Chapter one

The next night Helene woke with a thirst though it wasn't as strong as the thirst she needed for water. Seeing nothing but darkness Helene tries to stretch out her arms up however she hit a lid. Remembering the events of the night prior she sighed. "Sadly coffens are necessary and as long as you are with me I will supply it," Helene remembered Lestat's words.
She opened the coffen she was in.
She saw Lestat's face just inches away from her own. She slapped him which ended with him hitting the the left wall. He grunted as he relocated his jaw. "S sorry," Helene apologised spooked. Lestat looked at her in shock. "Strong, for a female vampire," Lestat thought. "Excuse me," Helene stated pissed off. "Wait did I say that out loud," Lestat thought. "No you were thinking it," Helene said as if it was a matter of fact.
Lestat was shocked but proud. His new student learned how to use a power all on her own. However she walked over and smothered the poor blond vampire. "Hey get off," Lestat croaked out. She obeyed looking like she was pouting. Lestat's eyes widened then shook his head. "Now let us eat!" He took Helene to the dining room where a feast was layed out before the two. Helene looked at the food and didn't look impressed. "What is wrong," Lestat asked? Helene stayed silent then took a seat and started to eat what was on her plate.
He did the same. "You know maybe you should start feeding tonight. Helene didn't respond. Lestat looked into her mixed pools that are filled with unshead tears. Lestat tried to read her mind he found he couldn't even do that now. As for her tears it was for her loved ones and Emerald. She started to cry muttereding the name Emerald quietly. "Helene," Lestat asked confused, " Why mutter that name when you have me?" Lestat grinned as he struck a pose. Helene pushed her plate away and left to go to their shared room. "I am going back to bed Lestat, good night," Helene said monotonusly as her tears stained her face. Lestat grew furious, however bit his tongue knowing lashing out at a woman would be wrong.
He got one of the many prostitutes he had then he appeared as if he was going to kiss her cheek but then bit her neck draining the woman dry.
Meanwhile Helene was laying in her white and pink coffen crying silently.
Once Lestat was done eating he went off to his shared room to hear soft sobs coming from Helene's coffen. "Emerald, Emerald, I i miss you so m much. I i wish I could see you again," Helene whispered as she quietly sobed. Lestat arrogantly ripped off the coffen lid to Helene's coffen. "Don't you dare say that name again," Lestat ordered. Helene who was fear stricken only sobbed out a soft sorry. Lestat though well knew of his last two students. Luis who was a human lover and Claudia his perfect but bratty student. Now with Helene he feared she may end up like Luis at this rate, yet she was different too. She disposed of any human that wasn't a gypsy. He didn't know why though but he let it be. It wasn't like his normal narasistic nature to care for anyone but himself, however with a lady with high beauty such as herself, he at least wanted a chance to be the envy of all men.
"Come on," Lestat said softly. "Oh grate I am turning into Luis...," Lestat thought irriated. Helene heard what the blond thought but let it slide. He pulled Helene up by the arm then dragged her out of the coffen. "W where are we going, " Helene stammered. "You will see my little Helene, you will see," Lestat said cryptically.
About a 30 minutes later Lestat stopped at a ticket box of a theater. "Romeo and Juliet," Helene questioned. Lestat didn't reply as he got the tickets and dragged Helene to their seats up in the box view chairs. "I didn't think you were this ritch," Helene thought which earned a chuckle from the blond. "Well now I must make a living now don't i," Lestat replied to her. Helene's eyes caught sight of a purple and golden celestial patterned scarf move across the stage. To which Helene stared at it confused. Why was it there, she knew only of one gypsy man that would have such a scarf however he is dead. Well she thinks he is.
Then the entire theater got quiet as the play started.

