chapter 4

To be honest Emerald heard every word Lestat said. He only went out to get a new bow and quiver to calm down. On his outing though he bumped into someone and kept walking uttering only a quiet sorry. Though the person turned to look at him smirking eyes as blue as the ocean.
While Emerald was out Lestat was enjoying Helene hugging his torso. Yet she woke up confused wondering where she was and why was she was warm. "She seems so comfortable," Lestat thought. Helene heard his thoughts loud and clear. Spooked she jumped out of the coffen throwing the lid halfway across the room as she screamed. "W why was I in your coffin," Helene asked in a shrill scream spirals in her two toned eyes. "Well Helene last night it was quite stormy and thunder could be heard. You climbed into my coffin and slept here til now," Lestat was smirking at this point. Helene screamed so loud the whole town heard it. Emerald who was in a store getting a quiver for the bow looked up hearing Helene' s scream. He dropped the quiver and ran as fast as he could using his inhuman speed to rush to Helene to see if something bad happened.
Lestat though got up and pinned Helene to the wall smirking down at her. When he was going to bend down to bite Helene on the neck the door slammed open. Helene was crying scared and too shocked to move. Lestat looked over his shoulder to see what caused the door to slam open he saw Emerald panting eyes glowing a deep crimson red. "You bastard," Emerald yelled and as soon as he took a step to run he vanished. Lestat frowned but then grinned as he went back to going to bite Helene only to get punched in the cheek so hard Lestat flew into three walls landing in a bathtub and a broken water pipe pouring water on his head. Emerald was furious and went after Lestat beating Lestat up. "You rotten fucker how could you do that to MY princess,"Emerald growled as he kept landing punches on Lestat. Lestat though was going to fight back however the blond was never given a chance from how fast Emerald was at landing punches and kicks on Lestat. Soon Lestat's vision blurred and finally faded to black. Emerald's hands had Lestat's blood dripping from them the gypsy was panting calming down. "Damn you filthy old man," Emerald spat and turned around to see a very scared and tramatized Helene. Emerald tried to take a step towards Helene only to see her faint. She was falling to the ground luckily Emerald caught her just before she hit the ground. "My princess I will always protect you from harm," Emerald whispered.
A few hours passed and when Helene came to she saw an familiar charred ceiling. Diamonds though covered in soot and dust she remembered it. She started to get up only to see she was covered in old blue dovet bedsheets. The one from her rokm when she was eight years of age. She looked around to see it was her old toom and her doll was placed right next to her yet there was a tan hand holding onto it. She followed the hand and arm to see the owner was Emerald. He had his old violin in his left hand and seemed to be asleep.

She looked at Emerald's sleeping face. He was the sane as her Emerald she knew. Yet she was confused as to why he said "My princess" she never told him she was a princess. Suddenly he stirred. "Mmnnn," Emerald groaned as he awoke to see Helene's eyes on him. He laughed, "What see somethi ng you like?" "I.. whatever," Helene replied and blushed looking away. He laughed and got up. "I suppose the cat's out of the bag. Huh," Emerald smiled sadly. "I dont know but i am confused. I never told you I was princess, and you have my old doll. And you found my old home. Just how," Helene asked as she started to get a migrane.
He looked at Helene and sighed with a smile as he got up placing both the violen and doll on the nightstand next to the bed on the right. He then got onto the bed and hugged Helene. "I am sorry for not telling you my elli," Emerald picked up Helene and rested her on his lap placing his chin on her shoulder. "Who are you," Helene asked frowning as tears threaten to fall from.her eyes. "I am surprised you don't recognize me. Then again I have grown and changed alot. And i am happy you don't kill gypsies,"Emerald said. "You cant be my emeraled. He died ten years ago. He should be bones or ashes by now."
"I never died. I was turned into a vampire. Thanks to Magnus,"Emerald said sadly.
"Tell me exsactly what happened that night....please,"Helene pleaded.
He nodded and proceeded to tell what happened.
*Flash back mode activate*
He gave Helene his precious violin he had sense he was three. "Keep it safe for me, and if I die, make sure to keep it playing for me," Emerald said then ran back into the now flaming castle. Emerald closed the secret passage way and placed a flower there to mark the exsact spot to go to. He started to run to Helene's room only to hear the sound of feet rushing over. He quickly hid under a table with had a cubbord. He closed the doors to it and tried to be as silent as possible. There was a crack from which he could see from. What he saw was the humans non gypsies running away in pure fear of something torches in their hands. "What could they be afraid of," Emerald thought confused. Deciding the coast was clear he got out of his hiding place and rushed over to Helene's room which is now on fire. He rushed through the flames to get to her bed. He threw off the bedding and everything looking for the doll. He then looked at a odd marking in the wall. He touched the marking with his fingers to gasp in shock when a secret compartment opened to show the doll he was looking for. He smiled and grabbed it taking in its sent. "Helene smells like Helene," Emerald thought in bliss.
Then he looked around to see he was surrounded by flames. "Dang it," Emerald cursed aloud. He then looked around and sighed seeing no other way but to jump over the flames blocking the door. He got ready to do so when water was splashed onto him and a water element wizard was there putting out the fire. "What are you waiting for kid get out of here! The king and queen have died run now," said the wizard in a panic. He nodded and ran for it only to be hit in the head with something hard to the back of the head. He fell from the impact but turned around to see a human man laughing a look of pure evil in his eyes. "He was likely the one who started this in the first place," Emerald thought in anger.
Emerald saw the man had a dubble edged sword in his hands and was likely hit with the flat part of it. The man laughed as he raised his swird and plunged it into Emerald's middle back. Severing the spineal crod in half in the process as well as a major artery.
Suddenly just as the man was going to run a pale hand grabed his throat. His screams filled the corridor. A man came into view a pale skinned man with long black hair and deep brown eyes like that of dark chocolate. "Do you wish to live child," he asked. "I.. yes," Emeraled croaked out pain being too much to bare. The pale man smiled revealing two pearly white fangs. The next thing came as a flash as emerald felt the blood leaving his body then the pale man stopped. He ripped open his wrist to let blood flow out and placed it to Emerald's lips. "Drink," was the only command the man had. Emerald had no problem obeying as he drank the blood sucking it like a babe would to it's mother's breast for milk. The pale man pulled back yanking his wrist away from Emerald. Emerald though was breathing heavily and groaned in pain as his body his back everything healed and died. Suddenly Emerald had stoped breathing for a few seconds then suddenly gasped and looked around with his new eyes. Eyes the color of candy apple red instead of emerald green. Emerald saw a statue of an angel with cat ears he stared at it in wonder the eyes were moving as well as the ears listening for danger. Then everything became dark as something had put him to sleep. Still holding onto the doll. The pale man took Emerald to a traveling theater group where he learned to master his newfound powers and act in plays.
*flashback ends*
"So you were kidnapped and that was why you never came," Helene said pissed off. "Whoa there I tried to escape to find you for 3 years but after Magnus told me to train to get better at using my newfound powers so I could protect you better instead of hurting you without knowing how to control my powers. I started to think about it. Your parents told me to protect you and so I did what I thought was best and tried to keep an eye on you from the shadows. It seems you could very well handel your own. Yet I couldn't stop watching you. I suppose I had gained a crush on you without knowing. And I still Hold onto that feeling," Emerald said smiling softly. Helene was starting to tremble which worried Emerald. "Hey are you okay," Emerald asked worried. He parted from her to look at her face to see tears running down her face along with a blush on her cheeks. "You idiot! It took you this long to form a crush on me when I had a crush on you sense you saved me in the woods," Helene admitted. Emerald blushed and laughed. "I guess I put you through hell without knowing it huh," Emerald nervously said.

"It was blissful yet agonizing because I wished to be more than friends. Even when you told me to wait ten minutes if you weren't there by then....then I would have to escape without you cause you could have been killed. I waited up to thirty minutes. And when you didn't arrive I whailed and cried out your name. It was the most painful part of my life. And i thought a human killed you but I am happy you survived," Helene sobbed and hugged Emerald he was spooked but hugged back, "I am so happy to have my beloved back." Emerald frowned, "What about Lestat? He seems to have fallen deeply for you and hasn't realized it himself. Do you like him?" Helene bit Emerald's chest. "Ow Helene what was that for," Emerald exclaimed in pain. "Do you really think I like narsisitic pests?! I dislike him but he gave me this chance and when I get the chance I will kill him," Helene snarled. "Note to self never get Helene mad," Emerald thought taking a note scared but surprisingly attracted even more to Helene.
