Part 21


You know how it is with this story. It is unpredictable when I update.
It is still not done, but I am keeping it on finished, since I don't know if and when inspiration strikes me.

This is not edited yet, sorry for mistakes.


Jungkook looks at the mirror, righting the collar of his white shirt and inspecting the eyebrow piercing. It sadly was a fake and he dearly missed his piercings from his med student days, but it wasn't safe to keep them.

The shirt he is wearing looks outdated, the v-neckline adorned with frills and exposing parts of his chest. The heavy gold necklace gave the outfit another expensive look, and the leather pants completed it. He was pondering if he should wear a suit jacket or the black cape to make it more obvious.

Taehyung strolls into the bedroom, having tamed his hair into a ponytail. He looks aristocratic, with the scarf tied into an elegant bow around his neck, and the vest over a white shirt. He picks the dark blue velvet coat off the hanger and puts it on.

Their eyes meet in the mirror, and his boyfriend narrows them, glowering at him grumpily.

"Why?" he almost whines cutely, destroying the posh appearance completely.

"You look very handsome, love," Jungkook replies and takes the cape off a hanger as well, fastening it around his neck.

"I always look handsome," Taehyung answers and fastens a button, looking into the mirror as well.

Jungkook ponders how he could answer. He could tease him and disagree, reminding Taehyung of his allergy and the birds nest in his hair. But those were very sensitive topics and he had to tread carefully with his Water Spirit. He would pay him back when he least expected it, so he would pass on the opportunity to tease him.

"You are indeed a very handsome Vampire. Very nobel looking and dangerous."

"Why can't I be a Water Spirit?"

"You already are one."

"So I wouldn't have to dress up at all."

"Babe, your Water Spirit outfit is kind of indecent. I love it, but it is for my eyes only."

"What is indecent about it? I am wearing something."

"A cloth of woven featherfoil is not opaque."

"What about a white cloth?"

"Absolutely not!"


"You can't be a Water Spirit for the Halloween Fundraiser. There are already rumors about us."

Taehyung pouts. "I don't give a flying water spirit fart about it."

Jungkook snorts and walks over. "Please don't do that. That might cause the biological warfare agents to move out. We can't evacuate the hospital just like that."

"You are trying to distract me."

"Is it working?" Jungkook asks and grabs the labels of his coat, pulling him close.

Taehyung's hazel eyes roam over his face. "If I wouldn't love you so much," he whispers and pecks his lips.

"And because I love you soooo much as well, I don't want other people ogleing your body. They would look at you like a piece of meat. And I'm afraid someone will hit on you. I might lose my nice doctor reputation."

"That person won't ever turn up again?"

"Probably," Jungkook assures, looking serious.

"Mmm, I can't let you become a criminal," Taehyung smiles and places his lips on Jungkook's. Once again, it is like their first kiss. Exhilarating and compassionate and Taehyung engulfs him so easily in his love.

Jungkook pulls slowly back and Taehyung blinks at him, innocently. "I know what you are trying to do, dove," he says seriously.

"Did you just call me dove?" He asks shocked.

"Of course not."

"I think it sounded like you said dove."

"Love, I said love."

Taehyung narrows his eyes and Jungkook pecks his lips again and saunters out of the room. "Time to pull your big Water Spirit pants up once again, dove," Jungkook calls back, looking for his phone to call a taxi.

"I know you said dove!" Taehyung calls back.

"Of course not! Let's get your hearing checked at work."


When they step outside the apartment, Taehyung looks up at the night sky. It wasn't cold yet, but he was glad for his fancy suit.

The fundraiser was held on the roof of the Hospital, in the rooftop garden and he was curious how they transformed the venue.

Taehyung looks at the edge of the roof, recognizing a little shadow and he sighs. Of course she was there.


A lot of people in costumes were roaming the halls of the hospital, and they squeezed into the elevator with several ghosts and clowns.

Taehyung shudders. Clowns were so freaking scary. The hospital clowns in the pediatric ward always made him cringe and he evades them as best as he can.

When they get out on the top floor, the hall and the rooftop garden is packed with people dressed up. He can't make out what some people are, while they are wandering around, looking for the others.

"What is that?" He asks and points to someone in a long black cloak and a grotesque masque.

"A horror film character," Jungkook replies, while they go to the bar and order something to drink.

"You won't ever get me to watch a horror movie," he replies.

"I know," Jungkook answers and looks around, suddenly doing a double take. "What the hell," he whispers, his face looking shocked. Taehyung follows his gaze.

"What the fuck?" He breathes. "What is this supposed to be?"

"I have an idea... but what the fuck indeed..."

"Fuck, are they coming over?"

"Looks like it."

"I thought she was still on leave?"

"I thought he was in rehab with her as well."

The couple slowly walks over, dividing the crowd like Moses the Red Sea, waving and smiling at people with attitude.

"Fuck me..." Jungkook breathes in disbelief.

"Later babe," Taehyung answers, preparing for the inevitable contact.

"Doctor Jeon and Doctor Lim," ER Doctor Choi says, smiling.

"I see your bad memory hasn't changed with the time off," Taehyung replies and smiles sweetly. "Happy to see you well rested, Doctor Choi," He greets her.

"It's Kim, Darling," she scolds her husband.

A short pause arises and they look at their costumes.

"What exactly is your costume?" ER Doctor Choi asks.

Taehyung feels his hackles rise. "Vampire," he states, exposing his suddenly long fangs and making a hissing sound that causes Jungkook to snicker.

"I wouldn't have guessed," he answers, and narrows his eyes, observing them more closely. "But now that I also see your red eyes...," he directs at Jungkook.

His boyfriend takes the comment without problem. "Awesome contacts," he nods. "But what exactly are you?" Pointing at the trident in ER Choi's hand.

"I am the God of the Sea, and my lovely wife is a water nymph."

Taehyung feels his eyebrow raise. Grandfather would sink the ship Choi would ever get on, if he knew.

"What a bold choice," Taehyung answers, still smiling. "I don't think Water Gods have green hair. They would probably drown you, knowing you are making fun of them," he continues, laughing hilariously at them, and the Chois start to laugh a bit too. But it has that embarrassing feeling to it.

Jungkook squeezes his arm in warning. "He is just joking," he says.

"Nah," Taehyung answers, still laughing cheekily. "I am not."

The Chois stop laughing and they stare at each other.

There is suddenly rustling and Taehyung feels her drop from the sky. A wing smacks over his head.

Little beast!


Both Chois cry out in surprise and other people around them exclaim in astonishment as well when the Dove sits on Taehyung's shoulder.

Jungkook groans in annoyance. This couldn't happen right now!

"You... you have a pigeon on your shoulder!" Pediatric Doctor Choi exclaims, shocked.

Taehyung flattens his lips in displeasure.

No shit? Jungkook wouldn't have guessed.

"I know," Taehyung answers confidently. "Part of my costume."

"What?" exclaim several people in disbelief and a murmur spreads through the crowd, looking at them. They had the attention of several people now.

"This is my magic trick for this Halloween Fundraiser for the Pediatric Ward," Taehyung exclaims and spreads his arms, joyfully, like he was presenting an act. "Please welcome our Vampire Dove Kim Tor-Een," and he applauds himself. "You can see her little red eyes and the little vampire fangs on her beak. Beware of her!" Taehyung says loudly, walking in a circle closer around the crowd, who steps back in surprise.

Jungkook can't decide if he should laugh or be embarrassed.

The Dove coos several times, one time raising its wings, like it's a warning and coo-ing some more.

Taehyung just rolls with it, like it was a prepared show and Jungkook can only admire his boyfriend some more.

The crowd applauds and disperses after, but the murmuring still holds on, while Jungkook grabs Taehyung's hands.

"It was nice meeting you again," he directs at the Chois.

"You have a long way to go," Taehyung tells them, and lets himself be pulled away.

"What the hell," Jungkook whispers, dragging Taehyung into a corner.

Taehyung glances at the dove on his shoulder, glowering at her and she coos in return.

Jungkook narrows his eyes at the dove. "You need to go!"


"I don't give a flying fuck what you say."


"No! And I can't believe I am talking to a pigeon!" He exclaims, feeling suddenly crazy.

"Happens to the best of us," his boyfriend replies.

"Fly off or I will get a cat!"


"Then I will get a big ass dog."


"Watch me!" Jungkook says, enraged.

The Dove clings to Taehyung's face, rubbing her head along his face.

"Will you stop that?!" Taehyung exclaims, pushing the head away. "It's enough now! We are over!"


"You want us to call the police?" He asks, flabbergasted.



"You want us to call them that a crazy man, dressed in a green, longhaired, ugly wig is threatening people with a trident and making fun of the God of the Sea?"

Jungkook meets Taehyung's gaze, one eyebrow raised, while his boyfriend looks pissed.

"Grandfather," he says, annoyed.


"Get your spirit animal off my shoulder and away from me!"


"You could have sent me a letter."


Taehyung groans. "Yes, we will visit you."


"I promise."

The dove looks at Jungkook, inclining his neck and blinking its beady eyes at him.

"Okay," he can only reply, too entranced by the winking.

A few seconds pass and the dove takes off, smacking Taehyung once more over the head with a wing.

Taehyung looks at him, his lips quivering. "Please, let's go and disinfect my face," he begs.

Jungkook takes his hand and they hurry through the crowd. "Of course," he answers. "Everything for you."


A/N: What do you think Tor-Een stands for?

Kudos to vk_leaharte for the name ;)
