Season 3 Episode 9
Part 1

I haven't been home in about day and a half. It's now the day of Homecoming. I've been avoiding Rebekah by not being in Mystic Fall but this morning I came back. I haven't talked to Damon and I haven't seen Stefan either.

I'm at the Grill and I'm contemplating whether I should tell Klaus that Rebekah knows he killed his mother. "What can I get you, Ava?" Matt asks as he walks over to me.

"Bourbon." I replied and he nods as he goes serve me. "Have you seen Damon?"

"Damon? No, I haven't."

"How about Elena?"

"No, why?" He says and he hands me my drink.

"No reason." I said and took a sip of bourbon.

I pulled out my phone and called Klaus.


"Where are you?" I asked cutting him off.

"Why? What happened?"

"Nothing. I need to see you... I want to see you."

Now that Rebekah knows Klaus killed his mother doesn't do well for me or him.

"Why are you whispering?" He asks.

"Prying ears around me." I said as I know Matt is looking at me trying to hear what the conversation so I look at him and he immediately looks away.

"I'm in Portland."

"I'm coming." I said and hung up.


(Narrator's POV.)
Damon and Stefan are conspiring with Mikael to kill Klaus. They came up with a plan to lure him back to Mystic Falls by telling Klaus that Mikael came for Elena. Damon and Stefan vervained him and discovered that he had a dagger that he planned to use on Rebekah but instead Elena daggered him. Now they're trying to figure out how it will work because knowing Klaus he would want proof.

"Then I shall be dead." Mikael says. "If only I'd had figured out who's Niklaus wife was. I heard whispers that her name was Mia Avery but I could never track her down." Mikael says as Elena tenses up, Damon is acting calm while Stefan doesn't give a care in the world.

Damon realizes that's what Ava calls herself when she doesn't want to be found. "He's married?" Damon asks pretending to be shocked.

"Yes, he is. No matter. This plan can still work without her."

"What if he wants to see you in person?" Elena asks.

"Well, that means our plan is working. Klaus will absolutely want to see my body. You lure him here, and I will kill him." Mikael says.

"With what?" Stefan asks Mikael. "Those daggers won't work on him."

"Well, I'm in possession of a stake fashioned from the wood of the ancient white oak tree. The one that left these ashes when it burned."

"Where is it?" Stefan asks as Mikael is dipping a dagger in the ashes of the white oak tree.

"Not here. The knowing of its location is my insurance policy."

"Against what?"

"You leaving this in my heart. You see, a vampire can't dagger an original without dying. So...it falls to you." Mikael says as hands over the dagger to Elena.

"Y...You want me to actually dagger you?" Elena asks shocked.

"Klaus will leave nothing to chance...especially when it comes to trust."

Elena takes the dagger from his hand and drives the dagger into Mikael's heart and he desiccates. 

"I don't want Ava taking any part in this." Damon says to Stefan as they both glanced at Mikael's daggered body.

"You know she's going to hate you when she finds out Klaus is dead."

"Why do you care?" Damon asks since Stefan's humanity is off.

"I don't. I'm just saying if we pull this off and Klaus is dead she's going to hate you."

"Yeah, well, she'll get over it. We're vampires after all. Eternal life and everything."

"So, how are you going to get her here without being suspicious?" Elena asks.

Damon pulls out his phone and dials Ava's number. "Now you want to call me back. I've been calling for over a day, Damon."

"Sister, where are you?" Damon asks calmly.

"At the Grill."

"You said you wanted to talk."

"I do. I'll be there in 10 minutes."

After Damon hangs up he looks over to Stefan, "Move Mikael's body. We don't want her to see him."


(Ava's POV) After getting off the phone with Klaus I got a call from Damon I went over to the boarding house.

I walked into the house and I see Damon in the parlor, "Da—"

Before I can say Damon's name someone comes up behind me and injects me with vervain. I turned around and see Stefan and Elena is behind him. I'm confused but I'm angrier.

There's a certain amount a pain I can handle. A vervain dart is nothing compared to what I've been through don't get me wrong vervain burns as it would to any vampire but I can handle it.

My eyes turn into a bloodshot red color, the veins under my eyes appear, and my fangs come out and I hissed at them. I sped towards pushing Stefan on the floor. I get top of him to snap his neck but he kicks me off and I went flying across the room until my back hits the floor. I quickly stand up in a defense position. I see Damon charging towards me as soon as he's close to me I grabbed him by the neck, lifting him up and then slammed him on the floor and he groans in pain, "What the hell are you doing?" I asked angrily holding on to his neck tighter and my fangs are still out.

Someone comes pulled me off of him and throws me against the wall. I quickly stand up and I see Stefan helping Damon stand up. Damon puts his hands out as a signal for me to calm down. "Ava, let us explain."

It takes a lot to get me angry. I usually don't get mad or angry but when I do Damon and Stefan know not to mess with me.

"I don't know what game your playing, Damon, but trust me I win." I said and he looks almost scared.

In 1876 Damon and I had a fallout. He came to visit me in Italy and let's just say it didn't ended with a goodbye hug.

From the corner of my eye, I see Elena. Without so much of a thought, I speed towards her and pulled her hair back as sank my fangs into her neck and she screams in terror. I quickly drank her blood and she starts to limp. I remove my mouth from her neck and blood is dripping down the corner of my mouth. "So, brothers mind explaining to me what is going on?" I asked as I hold onto Elena and she is unconscious.

