
"I can't believe how judgemental you are with deciding who your friends will be, I'm surprised you even have friends" the brunette taunted with a scowl "not being my friend because you think that I just want to be friends with a supermodel when I clearly do not."

I was getting to the point of wanting to move desks or even walk out of the room, but I knew the teacher wouldn't let me, even if she was just enjoying talking to us about ancient egypt and doing nothing else.

I sighed as I turned to her "listen, I just want to focus right now and get a good education, can you please leave me alone this lesson?"

She then released a smirk that right now I wish I could slap off "why should I when I could be telling you to stop being so judgmental and to accept me as a true friend and not because of incorrect assumptions"

"I am not judgmental and I know that you just want to be friends with me because I am a supermodel" I hissed "can you just leave me alone"

"is there a problem, Miss Green?" The teacher asked with a concerned expression on her face. I shook my head no and with her looking at me again, she then started to teach the lesson again. Just as I was about to slap the brat across the face the bell rang and I ran out of the classroom just as Franny was walking past with a soft smile on her lips

"so Natalie, how was class" she exclaimed and as she saw my expression she looked at me with worry "what ruined your favourite subject"

"the bratty brunette ruined my favourite subject" I replied, cringing at the thought of her "she thought it was better to talk me into becoming her friend rather then care about our education."

She then shrugged "you just have to ignore her and don't let her torture get to you, she isn't worth any of your anger or time."

I them smiled at her as we linked arms and walked off to our next lesson today, which was English. My favourite teacher taught that lesson and that was one of the things that I enjoyed about it, along with all the silent reading time.

We both then entered the classroom and the teacher - a young girl with tan skin, black hair that reached her shoulders and her cheeks splattered with freckles looked at me with a bright smile

"good morning girls and welcome to class" she exclaimed and I couldn't help it but smile back "please take a seat"

"will do." I replied with a smile as Franny and I walked to our seats, everybody still staring at me and making things wrong but in times like these, I try to remember Joey's advice. After giving glares to everybody that was looking at me, I noticed one guy who was daydreaming in the corner:


I didn't know if he was just proving his point that he didn't care that I was a supermodel or just daydreaming. He then suddenly snapped out of his daze and looked at me with a bright smile on his lips.

Even if I wasn't interested in having a relationship with anybody, he was for sure attractive, sweet, caring and-

"Natalie, please take your seat." The teacher repeated snapping me out of my thoughts and I nodded as I walked over to my seat where Franny was already sitting down with a bright smile. I then sat next to her and the teacher began to speak with everybody then turning to her. Thankfully, the brunette wasn't in this class and I could actually focus on the teacher

"good morning students and welcome to another lesson of English" she exclaimed and there were no groans to be heard "today, we will be doing silent reading again, so please get out your books!"

Like it was on cue, everybody began to grab their books as I started to panic - I completely forgot my book.

I then felt tears sprung in my eyes because I didn't want to get in trouble by my favourite teacher, Franny then looked at me with a knowing smile and I looked at her with a confused expression on my face

"you forgot your book, didn't you Nat?" She asked, the knowing smile still on her lips.

I then sighed in response "yeah I did, normally I would never forget my book for silent reading, I just hope the teacher won't get mad"

"she won't, trust me." She replied with a wink as she grabbed two books and plopped one onto my desk and after watching her, I smiled and pulled her into a tight hug before pulling back and giving her a brighter smile

"you honestly have just saved my life" I exclaimed as she had a proud expression on her face "that would have been a lot worse."

She winked again in response "no problem."

. . . . . . . . . .

When the bell rung to indicate that it was time for lunch, everybody rushed out of the classroom and towards the cafeteria - at this time of day everybody is willing to eat some food and I don't blame them. Franny and I followed the crowd, while being far behind everybody else

"why is everybody so eager to go to the cafeteria" she asked with a confused expression on her face "it's just food, nothing special"

"nothing special?" I asked her in shock, the food that the cafeteria serves is special and I guess that's another reason why the whole school gets this worked up over having the amazing food here.

We eventually made it to the cafeteria and the doors were already open, the interior with a inviting feel and a scent of some food too good to miss out on. Franny and I then joined onto the long queue and then somebody walked up behind us and when I looked around I released a bright smile

"good afternoon ladies" he greeted as my best friend twirled her hair in a flirty way again "are you ready to have some great food-"

"Nat, I told you that this food isn't special!" Franny cut him off before giving me a playful punch on the arm. I then rolled my eyes at her and Joey bursted with laughter. The line soon cleared up and we were now getting our food - I picked up everything there was and Franny looked at me strangely

"why would you get everything there is to have today" she asked me with a confused expression on her face "isn't that too much?"

I shrugged in response "why not?"

She then rolled her eyes playfully which resulted in me releasing a small giggle and we then made our way to the table we basically owned where nobody else backs away from. I then noticed Joey coming to our table and as it was on cue, I moved to make some space for him to sit down

"thanks Natalie" he exclaimed with a smile as he sat down next to me "also, wouldn't there be crowds wanting to sit here with you"

"actually, you have a good point Joey, I wonder-" I replied but stopped mid sentence when I observed him "maybe you being here told everybody to back off as none of them would expect us sitting together"

"good point." He replied with a smile as we then started to eat our lunch while Franny stared at my full tray with a sigh - looks like she didn't quite mean what she has said earlier. I then took a glance around the room and saw the brunette, looking at me and talking to her friends

"does that girl know you from somewhere?" Joey suddenly asked me with a confused expression on his face.

I sighed "she bothered the crap out of me on the bus attempting to be friends just because I'm a supermodel and to make matters worse, she is even in my History class and sitting next to me"

"don't let her bother you, she's just a desperate popular wannabe." He replied with a gentle smile and I knew that he was right like about all his advice he has given so far to me. I then gave him a bright smile as we then ate more of our lunch - his advice was well thought out, and that's what I admire about him.

The bell for the next lesson chimed and I cringed at the thought of what I had next. I then looked at Franny and it looked like she felt the same way

"well, it's time to experience one heck of a nightmare." She muttered underneath her breath as I gave her a sad smile and we then started heading to the classroom. Nightmare was our shared codeword for Maths.

Franny and I not only hated it for all the hard work they decide to torture us with, but it was mostly the teacher we had. There is not a single hint of liking between us, and decides to spend the lesson completely ignoring us.

We both then ran into the classroom and everyone looked at me but the teacher, who was pretending to look through some paperwork.

I knew better then to greet him so we then both walked to our desks, where there was another person in between and sat down. The teacher then stood up and looked at most of the class with a smile

"good morning everybody and welcome-" he started to greet the class before Franny cut him off with a snarl, causing me to look at her with shock

"were you really wishing everybody good morning or just most of the class" she snapped as the teacher glared at her "you always treat Natalie and I like we are invisible and I am sick of it, what do you hold against us or dislike about us? We have never done anything to you so NOTICE US."

He groaned before he replied "if you carry on like this much longer, you will be going to detention" he hissed as he turned to me "and Natalie, if you join in there's a detention waiting for you too."

I then stood up and with a deep sigh voiced my thoughts "if that is what it takes to make a change, then count me in"

"DETENTION NOW!" He screamed as the whole class fell silent and turned to look at us, bringing on more notice and making me blush. Franny then stood up, rolled her eyes and walked out of the classroom with me following closely behind her

"I don't get it" she wondered out loud with a sigh "he tosses us into detention when we were trying to stand up for ourselves"

"maybe we stood up for ourselves at the wrong time" I suggested feebly as she looked at me in shock and I looked back at her with confusion - it wasn't like Franny to snap, but I guess we have known the teacher for too long

"there is no such thing as a wrong time for that" she replied with narrowed eyes "that teacher ignores us everywhere and when else?"

I then realised that she was right and with a nod, we began to make our way to detention, where nobody wanted to be.

. . . . . . . . . .

As soon as we entered more angry then ever being sent to this living nightmare, the detention supervisor looked at us with a confused expression

"It's very surprising to see you girls here in detention" he said with a strange look "is everything okay with you both, I thought you two are the perfect student and haven't got a chance coming here?"

Franny groaned before she replied "yep, we are just peachy."

He then decided to not ask any further questions leaving Franny and I heading to our desks right next to each other. I then decided to look around the room, there were very few people but even here they stared at me, this is going to be such a long detention.

I then flopped down on the chair, ready for what feels like a lifetime of torture. My best friend then looked at me with a loud sigh that caused every head in the room to turn in our direction, I shot a glare causing them to turn away

"great, I can't believe I got my first detention while trying to express my thoughts" she muttered underneath her breath.

I looked at her with a guilty expression "well, maybe it wasn't the best idea to express our thoughts in class, even though there would be no way that he would speak to us anywhere else"

"but hey, the cool thing is that you stood up for what you thought and that's a big step" she exclaimed with a bright smile "maybe it could help you in this situation, even if Joey is still there for you."

I gave her a bright smile "maybe it will."
