Chapter 12: Making a wish come true

The great domicile towered over us as we made our way toward it. Rays of sunlight shot and reflected on the glass windows like arrows bombarding against a strong armor. Huge silver-painted letterings (Lawyers' Company) lined the middle of the building.

I looked over to Kristien. "Are you sure Aedan's parents work here?"

"Yep. I'm one hundred percent sure. What? Do you doubt Ferinsh's powers?" he teased.

I shook my head no. "It's just... How did you and Efrain actually break into the staff room again?"

"We didn't break in," Efrain cut in. "Kristien just got really friendly with all the teachers there, and voila, they actually told us whatever they know about Aedan's parents, and most of them said they work here as lawyers." Efrain sighed dramatically and fluttered his eyelashes. "Ain't Kristien awesome?"

Amaryllis and I laughed at his girly action, while Kristien gave a fake puking sound. "Do not do that again, ever."

The automatic sliding doors opened the way to us. There was a sitting area at the right hand side of the lobby. Shelves lined with books and magazines stood there, and two sofas of black leather were placed in an L shape. On the left was a small fountain, water trickling with a soothing sound.

We walked towards the desk that welcomed us at first sight.

Kristien immediately glowed blue, and amicably, he said decorously, "Good morning."

The lady sitting behind the desk returned the smile. She looked to be in her early-thirties, with dark brown hair and eyes that matched perfectly with it. She was wearing a vest of dark, metallic grey. "Good morning to you too. How may I help you?"

"Is there a Mr and Mrs Hal working here, by any chance?"

"Mr and Mrs Hal you say? Yes, they do work here."

"Great. Is there a way for the four of us to meet them?"

She frowned, looking as though she was about to deny the request, but at the very last minute, she seemed to have decided against it. "Okay, sure. Third level. Turn right, and you'll be able to enter their office."

My eyes widened. "They work in the same department?"

The lady turned to me, looking a bit puzzled by my question. "Huh? Oh yes, they do. Why is it strange?" I silently slapped myself for asking something unnecessary.

Kristien shot me a look before saying, "Oh, it's nothing. We should start making a move first. Thanks a lot." And we made our way towards the lift as I apologised to him for my carelessness.


"Hi, are you Mrs Hal?" Amaryllis asked politely.

We had entered her office (yes, her office. She was the head of the department.) without much disturbance or suspicions. The people working here probably thought that the clerk wouldn't allow us to enter if we hadn't had a proper reason.

She looked up from her paper work and stared at us with a slight crease between her brows. "Why, yes." If not for her fierce features, she would have looked a lot prettier with her hazel eyes and curly, long black hair. "What is it you want? I have a lot of things to do here."

I fumed a little at her unfriendliness, but Amaryllis stopped me from saying anything with a firm squeeze of my hand. She continued to smile delicately. "We're sorry, Mrs Hal. But is it possible to have a little chat with you, together with your husband?"

She raised an eyebrow. "My husband? And what is it you want to talk about?"

"We want to talk about your son."

"Aedan? Did he get you guys into trouble? Because if he did, then I'll just have to punish him when I get home tonight." Why did I have a feeling that she was trying to avoid from seeing Mr Hal?

"We need to do something," Lufrll said determinedly.

"Love for her son. Got it." I felt myself grew calm when pink started to emanate from me.

"Oh no, no. You're mistaken. He didn't do anything wrong. Why don't you just call upon your husband, and we'll just talk about it over a cup of tea or coffee?"

Mrs Hal sighed. "Fine." She pressed on one of the many small buttons on her phone. "Please tell Mr Hal to come to my office now, thank you."

We followed her over to the similar type of sofas we saw downstairs, and sat down. It seemed Kristien and Efrain were also going to take part in this as I saw them glow too, but neither of us was lighting up as brightly as Amaryllis. Yes, indeed, we had to help Amaryllis. She was the key. She was Wish. Wesiah was Wish.

A knock reverberated from the door, and in came Mr Hal. It was definitely not pleasant to see him angry on our first meeting. "What is it you want, Jane?"

"Stop it with that nasty attitude of yours and come sit here. Apparently, this four are here to talk about our son," she snapped.

"It won't take much time," Efrain said quickly, hoping to convince him. I could see he was running out of patience.

"What is it about?" Mr Hal asked as he made his way to the seat opposite his wife.

I bit my bottom lip. "This is going to be tough."

"Yes, but do not lose hope. I'm sure Amaryllis can do this."

"Mr and Mrs Hal, I wonder if there is any chance of both of you patching up."

"Why should we?" Mr Hal said suspiciously.

"Because, this is how a family should be: to be filled with love. We somehow get this feeling that Aedan is not really enjoying his life much, even though he is considered to be rather popular, not notoriously of course, in our school. And well, from what we've seen so far, it must be because of his parents that's causing him to be like this. We take him as one of our good friends, and we care for him. Why not give each other a chance again, and stop this fight you've had for... exactly how long?"

Both parties exchanged glances, and we saw both of their features softened. Ferinsh and Charez were doing a good job as Friendship and Cheer.

But then came Mrs Hal's retort. "But, it was him who have to stop this. He was the one who started it!"


"Please, Mr and Mrs Hal! Why not go ahead and take the first step by just apologising to each other? I'm sure both of you are in the wrong to have started this quarrel," Amaryllis said professionally. I really wanted to give her a pat on her back then.

Mr Hal gave a grunt while Mrs Hal gave a small cough. "Fine," both of them said in unison.


I smiled at our little achievement as we stepped out of the building.

"Nice one, Amaryllis!" Efrain said vivaciously to Amaryllis, giving her an admiring look.

"Of course, who do you think I am?" Amaryllis said loftily, giving her hair a toss and a sparkling smile.

"Amaryllis Mauer!" He grinned.

I stopped in my tracks. Was I mistaken? Did I...? I thought I just saw a strong sense of passion filling Efrain's eyes as he said her name.


"Anything is possible, my dear."
