Chapter Eleven: Whee

~Number Five~

Together, the three of them sat in Diegos car, Doll in the middle in the back and Klaus in the passenger seat.

Doll was out cold, she took a short nap till Diego patted her knee to get her attention, "Hey Doll, wake up."

She shot up in her seat, "What? I'm awake, I'm awake....What's going on." She asked her brother, looking around she tried to figure out where they are. 

The only answer she got was him pointing with a finger at a vets only bar, confused she scrunched her brows, noticing that Klaus wasn't in the car anymore. "Come on, lets go."

As they stepped inside, they saw Klaus standing before a board full of reminders of the Vietnam war. They shared a brief glance, walking over to him, Doll gave the men inside weary glances, she was the least to be stepping into such a premises. 

Diego grabbed Klaus shoulder, Doll coming up beside him. "Just go away, please." Klaus sighs exhausted. "Not until you talk to us."

"Is that a threat? You threatening me?" Doll shot around as she felt a hand touching her shoulder, with wide eyes and a scowl she shrugged the man off and got closer to her brothers. "Hey, guys. This bar? It's for vets only."

"I am a vet." Her scowl turns into a frown, looking at Klaus she tries to open her mouth, but was interrupted by the older man that touched her. "Really?" He chuckled, "Where'd you serve?"

"None of your business."

"You got balls comin' in here, pretendin' you're one of us."

Klaus slowly turned to the man, Doll tugging at her gloves nervously. "Oh, I have every right to be here, just like you. Asshole." Klaus spat at the man, Diego raising a hand, trying to stop a fight from braking loose, Doll on the other side, put a hand on Klaus arm to calm him, not working at all. 

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey. Slow down, Marine. All right? My brother's just had a few too many. Let's just call it a day, all go our own way."

"Sure thing." The small woman doubted that, the other vets already having come closer to them. "Thank you." Diego said, turning to Klaus. "Klaus..."

"As long as you apologize." Klaus turned back to the pictures on the wall, his sisters hand already back at her side, he giggled. "Fine. I'm sorry. He's sorry. We're all sorry. So... are we good?" 

"I wanna hear him say it." The man said pointing his finger at Klaus. Doll sighed, why can't it ever be easy with those boys. "Hey, man, I'm just trying to..." 

Klaus turned back around, Doll pressing her lips together and waiting for the worst, balling her hands to fists. "No, no. He's right, Diego. He's right. He's right. I'd like to apologize... that you... are depriving some village of their idiot!" He screamed the last word directly into the mans face. 

He ducks as the man swings at his head, Diego stepping out of the way and pushing Doll aside before grabbing onto another ones neck and ramming his knee in his stomach. 

One man walks up to Doll, trying to say something to taunt her, but she stopped him with a movement of her hand across her mouth, 'Zip it'. 

Her eyes turned black and as the man fell into her trance, she let her powers work their magic and the big man attacked his friends. Keeping control, she punched the next one across the face, not expecting such a blow from the petite woman he stumbled, she used her chance and kicked him where the sun dosen't shine.


Back in the car, they sat in their previous seats, Doll holding her head in her hands as Klaus chuckled. "You got a big mouth, you know that?" 

"Oh, wow. What a truly shocking revelation, Diego." Doll took her hands away from her face resting them in her lap. 

"Everything's a big joke to you, right?" Diego said as Klaus was taking out some pills. 

"Would you stop it? Why are you putting this shit in your body?" He said taking it them. 

"Check this out. Hm? My body is a temple." He pointed at himself, Doll scoffed. "All that shit you do, it's just weakness." 

"Oh, wow, beautiful. Well, weakness feels so good." Klaus took out another pill and Diego hit him across the back of his head. Doll pushed up from her seat, grabbing both their arms. "Don't hit me, asshole!" 

She leaned into the open space between them, her eyes furiously wandering from one the other brother as she spoke, "What's going on Klaus? Really. And don't tell me that you're okay, I saw you, we saw you." She said pointing at herself and Diego. 

"You were crying like a baby!" Diego stated, Doll pushed him slightly and shook her head. 

"Because I lost someone!" He sighed, Dolls mouth hung open and her eyes glazed with sadness for her brother, both were genuine in their feelings. 

"I lost someone. The only... The only person I've ever truly loved more than myself." Both his siblings were taken aback by that, not able to keep stopping him from taking the pill in his hand. "Cheers" 

Doll slumps back into her seat. "Well, you're luckier than most. When you lose someone, at least you can... see them whenever you want." Diego said looking at Klaus. 

Doll crossed her arms over her chest, she wished she could do the same sometimes, tell him that she's sorry, that's all her fault, say goodbye. 

Her thoughts got disrupted as Diego looked behind her, following his gaze she saw a man in the same suit as their attackers from the Academy. "That's our man." 

"Hey, I know that guy." Both looked at Klaus, one with scepticism and the other with concern. "How could you possibly know that..." 

"He and a really angry lady tortured me. I barely got out with my life." 

"What?" Doll almost screamed at him. "We gotta get this guy."


"Bingo." They parked  at a motel behind an ice cream truck, trying to be inconspicuous. "You do know that killing these people is not gonna make you feel any better." 

Klaus said still drinking the alcohol out of the bottle in his hand, Doll scrunched up her nose at him, hating the smell as much as the taste of it. "You know, Klaus is right about that." 

"Yeah, but when it's done... I'm gonna sleep like a baby." 

"Sure you will." The other two said in unison.

After a few moments they saw the big man emerging from a motel room with a bucket in his arm. "Stay in the car." 

"What are you talkin' about? This guy tortured me." Doll cringed, but she was still okay with staying in the car. "I have a plan." Doll muttered a 'Sure you do.'under her breath as Diego left the car. 

Klaus looked to Doll, "We should..." 

"No we shouldn't Klaus." She interrupted him, not happy with the current situation. 

"But, what if he gets in trouble, it's two against one. I know you couldn't live with yourself if he gets hurts." He said making puppy dog eyes into the rear view mirror. 

Doll scoffed, he was guilt tripping her and it was working, she gave the same look back. Both kept staring, arguing without words, but Klaus was better at it and in the end, Doll gave in. 

"Go, I'll stay in the car." He blew her a kiss and left to catch up to Diego. She climbed into the front seat, starting the car if things go sideways and they should need a quick escape.

Doll accidentally hit the car horn as she got surprised by the sound of gunshots, she ducked as she saw the attackers drive past her. They shot at the car, but she dive quick enough, they didn't saw her and only shot the tires.

Doll scrambled out the car and tried to hijack the ice cream truck, with a lot of luck it opened. She heard her brothers bickering, 

"Hey, you two. Get in here." Both men looked at each other surprised to see the woman in the truck. Hastily they got in. 

Even though it may not have been the best idea, they let Klaus drive, so Doll could patch up Diegos wound on the way.


Ride of the Valkyries played, they found the people they were chasing. 

Klaus waved out the window as they passed Five and Luther, Diego leaned back and Doll held onto him awaiting the crash that was bound to happen the next moment.

"Go faster!" Diego screamed at Klaus, the woman crouching in between them trying to hold as much onto the dashboard and Diego as she can. Both the assassins shoot at the truck, only to be hit by it.

They crashed into their pale blue car, the small woman loosing her grip and flew first forward before sliding into the back of the truck. 

Laying there, she coughed a few times, trying to get up. She slammed the back doors open the moment she could stand and her head wasn't ringing anymore. 

Scrambling out, she run after her brothers, jumping with them in the back of Luthers car. 

"Luther, go! Go!" Klaus screamed, the moment the car started he leaned over Doll shoulder, showing the assassins his middle finger.

Was in a good mood so her is another Chapter, we're halfway through the first season now.
