Chapter 9: Souls of green and purple

The effect was immediate: one second ago, I was still standing there, kissing Kristien, and the next, I was inside the school. I felt as light as feather, and when I looked down, I couldn't see my body anywhere. My soul had left my body and it was flying on its own around the building as I started my search on every corner.

It felt as if I was having X-ray vision, only, instead of seeing skeletons and muscles, veins and organs, I see nothing but floating balls of souls. It looked like they were all on fire, blazing white, but I knew better. I started to get confused then. How was I supposed to find and know which two flameballs belong to the Keepers? There must be thousands of them!

"Green and purple," Lufrll told me as my mind drifted back to the dream of Lianna and how she created the bracelets. Of course, those must be their colours.

Soaring around in full speed, I managed to cover the whole domicile, and before I knew it, I've found the two unique-coloured flamed souls.

"Send them a message. Tell them," Lufrll said, her voice sounding far away and distant.

Frowning, I asked, "How?"

"Focus on them, and just speak."

I took in a deep breath and concentrated, then telling them to meet Kristien and I at the rooftop after school. It was a good thing that they weren't far from each other, or I would have to return to either one that was found earlier.

With the work done, I returned to my body. Something soft and warm was on my lips. I opened my eyes, and saw Kristien's magnified eyelids. Heat rushed to my cheeks.

"Kristien, the search's done," I heard Lufrll say.

Kristien opened his eyes slowly, and when he saw mine staring back into his widely, he quickly backed away from me with face as red as beetroot. There was an awkward silence for a while, both of us not daring to meet each other's gaze, until thankfully, Ferinsh spoke, "Okay okay. Stop it with the quiet. So where are the other two?"

Only then did I lift my head up. "I've told them to meet us here, after school."

Kristien looked at me too, smiling, his face still slightly pink, and he praised me for a job well done. I couldn't help but grin, feeling greatly relieved inside. I didn't want Kristien and I to remain strange towards each other.


The white door opened, revealing two students -- a girl and a boy. I caught a glimpse of a marking on both of their wrist. Finally the time had come. I'd been waiting impatiently in class the rest of the time after break. I was so excited to meet more people, hoping that the two Keepers will become my friends. Then again, what if they didn't want to be with me, especially since I was 'famous' in school for the way my eyes were?

Returning my attention to the present, I realised that they'd already closed most of the distance between us. When Kristien started to walk towards them, I followed suit with my head lowered a bit -- I didn't want to scare them away, especially it being our first meeting.

When we were finally only a few distance away from each other, the girl lifted her right wrist up, and so did the boy, letting us take a look at their Signs. The girl's was purple (Picture at the side) and the boy's was green. (Picture in next chapter)

I think they wanted to make sure they didn't get the wrong people.

"Hi, are you two the Keepers of Lufrll and Ferinsh?" the girl asked quietly. I raised my head a little, and looked at her. I've seen her before sometime here and there during school hours. All I knew was that she was beautiful, and that she had many boys lining up for her (although she never went out with any one of them), and I could see why. Her dark brown eyes were almond-shaped, and her lids were lined with long lashes that curled naturally at the ends. Her features made her look really gentle, but not shy, also at the same time making her look mature. Her black hair, tied up in a pony-tail, was straight, and it didn't look like it was re-bonded at all. All in all, she looked just like a model.

Kristien, who was already lifting his right arm up to show them his Sign, was just about to reply when there was a sudden loud gasp. "OH MY GOD IT'S EYE-RY GIRL!" the boy exclaimed dramatically while pointing a finger at me.

Kristien stood in front of me instantly, stunning me for a moment, blocking me from the boy. "If you have anything to say about her, tell me," he said threateningly.

I heard a loud smack, followed by an "Ouch!" and a "Be nice!". Well. Looks doesn't determine a person's real personality after all.

I stepped out, touching Kristien's arm lightly. "No, it's okay. I'm used to it," I said while giving him an assuring smile, and boy was I surprised when I saw his angry face for the first time. It was definitely not pleasant.

I turned my gaze towards the boy, stifling a grin. He had really nice hair that seemed to bounce cutely whenever he moved, reminding me of a child, always happy-go-lucky. His lips were always curved at the sides even when he was not smiling, making me feel that he was a very enthusiastic type.

Then, I said apologetically, bowing my head a little, "I'm sorry for scaring you..."

"Huh. Scared? Not at all. Sorry," he said nervously.

I nodded at him happily, and turned my head to the right. "Erm, getting back to your question, the answer's yes. I am the Keeper of Lufrll," I said to the girl. "Celestia Frost's my name."

I looked at Kristien, giving him the cue. "And I am the Keeper of Ferinsh. I'm Kristien Shiel."

The girl smiled radiantly, dimples appearing at the sides of her face. "Pleased to meet you. I'm Amaryllis Mauer, Keeper of Wesiah, and this," she held out her palm, "is Efrain Keif, Keeper of Charez."

"HELLO!" the boy, Efrain, greeted with a cheeky grin. All the three of us could do was give him weird stares. When we started roaring with laughter, I could already tell that the bonds that we were about to make was going to be strong, and I was grateful for that.


Yeah, I know. The picture is blur... and you saw right. I used correction liquid. ):
