Chapter 6

I didn't get any sleep.

So it was currently 5:30 am and I was staring at the ceiling while lying on my bed.

Since I was wide awake and it was Sunday, which meant I had nothing to do. I decided to go to the restricted Woods with my camera to get my mind off things. So I got up from my bed and took a shower and changed into grey sweatpants and a back hoodie. But when I wore the hoodie I realized it was too big for me, one more of me could fit in it.

I didn't care how I looked plus it was so early in the morning, I don't think anybody would be awake. I tied my hair in a bun, it was messy but not intentionally. I put on my glasses and grabbed my camera, as I was on way out of my room I noticed my black backpack and remembered that Ms. Amelia had given me gifts!

How could I forget that?! So I placed my camera on the desk and took the bag while sitting on the chair. I removed the two boxes from my bag and opened the first box only to find chocolate chip cookies in there, my FAVOURITE! She really was the best!

I couldn't wait to open the next box. I opened the small black velvet box and I was stunned. I couldn't believe my eyes, my hand automatically covered my mouth. It was a delicate piece of necklace with only a gleaming blue diamond on a thin silver chain. It was so pretty, I loved it.

But it looked really expensive, I couldn't really accept it? There was a note card folded in the box. It said:

"Dear, please accept this gift, consider it a present for the years you have spent with me. You have always been so polite with me and treated me with the utmost respect. I would love to spend more time with you but that can't happen.

-Ms. Amelia"

Can't happen? Why not?

I had to call Ms. Amelia about this letter, but it was too early. So I decided to call her after I come back from the woods. I stood in front of the mirror and gently wore the delicate piece, took about ten minutes to hook it but I was patient, after all it was one the few gifts I have received until now. The shinning blue diamond stood out.

It made me feel like I had somebody who cared for me and my existence mattered to them.

I grabbed my camera and headed for the woods feeling better than ever.

It had been about forty five minutes that I had been in the woods. I was clicking pictures with my hood covering my head because I didn't want any insect from above falling on my head. The camera which I had currently was gifted to me by my grandparents who died when I was five. I was fond of photography since then.

I never actually liked clicking pictures of me, I just thought the me being in the picture would ruin the photo.

As I was walking around, I felt like I was being followed. Weird.

I was looking around to click a picture of something.

Oh! A Karner blue butterfly. They were so rare. I had to click a picture without disturbing it, otherwise it would fly off.

So I slowly started walking towards the tree bark it was on...

The colour contrast of the photo would turn out great!


I took slow steps.

oH mY gOd, I was so close to it. I focused my camera on it and




Ouch! my jaw hurts. I don't what happened but a one second I was taking a picture of a beautiful butterfly and the next second I was on the ground with something heavy on me and a hurting jaw.

Was this the same person who has been following me all this time?! I meekly opened my eyes but my vision was blurry cause my head hit the ground too hard. All I could see was a guy who was dark haired and well built, he was sitting on me with one his knee on each side, holding my left hand down next to my head so that I couldn't move. He was about to reach for my neck with his other hand.

But he stopped mid-way.

Now or Never, I thought.

I don't know what gave me the strength but I pushed the guy with my left hand and flipped him over.

"Bell- ohhh"

I was on top of him in a second, exactly in the same position he was in before . My head was spinning, all of this was happening too fast. I fixed my glasses and rubbed my eyes quickly to see who it was. But I'd made a mistake, his hands were free so I didn't realize when he grabbed both of my hands with his one hand while his other hand reached to my back and pulled me in, my whole body was on him except my hands, he had a tight grip on them. My face was accidently buried in his neck, both of us were breathing heavily, cause it all happened too quick and I didn't get a single chance to catch a breath.

"Stop..." croaked a deep, husky voice.

"I'm not going *sigh* to hurt you." Sounded like he was out of breath and tired.

We were too close for my comfort, I tried getting up but his hand was still on my back and he pulled me down again. This time my head landed on his tight chest.

"Just stop... give me second."

I couldn't! I didn't know who he was, he was in my personal bubble, he punched me in the jaw, was about to strangle me to death and he expects me to... wait?

But I didn't actually have the guts to say it out loud.

I couldn't give him a second, so I tried to move again. But he was stronger than me and he pushed down again. I was about to try again when he tightened his grip on my hands, hurting me.

"Ouch!" I yelped.

I looked up to his face because he was hurting me, but I guess that was a wrong move cause I was still on top of him.

So when his eyes opened, they looked directly into mine.

Something happened in my stomach and I felt my face heat up. His face was too close, so close that I could feel his breath on my face.

I couldn't help but notice his stormy grey eyes, they were so beautiful unlike mine. I broke the eye contact cause I was too self-conscious of my eyes but that's when I realized who I was on top of 'VINCENT HUNTER'!

My eyes widened with realization and I started crying cause by now I'm pretty sure my wrist was bruised.

Seeing me cry he moved his hand from my back while releasing my hands from his tight grip. I didn't even waste one second getting up and spurted out of there.


It was still early, I ran until I reached my room. Entering my room and closing the door I took a glance at the clock- 6:45 am.

I sat on my bed and took a look at both of my wrists.

Yeah... they were bruised.

Lying down I wondered..... Why am I always running away? Away from all my problems? Away from people? And then I feel lonely? After running away from them? Was it my fault that nobody liked me? Why do I have so my questions? Technically if you think Vincent wasn't a problem so I didn't runaway from my problems. Or was he?

I am INSANE! I just had a whole conversation with my self.. ughhh!

This was so tiring that I didn't realize when I passed out on the bed.


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