"Something isn't right," Helene told Lestat telipathically. He nodded in agreement. Indeed the play was quite different from the tale Shakespear wrote. Instead of every one being human, Juliet and her people were human while Romeo and his people were vampires. And the man who took the part as Romeo bore a stricikingly identical version of Emeraled but older.
She knew vampires couldn't age or have children except for special ones.
One's like her, she was fully aware that she still held onto her Wiccan power's but they were intensified.
She knew she can survive off of regular foods and blood. She kept looking at the man who was acting out Romio's parts. Though at the end there were some people who were able to talk to the actors. And the man who acted as Romio ran up to Helene and Lestat. "Wait sir, mind if I talk to your date alone please," the man asked.
Lestat looked at the man but grunted out a fine but don't take too long. The candy apple red eyed man took Helene by the hand and took her to his dressing room. "S sorry about dragging you to my dressing room," said the red eyed man rubbing the back of his neck fangs evident in his mouth.
Helene looked at the familiar man and noticed he is not her Emerald Novia.
"I feel like I knew you before," Helene said confused. "Maybe you do May be you don't. I can't tell," the man said shrugging.

Helene sighed in irritation. "But I do know you are one sexy looking woman, mind if I have your name," the man asked. Helene didn't look amused one bit. "You are lucky you are a gypsy or I would have killed you by now," Helene thought aggervated. "Come one mama don't give me the silent treatment, you are hurting my feelings," the man whined. "Helene De la mew," she replied. "My name is uh..," the man looked around nervously, " Leo.... new..ton... Newton! Leo Newton!" "Uh huh like I believe that," Helene retorted. Lestat though was listening to the two's conversation. "Okay okay sorry, my name is Emerald Nov. Happy," Emerald said saying half truth and half lie. His name caught Helene off guard to which she thought, "He has the same everything but the eyes teeth and last name as my beloved Emerald," Helene thought, "No, Elene, he is not your Emerald he....he pasted away ten years ago." Emerald heard Helene's thoughts to which got his cheeks to burst into a pink blush. "Huh? What's wrong," Helene asked concerned. "N nothing is wrong n not a thing is out of place, hahahaah," Emerald laughed nervously.
Outside the door stood Lestat listening in and when he saw a man around his height long black hair and blood red eyes walk out of a room his eyes narrowed. "So this is where you've been hiding teacher," Lestat thought in annoyance. "Huh? Lestat," asked the man shocked. "Magnus," Lestat says simply as he grits his teeth. "What are you doing here, I thought you didn't want to see me," Magnus asked curious. "I didn't think you would be running th-" Lestat cut himself off mid sentence when he hears a moan of what sounds like pleasure coming from Emerald's dressing room to which he kicks the door down to find Helene sitting on a chair smirking and Emerald snickering. "See told you he would kick down the door," Helene laughed. Lestat and Magnus who just walked up looked to be in quizzical states. "Uh... what," the two teachers asked in unison, "is going on?" "Master Magnus , let me explain, Helene and I made a bet to see who's master would rush in first. You or Lestat. Helene said if her teacher Lestat kicked the door down first I would go with her to stay with Lestat. However if you rushed in first master Magnus she would owe me a kiss on the lips," Emerald explained as he pointed to his mouth with a smile then laughed, "And it would seem I lost the bet. Yet that look on Lestat's face was proceless!" Both students broke out in a fit of laughter. "Helene, next time when you make bets.... YOU BETTER TELL ME FIRST!!!!!!" Helene started to cry and Emerald chastised Lestat for making Helene cry. "Is he always like this," Lestat asked dreading the thought of bringing another male vampire home. "I am afraid so, when it comes to women that look similar to her he acts like that other than that he would rather play a violin, dance, or sing for that matter rather than act," Magnus said as he sighed. "Oh grate," Lestat said exasperated, "Come on you two we are going home." Lestat was upset but once back at his place he had moved Helene's coffen to be with Emerald's which was green and encrusted with emerald gemstones and on the inside had brown silk like cloth under a silky soft and fury bear pealt blanket and a lace pillow.
Emerald wasn't thrilled with the pillow he got. And with the coffen ether. Then force fed blood by Lestat. Emerald was willing to put up with it to be with Helene. Though he hated how Lestat made the "In love" eyes at Helene.