"You can't kill her. Klaus wants her." Stefan says.

"Does it look like I care if Klaus wants her or not? I will rip her throat out if you don't explain yourselves." I said as I grabbed Elena's neck tighter.

"We..." Before Damon can finish everything turns black.


(Narrator's POV)
After Rebekah snaps Ava's neck and her body falls onto the ground along with Elena unconscious body, "When your sister's been tortured for a week straight her pain tolerance tends to be pretty high." She says as she moves her hair from her face and in one hand she has the vervain dart they use on Ava.

Damon feeds Elena his blood and she starts to wake up, "Damon?" She asks weakly.

"You're okay." He says as he helps her stands up.

Damon gives Elena some water and lets her calm down for a couple of minutes as she was a bit shaken up, "I need to go home."

"I'll take you." Damon says.

"No. I'm fine. You stay and deal with your sister. I'll be back in an hour." Elena says and Damon nods.

After Elena left Stefan looks over to Damon, "When Klaus asks for Ava what are you going to say?"

"She was leaving town to go meet up with Klaus." Rebekah says.

"What?" Damon asks Rebekah, confused and a bit shocked.

"I heard her talking to Klaus on the phone at the Grill. She said she was going to Portland." Rebekah says and before Damon can reply Bonnie walks in. "I'm out of here. I'm going into town. Call me when you need me.." Rebekah says leaving and then Stefan left a minute later.

Damon picks Ava up and takes her to her bedroom and Bonnie follows him. After Damon puts Ava on her bed Bonnie grabs her hand to get a reading. She starts to hear these voices and looks at Damon. "Do you know how to unlink her life to Klaus?" Damon asks.

"Her life was never linked to Klaus's."

"What do you mean? She said..." Damon stops as he realizes something, "She lied. Of course, she lied."

"Damon..." Bonnie says getting his attention.


"Was your father a werewolf?" Bonnie asks with curiosity as she walks over to him.

"No, why?" Damon asks confusingly.

"I heard someone name Lily...." Bonnie trails off.

"That's my mother."

"She had a spell done on your sister before she was born. It was a spell to bind a werewolf side for one birth and one death."

"I think if Ava was a werewolf she would have been triggered her curse because she's killed lots of humans." Damon points out.

"The spell binds her werewolf side for one birth and one death." Bonnie says and she began explaining how the spell was done before Ava was born and how she has a different father from him and Stefan.

"Is there any way she can get her werewolf side unbind?" Damon asks cautiously.

"The spell is meant for one birth and one death. If she dies and comes back to life again then yes the spell will no longer work. But I don't see that coming anytime soon seeing as she nothing can kill because of the power link spell that gives her Original vampire qualities that makes her like an Original."

"Don't tell anyone else. There's no point in telling her if she can't do anything about it."

"Damon, are you sure tha..."

"I'm sure, Bonnie. No one needs to know about this."

"Okay." Bonnie says and pulls out a small jar, "These herbs should keep her down for a couple of hours. Hopefully, it's enough time to kill Klaus."

Damon nods as takes the jar from her hands, "Thank you." He says and Bonnie leaves.


"Portland is fantastic. Once you get over all the whiny music and healthy looking people, it is literally a breeding ground for werewolves." Klaus says to Stefan on the phone.

"Your father is dead." Stefan says as Damon, Rebekah, and Elena stands in the room.

"What did you say to me?"

"Oh, my mistake. Not your actual father and not dead. Mikael. Daggered. What do you want me to do with the body?" Stefan asks Klaus.

"Well, first I want you to explain to me exactly what happened."

Stefan began explaining everything that happened and how Elena daggered Mikael.

"I wanna see him. I want to see his rotting body for myself." Klaus tells him.

"Well, he is here. Come by whenever."

"If you are lying to me Stefan, your compulsion will expose you. So, answer with your life: Is what you are saying the truth?"

"It's true. I saw it with my own eyes." Stefan says as he remembered Elena driving the dagger into Mikael's heart.

"I wanna talk to Rebekah."

"That's not a problem. She is right here." Stefan says and hands over the phone to Rebekah.

"Hello, Nik."

"Rebekah, love. What's this I hear about Mikael's tragic run in with the dagger?"

"It's true. He's finally out of our lives for good."

"Where's Ava?" Klaus asks.

"She left a while ago. I miss you. I'm miserable here."

"I'll be home soon."

"Good. I'll see you then, brother." She hangs up the phone and turns to the others, "He bought it. He's coming home."


After Klaus talk to his sister he calls Ava but she doesn't answer it goes straight to voicemail, "Love, I'm guessing you're on your way to Portland but I'm coming to Mystic Falls. Mikael is dead.... daggered-dead." He pauses for a second. "I'll release Stefan from my compulsion. Please call me when you get his." He says and hangs up.


(Ava's POV) I open my eyes and everything is blurry. I look at the ceiling as my vision becomes better I see that I'm in my room. I get up from my bed and there is a note on my nightstand.

I tried to wake you up but it was no use. I'm guessing it's these herbs on your nightstand. There's a plan in motion to kill Klaus tonight. If your awake go to the Lockwood Mansion. Do your thing and intervene.

xo Katherine.

Without a second thought, I rushed over to the Lockwood Mansion.
