Season 2 Episode 8
Part 2

When I got home and quickly pack all my stuff. I walk downstairs with my suitcase and enter the room where Stefan and Damon are. They immediately turn around when they heard me and their eyes go down and look at my suitcase in my hand.

"Where are you going?" Stefan asks.

"I'm leaving town. I just came to say goodbye." I said as I felt bad for leaving them...again.

"You're leaving now out of all times." Damon says as he stands up.

"I'm sorry, but I have to." I said as I walk up to them.

"Why? Why now?" Damon asks.

"Remember that business snag I hit a couple of days ago. I can't leave it unattended any longer."

"Your lying." Damon says and Stefan looks at him shocked at his accusation. "What business are you in? Are you a drug trafficker or something?"

"Seriously, Damon?" I laughed. "Drug trafficker? I'm a vampire."

"You've been lying to us ever since you came back into town. I just don't get why you're lying to us." Damon said.

"Oh, yeah? What have I been lying about?" I ask him like I was challenging him.

"Everything. You're basically immune to Bonnie's witch-woo. You take on Elena thinking it was Katherine knowing well enough she can beat you. You leave half the time to god knows where. Katherine knows something about you, but for some reason she can't say. You of all people have Katherine rattle. You hesitated when you were supposed to kill Elijah."

"Bonnie is a newbie witch and also wasn't a very good one." I said and Damon walks closer to me.

"Damon, stop." Stefan says and Damon ignores him.

"All the things that come out of your mouth are lies, Ava. Let's see if your memories can tell the truth." Damon says as he puts his hands over my head to look through my memories.

I could have kept him out, but he surprises me since it was the last thing I expected him to do. I was only able to make him look at one memory. It was the one memory I never ever wanted him to see.

My mind
It's 1861. The year I turned. It was one of the worst days of my life. The day I kept buried for a very long time.

My hands are tied up with a rope that's connected to the ceiling while my feet tried to touch the floor, but the only thing I can do is tippy-toe. I have no cuts or wounds on me. I remember the guy feed me his blood and then everything turned black then I woke up and he feeds me more blood. Everything is a big blur. I'm so tired and drain like my soul just left my body leaving me to fend for myself.

"Please. Please stop it." I cried as I begged the guy who was in front of me.

"I can't and I won't. You're the most beautiful girl I've seen. The other girls aren't as pretty as you." He says and he grabs a knife and stabs my arm and I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"Scream as loud as you want. No one can hear you." He said as he licks the knife and I can see the veins appear and his fangs come out. He goes next to my ear and whispered, "One day we will meet again, I'll promise you that." He says as I hear this snap and everything turns black.

I woke up and I'm no longer tied. Memories rushing in my mind of everything he did to me. I start sobbing so much I can't even breathe. I knew I never want to relive those memories or ever think about it. I grab the knife and without thinking I stab the side of my neck and pulled it out. I let go of the knife and put my hand on my neck as I gagged on my own blood. Suddenly, I stop gagging and my wound was healed. I was so confused. I sliced the palm of my hand and it healed. I did it again and again and it healed over and over. I thought I was cursed, I kept stabbing myself hoping I would die until someone came in.

"Hey, hey, stop it, stop it." The girl said as she ran to me and took the knife out of my hand.

"What is this, what am I? I'm a demon, I'm cursed to live with this. I can't live, I don't want to live." I cried to the girl in front of me.

"Everything is fine. My name is..."

I open my eyes and push away Damon hands away from my head.

"Get out of my head!" I yelled at Damon.

"Ava, I..."

"Don't. You had no right to look through my memories." I said angrily.

"I was just looking..."

"Looking for a memory for when I lied. Well, I guess me turning into a vampire is the biggest lie I ever told. I never want you to see that." I yelled at him.

Stefan looks confusingly since he didn't see what Damon saw.

I turn around to walk out but Damon spoke up and said, "You're going to find him aren't you?"

"No, I'm not." I replied truthfully.

"You're lying, Ava, I know you. You're going to get yourself killed." Damon says.

"Who's going to care if I die. Certainly not you." I said angrily.

"Of course I would care. I would be devastated." He says and Stefan stands there confusingly. Damon tried to give me a hug but I pushed him away.

"I don't have time for sentimentality, Damon.
I'm leaving and there's nothing you can do about it."

