
I felt like crawling into a hole, I was blushing hard and I wanted to cry, I couldn't do so in public because I didn't want everybody to watch me cave underneath all this pressure of finally being exposed

"is there a problem class?" The teacher asked everybody who was staring directly at me and they turned to face him.

I however was still blushing and I felt my eyes become glassy after I got tossed into the spotlight, I guess there will never be a place where I am not noticed anymore. The teacher then turned to face me with concern in his eyes

"Is there a problem Natalie" he asked me with a frown and I managed to look up at him but it was hard to do so right now

"can I please go get some fresh air?" I asked him and he nodded, allowing me to walk out of the classroom and decided to make my way to the girl toilets to have a few moments alone time. Franny then suddenly bumped into me from behind and she had a concerned expression on her face

"oh my gosh, what's wrong Nat-" she began to say before realising what the problem was "you are the mysterious supermodel who everybody is raving over? Why didn't you tell me this before now"

"I didn't want to be popular in school and the public, I would have just wanted to live a normal life, to actually just be myself."

Franny just sighed in response "well, that isn't going to be the same for any longer, everybody has seen the video and now know that you are a supermodel so I guess you have to farewell your chance at a normal life"

"thanks for the support." I replied sarcastically as I rolled my eyes and she released a sigh before she replied

"you would have to find out a way to solve the problem, I had no idea how to help you in this problem" she said with a sad expression "maybe you could just quit being a supermodel and make them take down the video"

"and not be a model anymore, are you kidding me" I replied with a shocked expression "why would I turn down something that I love"

"I'm sorry then, I don't know how to help you." She replied with a sad smile as tears started to fall down my face and after making it to the toilets, I was about to open the door until I felt a soft hand on my shoulder and I turned around to face a boy with black hair and grey eyes

"are you okay" he asked with a concerned expression "you look like crap, there's something wrong, I know there is."

I sighed as I looked into his eyes "wouldn't you already know what's wrong right now? Didn't you watch the video just like everybody else in the school, the video went viral. It took away what I wanted, a normal life"

"I have no idea what you are talking about" he said with a honest smile as I looked at him in confusion "is there a viral video going around?"

I looked at him in surprise "yes, a viral video everybody in the entire school has watched but you, it revealed my secret and now all that popularity is going to be taking over my entire life when I just want to be normal here at school"

"who says that everybody is going to treat you different" he replied with a smile as I looked at him while releasing a short smile "I'm going to treat you normally if nobody else does."

I sniffed as I looked into his eyes "you will"

"of course I will." He replied with a smile.

I then observed him for a moment, him not looking bothered at all with what I was doing. He is actually going to treat me like a normal teenage girl and I was thankful for that, all hope wasn't lost. I then lit up with a bright smile and looked into his eyes again

"I'm Natalie" I introduced myself with a nod as I shook his hand "since it's revealed anyway, I'm a world famous supermodel"

"that's cool how you are a model and all, you look like you would be one actually" he replied with a smile that made my heart melt "my name is Joey and I have just as much as a reputation as you did"

"you are a bit of a nerd too?" I asked him with an interested expression

"yep, I am a part of the group that actually cares about education" he replied with a smile "It's pretty cool how I am now friends with somebody that had model experience, a lot different from what I do normally"

"well, I guess you don't meet a super model everyday" I laughed "it's nice to meet you Natalie, don't worry about heading back to class, you just have to ignore all the eyes glued on you and you will be fine"

"thanks Joey." I replied with a nod as he smiled and I started my walk back to class - it felt so much better that at least one person in the school will treat me like a normal person and I was finally happy again. I entered the classroom again and things seemed to have calmed down

"Miss Green, it's nice to have you in class again" he greeted with a smile "are you feeling any better after that little walk"

"I am, much better."I replied as I started to focus on creating my artwork, it might have been a depressed painting but after Joey comforted me I couldn't help but change it into a happy painting so I dipped the brush into the yellow and began to create one heck of a masterpiece.

. . . . . . . . . .

"alright students, please hand in your artwork now if you finished and head to your next lesson." The teacher informed us but I zoned out while looking at my beautiful artwork. It was a painting of a blue, sunny day and I adored it.

I then brought it up, standing behind a guy who has painted a picture of bright fireworks to represent excitement. After he left to go to his next lesson, I was now standing in front of the teacher who had a excited smile on his face, knowing that I was one of his brightest students

"alright Natalie, let's see what you have painted." He said with a smile as I handed over my artwork. After his eyes looked down the whole painting, a bright smile made it's way onto his lips

"I love this painting" he exclaimed as I released a bright smile in response "and it looks like you are feeling happy again too"

"I sure am" I said in response with the bright smile still on my lips "it's a long story as to why I was feeling upset earlier on, but at least I'm happy again and that's all that matters right now"

"by the way, are you really a famous supermodel" he asked, his eyes dancing with excitement as I replied with a simple shrug "yeah I sure am, I guess you listened in on the conversations around the classroom?"

He winked "sure did."

I laughed in response and with that, I went out of the room to head to my next lesson, which was the one I hated the most:


I cringed at the thought of heading to the science lab and being tortured by staying there for a while - I have never had interest in it and some things that we had to do was merely gross, things I rather not talk about

"hey Nat, wait up!" I heard Franny shout from behind me and she then finally caught up to me and noticing the sudden change of mood, she released a grin

"thanks for allowing me catch up to you" she said with a bright smile "also, what's with the sudden change of mood"

"well, you know how I was so upset that my secret was revealed and everybody would notice me at school as well as the public" I replied as she nodded in response "this boy called Joey comforted me, and said that he will always treat me like a normal teenage girl"

"at least there is somebody that treats you like that" she replied with a bright smile "but what about me, I would do the same"

"yeah, whatever Fran." I replied with a playful eye roll as she giggled in response and we both continue to walk towards the torture that is know as science class and I wasn't look forward to it.

Franny and I both entered the lab and our young female teacher looked at us with a smile, we both hated this subject but I didn't mind the teacher

"good morning girls, I hope you are ready to discover some more Science"she exclaimed as I cringed at the thought of having this dumb subject "please take your seats and let's start the lesson!"

Like it was on cue, we both then walked over to our tables with all eyes still on me but I tried my best to ignore them. We then sat down at our seats and the teacher started the lesson

"we will be doing a fun lesson today, not like last week's one where a couple of students fainted." I then cringed as I thought about the last Science lesson: we were dissecting frogs and for some people, that ended up with a lot of people going to see the school nurse. The lesson that must not be named

"we will be burning different types of cookies and seeing how much energy is contained in each one to find the one which has the most" she added "I will be sorting you all into partners, and there is no swapping after I decide."

She then started to call out partners and during that time, I was hoping that I wouldn't be put with somebody who would talk on about the whole supermodel thing and make things worst.

It has to be Fran.

All partners were then nearly announced and soon enough, she turned to me with a smile and I couldn't help it but smile back

"alright Natalie, your partner is Francesca!" She exclaimed as we both moved to the desk with my best friend cringing at her full name.

Franny hated it when people called her that, and most teachers on campus unfortunately did so. She then shook it out of her mind as we both sat down. sitting on the surface was all the equipment we need to do the experiment

"alright, we can survive this lesson, we have done it before anyway" she said taking a dramatically deep breath "at least we are only burning cookies"

"at least." I replied with a smile as we then carried on with the lesson burning away cookies and slaving away until the bell of freedom. The day went past like a breeze, and I couldn't help but think about the conversation I had with Joey, how he will treat me the way nobody else will do for a long time and reassuring me that I had no reason to worry, I needed that and he is going to do that.
