Chapter 2


After taking a shower and getting dressed in my uniform, sitting on the end of my bed I looked over all my packed boxes, everything I will be needing until Christmas ,it was all packed into those boxes. Most of the students get to go home for the holidays unless their parents insist on keeping them there cause of their performance before the breaks. Almost every year I get held back because of my grades but last year I wasn't held back , and I hope I don't get held back this year either. 

Honestly I like the Christmas feels, the snow, the smell of freshly baked goods, decorating the trees and the Christmas sweaters. We millers have a sweater shopping day. Well they  don't take me cause most of the media is present there but Ms. Amelia gets me a sweater every year cause she accompanies the rest of the family to the fancy stores and my mom gives her the money to get me a sweater. I still have all of them, each one. 

I looked at the clock, 7:42 am. I still have lot of time we leave at 10:00 and need to reach Royal Woods High by 8:00 pm. 

*Knock* *Knock* 


"Ma'am we will be leaving by 9:00... Ms. Zenith needs check that everything in her house at Royal Woods High is just how she wanted.." Mr. Ross said entering my room.

" Oh... sure. I'll be ready by then. Thank you." 

"Do you need anything ma'am?"

"Thank you but I'm good, will you please close the door while exiting?"

"Always so polite miss" Mr. Ross said with a slight smile while exiting and closing the door.

Getting up from my bed, I go to the full length mirror in my room and look at myself again. My uniform, a short black skirt, a white blouse beneath a black blazer and a red tie. I didn't like what I was seeing. A Loser. I seriously needed to study ,otherwise how long can my parents provide me with this roof and school.

I needed  to buck up and change my study hours from 6 hours to 9 hours. And strictly need to keep my cameras away. That was a BIG distraction. As soon I would start be completing my 4th hour I would start fidgeting with my camera and then get carried away. I liked it though. I liked- no I loved to photograph. I don't know why I like it though. I guess it's probably the idea of capturing the beauty of the moment and cherishing the memory for your whole life. I like it. 

I would definitely agree I was no beauty. My hair was a mix between being a red head and very little brunette. My eyes, well I was always called the weird one for that... they... they had a bit of blue, green and very little of golden. They actually are weird, that's why I don't look people in the eyes much, even if I do not enough for them to notice my eye color.

My face was pale white which practically made me look dead. I noticed the time was running and quickly went into the closet and grabbed my black shoes and white socks, standard school uniform. You had to arrive there wearing this. After I removed my home slippers ,I slipped those shoes on. I grabbed my small plain black backpack and put my phone, two books in it. I quickly grabbed my glasses and rushed downstairs. 

When I reached downstairs everybody already at the door. Mom was in her night robe and dad was in a suit, probably leaving for work. 

"Miss Bella.." called Ms. Amelia as I was about to near the door.

She gently pulled me aside.

" Here miss I made something for you." She handed me a  small black box with another medium sized box.

" What's this?" I said with a smile. She made somthing for me, just how sweet of her.

She didn't answer but instead was just looking at me. Noticing that she was staring at me while I was smiling I got conscious and my smile faded.

"Ah... pardon me miss. But you just look so sweet when you smile, and you rarely do it. Anyways I'm talking too much. It's a surprise, open it when you reach school and get settled in your room.

" Oh... I appreciate it, thanks a lot." I said with a smile again. 

"You should go now m-miss, they are waiting for you."

I don't know why I didn't have good feeling about this, I noticed a tear in her eye. Why did this feel like a good bye which was not meant to be  'good' bye?

" Wait-"

"Miss you should really leave"

"Are you alright? why does this not feel good? "

"I'm fine dear,they are leaving..."

"I'll be going now... keep in contact"

Ms. Amelia replied with a heart felt smile.

I walked towards the door feeling like I shouldn't be leaving her right now. I kept the boxes inside my bag and started walking. I was really close to her, everyday when I wasn't present at the family dinner or breakfast cause my mom didn't want me to, Ms. Amelia would eat with me afterwards. I would enjoy her company.
She comforted me everytime I would cry as child when my parents would ignore me and pay attention to my siblings. She  was like family to me or maybe the only one.

As I reached the giant door I saw my mom and hugging my sister and brother with all the joy in the world, they looked like a perfect family.

I paced towards them and stood in front of my mom, hoping... just a little bit, that she would do the same for me. I knew I was expecting too much but it was worth a try , to feel the motherly warmth for the first time. 

I was looking at her face, she truly was beautiful, she deserved all of this. My mother was perfe-

" What are you doing here standing and starting at my face like a moron. Get in the car, now." She said with menacing eyes and a straight face.  

I blinked a few times , getting out of the trance and making a fool out of myself.

"Y-yeah.... bye mom and da-"

"Go, you are wasting our time" said dad,  not even looking at me.

 I started walking towards the cars and got inside the third car. The first car reached the gates with Zenith in it, both of my parents waved bye to her and to Aidan in the second car as his car left but as soon my car reached the gates I looked at the door... nobody was there. It hurt. Alot. My hands on my thighs clenched my skirt and thought they must've remembered something very important... ofcourse. I was trying to convince myself. But my mind made me ask myself  questions... why me? Am I not worth it? Not Worth the love and affection? Probably yes.                    *Sigh*

So I hope you enjoyed... She's going  reach Royal Wood High... let's see what happens?
Don't forget to vote for the chapter if you  liked it ...