"Ava, don't."

"You can tell Stefan. But don't you dare tell another soul. I don't need my tragic human life to be the first page of the newspaper." I said.

"I not gonna let you get yourself killed." Damon said.

"I'm not gonna get myself killed and there's nothing you can do to stop me from leaving."

"Ava, I know you're mad, but please don't leave. Not now."

"You know what? I am mad. I'm pissed. I come into town because I heard you guys were here and I wanted to see you guys. Then I meet that doppelgänger who's caused so many problems for you guys. I tried to help you get out of the problems that she caused and what do I do. I am the damn backup plan. Not once, but twice. It's not even about being the backup plan, it's about you guys. Do I look like a ditch-able sibling to you?"

"No, of course not. But I'm not letting you leave." Damon said.

"Yes, you are." I said as I walk closer to him, "I going to leave town and you're doing to go on with your life here in Mystic Falls as if I've never even came. I just visit you guys not to have a permanent living here. You're not going to look for me or follow me. Do you understand?" I compelled him.

"I understand." Damon says like he was in a trance. He quickly snaps out of it, "how.. did you just..."

"Shh, you won't tell anyone and no one. Okay?" I compelled him again.


"What the hell Ava? What was that? What did Damon saw?" Stefan asks, confused by the whole thing.

"Ask Damon yourself." I said as I walk closer to him. "I'm sorry, but you won't follow me and you won't track me down. Do what I said to Damon. One month is too long to stay in Mystic Falls. Call me if there's an emergency. I mean a real emergency like you or Damon about to die emergency. And you won't tell a soul about what I can do. Do you understand?" I compelled him.

"I understand ." Stefan said. As I turned around to walk away Stefan spoke up, "Promise you'll come visit?"

I turn around to look and him and smiled, "I promise."

"Bye, Ava."

I put my suitcase in the car and drove back to the abandoned house I was at earlier.


I saw Elijah still dead, well temporarily dead. I pulled the stake out and he fell on to the ground. I sat beside him waiting for him to wake up.

Elijah wakes up gasping for air and then he turned to me.

"It's just me, Elijah." I said calmly.

"Ava, your brothers killed me." He says as he stabilizes his breathing.

"I'm sorry about that. I didn't know it was you."  I apologized.

"Why have you come here? You knew I wouldn't die and would wake up." He said.

"You came into town because of Elena. I'm assuming Klaus knows about her?" I asked.

"No, he doesn't." He says and takes a glance at my necklace, "I see you still wearing the ring he gave you. May I ask why you left him?" Elijah asks.

"I kinda ran away. Not because of him because of something I don't want to talk about. I still love him and I have to believe that he still does too. I tried looking for him, but you know if he doesn't want to be found he won't be found. I've also been hiding from him because you and I both know he tends to hold a grudge. Why aren't you mad at me?" I asked.

"When Niklaus decided to make you one of us I knew then that he was in love with you and he was genuinely happy.  I knew you love him too just by the way you looked at him."

"Have you seen him?"

"No, not since Germany."

"Look, I know I'm in no place to ask a favor after what my brothers and I did, but I'm leaving town and I need you to promise to protect my brothers. They might do...most likely do something that makes you want to murder them, trust me I know, but don't."

"Why are you leaving town?" He asks.

"I'm going to find my witch who's been AWOL for the last couple of days. She's helping find Nik, but he seems impossible to find. " I partially lied.

I need the witch to find Klaus and once she does I hope I can lure him away, far away from Mystic Falls because I know Stefan and Damon would fight to their deaths just to protect the doppelgänger.

"Ohhh, I know."

"You can't tell my brothers about my past. They don't know about Klaus. If I had told them about Klaus and everything else they would of lure Klaus into town and probably try to kill him. We both know Klaus can't be killed and he would kill them in spite." I said.

"I'll protect your brothers and I won't tell them about your past."

"Thank you." I said as I hugged him. I pulled back and looked at him, "You're voice change. I thought you were just some jerk with a high ego."

"Originals do have as you say high ego." He says and I chuckled.

"Bye, Elijah."

"Goodbye, Ava."

{A/N: there's going to be a time jump to episode 21 because I feel like Ava doesn't fit into the next couple of episodes. Since she knows Elijah from the past it would be better if she left Mystic Falls temporarily.}
