?", Y/n said as she titled her head to the left, making her look like a crazy girl, wanting to kill every demons in front of her before she gave an innocent smile, "I won't take 'No' for an answer you know..."

"I-I-I will do anything. Please just leave me alone, I promise I won't kill anyone", the demon cried.

"You shouldn't use the word 'promise' easily if you are not even going to fulfil it at all you know?", Y/n said as she gave a sinister smile, "well...let's play shall we?"

"Y/n-chan...go easy on her alright?", Shinobu said as she calmly smiled.

"Hai!", Y/n said with a grin on her face.

"Who do you think you are kidding?", the demon yelled, "Die! You damn witches!"

"Hmmm.....guess we can't be friends huh? That's too bad...", Y/n said as she placed her hand on her right cheek, "Right? Shinobu nee-chan?"

"Nn...I can see that we can never be friends...Oh...what a pity!"

Y/n jumped up making the demon alert, "Doll Breathing silent death: Sweet dream~", Y/n smoothly came down and cut off the demon head as she whispered, "Rest in peace"

"My head...argh!!", the demon yelled, "I never messed things up...after all I did to survive...the last thing I had to see was..."

"I know that you have suffered a lot...but you killed a lot of people to pay for you sins you had to die. Though we did not meet in a good way this life...I hope we can be besties in our next", Y/n said as she gave a calm smile.

Tears formed in the demons eyes as she disappeared slowly leaving nothing but her ashes.

"Y/n-chan! That was so cool!", Shinobu beamed as she hugged Y/n tightly.

"Huhu...(//•/ω/•//)", Y/n said as she blushed, "Anyways...I'll be going ahead...I'll meet you later...bye~"


"I wonder where it new 'doll' huhu", Y/n thought as she jumped from tree to tree towards the unusual sensation.


                                         ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )       A FEW MOMENTS LATER      ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• )   

"I'll cut your head first!"

Y/n heard someone yelling, but the voice sounded really similar....hmmm...., "Kamado-kun?"

She rushed to towards the voice...but when she reached...

"I'd like to see you try it", the demon spoke as he gave a sinister smile, "That is, if you can actually defeat a Twelve Kizuki like me!"

'Huh? A Twelve Kizuki? Hm...', Y/n thought as a big grin appeared on her face, '...this is getting more and more interesting...'

To be continued...

Hey! Wisterians~

LOL...I know that it took me so long to update but I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter as well...

Anywho~ It's been a long time since I wrote and honestly I missed you guys a lot  இ௰இ (though I don't know anyone of you...huhu... = ̄ω ̄= )

Ok so....before I end my short message...I just wanted to tell you guys that...I will update a Special Chapter on CHRISTMAS DAY so I hope everyone is ready? Huhu...  (~o ̄3 ̄)~

That will be the last Chapter for the year 2020. I hope to see you guys on twenty-fifth of December, 2020.


