Part 16

Taehyung walks in front of him, a joyful swing in his step. His blue hair bounces cheerily with every move, and it seems like he hums the song they just listened to in the car while they drove here.

Several people head from the parking lot to the gates of hell as well.

Like he had called his name, Taehyung looks back over his shoulder and grins happily.

"Come on," he prompts like they were going to an amusement park and would be having the time of their lives.

In truth, it was hell for Jungkook. Another store they had to visit to furnish their new apartment.

It took them a while to find the perfect place that both of them agreed on. It was a nice apartment at the foot of the hills to Namsan Park with a nice view. Jungkook didn't understand how it was so affordable in such a fantastic area. He guessed that Taehyung had charmed the old lady who was living on the first floor and owned the house. And by charming, he thought that literally. He had asked Taehyung several times if he had done 'his thing' with her. His boyfriend had looked at him kind of disturbed. "I only do my thing with you," he had said and winked. So there wasn't a satisfying answer and Jungkook doubted he would ever get one.

"Come on, Gug-ah," Taehyung says and holds his hand out for Jungkook to take, intertwining their fingers. "Only this store and we are done."

Jungkook takes his hand, but huffs. "You said that two times already," he grumbles.

Taehyung presses his free hand to his heart. "I promise."

Jungkook sighs. "Babe, I can feel that you are trying to cross your fingers."

"No, I'm not," Taehyung replies, and looks at his chest.

Jungkook pulls their holding hands up, for Taehyung to see. "I mean this hand," he prompts dryly.

Taehyung looks at the almost crossed fingers and back at his face. "I'm having bad finger cramps these days, my love," he says seriously and blinks several times, trying to seem innocent. "So bad," and he shakes his head.

"Is that so?"

"Yes," his boyfriend replies and pulls him through the double doors. The store is huge, with several floors full of furniture and other items you might need. It was pure hell!

Taehyung pulls Jungkook in front of the information board and studies the directions.

"So, we need a coffee table and a bed," he says absentmindedly and taps his lips in thought.

"We have a coffee table," Jungkook says under his breath.

"No, we don't."

"What is currently standing in our living room?"

"A slab with four legs."

"That is called a table, Tae."

"It's hideous."

"It's an heirloom in my family."

"It looks like you found it on the side of the street and an evil spirit actually lives in it."

Jungkook can feel his eyes go round. "Are you serious?" He almost shrieks and lowers his voice when other people look at them in surprise. "Are you serious?" He whispers now urgently.

Taehyung leans closer. "I'm positive," he murmurs back.

Jungkook stares into his hazel eyes, trying to find out if he was kidding. "You are kidding," he says darkly.

Taehyung looks back, his gaze never faltering. "I would never make jokes about spirits," he answers quietly.

Jungkook leans back, feeling himself getting irritated. "Why the fuck didn't you say something sooner? You let me live with an evil spirit in my flat and never say something? Something could have happened to me! Don't you love me?"

"The evil spirit of bad taste isn't dangerous, love," Taehyung says soothingly and pats his arm. "It can only damage my eyes. It obviously doesn't affect you."

"I hate you," Jungkook replies and unwinds their fingers. He steps on the escalator. A second later, he can feel Taehyung behind him, slinging his arms around his middle.

"I love you a lot," he whispers and presses a kiss on his cheek while the escalator moves them upwards.

Jungkook tries to untie his fingers but it is no use. He struggles for a second and gives up after Taehyung laughs. "You won't ever get rid of me now, babe. You are mine."

"I'm so lucky," Jungkook replies sarcastically.


Taehyung drags him through the store, looking for the perfect coffee table, and Jungkook wishes for his phone to ring, calling him urgently into work. But, it stays silent.

It feels like centuries have passed when they find a coffee table both can agree on, and Taehyung claps his hands happily.

"Perfect, now the bed."

"But we have a bed?"

"No, WE don't," Taehyung says with emphasis. "We should get a big bed."

"Why?" Jungkook questions. "You always lie on my side anyway. One meter would be enough for us. We could serrate the current one in half, and it would be fine."

Taehyung pulls him into the bedroom section of the showroom. "That was a big lie."

"What exactly?"

"I am not always lying on your side."

Jungkook raises an eyebrow. "Where did you fall asleep yesterday?"

"On my side."

Jungkook snorts. "My side is also your side?"

Taehyung shrugs his shoulders nonchalantly.

"And where did you wake up this morning?" Jungkook asks with raised brows.

"On my side of course."

"My chest is also your side?"

"Of course," Taehyung winks and pulls him to a bed frame.

"You are full of sh..."

"Oh look at this," Taehyung beams. "A waterbed." He interrupts him and he wiggles his brows.

Jungkook huffs. "I feel like you are not taking my needs seriously."

Taehyung turns to him with a shocked face. "Of course I do. But let's get on the bed. Come on."

"You will pay for this."

"Hopefully on this new bed."

Jungkook takes a breath and sits on the bed, accepting his faith. His boyfriend hurries to the other side and lays down instantly, sighing contently.

"Come one," he prompts and pats the bed. "This feels fantastic," and he wiggles from side to side.

Jungkook lies down while Taehyung moves from side to side, rolling left and right, trying several sleeping positions on his back, side, and stomach.

Jungkook feels sudden nausea developing, the more Taehyung jumps around.

"Tae, would you stop that? Lie peacefully for a second."

Taehyung stops moving and turns his head. Some strands of his hair wiggle still happily. "You know, if we get a water bed, it would be so fun," he says joyfully.

There are suddenly little movements under Jungkook's body, like bubbles in a jacuzzi, but he still feels like he is on a boat.

"You like that?" Taehyung asks, oblivious to his boyfriend's rising discomfort. The bubbles seem to get bigger, rocking Jungkook's body in little movements more and more.

The nausea increases. "Tae, stop that or I will vomit," he threatens. "I feel seasick."

Taehyung laughs. "Ha, nice try. It's impossible to get seasick on a water bed," he cackles and jumps on the bed some more.

Jungkook rolls to the side, trying to get up, but Taehyung swings a leg over him and sits up on his lap.

"Tae!?" Jungkook yelps in surprise. People are passing them, looking at them scandalously. "There are people."

Taehyung leans forward, grazing into his eyes closely. "It's a myth, getting seasick on a waterbed," he mumbles.

"I swear, I'm close to vomiting," Jungkook mumbles, squeezing his eyes shut.

Taehyung pulls his eyelids apart, observing his eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing?"

Taehyung narrows his eyes. "Unbelievable," he whispers and rolles off Jungkook, pulling him off the bed. "You have a nystagmus."

Jungkook struggles for a second until Taehyung holds his shoulders to steady him.

"You jump out of airplanes but you get seasick? Are you kidding me?"


"Mh," Taehyung hums. "That will complicate things."

"Is the happiness of our relationship dependent on the purchase of a waterbed?"



"Grandfather wants to meet you soon."

The nausea is suddenly forgotten. "Your grandfather? You have a family?"

Taehyung furrows his brows in irritation. "Do you think I was hatched from a magical egg in the woods?"

"Yeah, something like that."

"Ha, no."

"Where is your grandfather? He is not in the forest?"

"No, he is the God of the sea."

Jungkook sits on the other bed and falls back. "Hell no."


A/N: Let's see how daily life is for them together :)
