Chapter one: The introduction

~We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals~

At an Ordinary late March evening, a young blonde woman is just minutes away from leaving her workplace, having put all supplies away and the dead bodies of the morgue back in place, far from eyesight. 

Humming softly to an 80's song on the radio she takes her lab coat off and puts on some soft thing gloves over her fair white skin that shines like porcelain. The music comes to an end and the new beginn to flow through the morgue, stopping the doll-like woman from what she is doing.

"Are you okay? You look more pale than usual!" The voice of her colleague Richard is getting her out of her trance, beside her his form is looming  over her own small petite one.

"Yes, just...I just remembered something important I forgot about this morning." Turning around with a frown on her face she rushed outside, the sound of her heals hitting the floor getting quieter. 

The reason as to why this young woman rushed home to the loneliness she prefers, is easily answered.

Doll Hargreeves as her name is, was once one of the many children in Sir Reginald Hargreeves care and a part of the Umbrella Academy. Back then still known as number eight, was she the smallest, nicest and most inconspicuous of them all. 

Not long after the accident that shattered her family forever, she left for Scotland, knowing it at the place she took first glimpse at the world and her first breath. 

Left broken by sir Reginald she wanted to become free and used her intellect to become useful to society. She became a coroner, but also lonely even though she feared people and their intentions, that's why she's rather with the dead. They don't talk

But after many years and feeling stable enough, she came back to the city she once called home. For six months now does she work with Richard, an awkward man with almost no friends himself. over time they became some sort of friends, even after he tried to ask her out and she politely reclined. 


Arriving at home, she starts to pack her bags for the adventurous next few days and shortly there after goes to bed, falling into a dreamless sleep.

Doll Hargreeves, Number 08. The Puppeteer.


Hi what do you think so far? I'd love to get some feedback.

i hope my writing improved a bit, I looked over the old version and wasn't happy with it anymore and before I beginn to write new chapters I wanted to rewrite a bit.

Dolls character will change a bit but I'm trying to get it as close to the old version as possible.

I wish u all good night (already quite late here) ;)
