•~Chapter 1~• The beginning

3rd person POV

Hizashi waits for his best friend, Shõta Aizawa. Hizashi thinks of him a lot, well he does everyday. Why? Because he has a massive crush on him. Ever since he looked into those black eyes he has been in love. "Shõta, where are you?" The loud blonde quietly mumbles to himself.
Soon he sees a familiar raven-haired boy.

"Hey, Zashi. Sorry I'm late." The raven says emotionlessly to Hizashi.

"No, it's quite alright, Shõ!" Hizashi says as he looks into his black eyes. Shõta realized what Hizashi was doing and he blushed a little.

"H-hey Zashi, you okay?" Shõta asks.

"I'm sorry I must of gotten lost in your eyes!" Hizashi teased.

"H-hey not cool man!" Shõta replyed.
Hizashi just laughed a little and then the bell rings, time for class.

~~~~•Time skip•~~~~
Hizashi's POV
I slowly look at Shõta at lunch and quickly describe what he looks like to me. Though I've known this for a while. Raven black hair, dark black eyes, the cutest face in the world. He had it all. I love looking at him because it makes me feel very happy. But I stared for too long making him look at me.

"Do you need something, Zashi?" The raven asked me. His voice always made me shiver I've never heard such a beautiful voice like his.

"Nope all good!" I say. Shõta looks at me deeply. 'God he's beautiful...' I think.

"Earth to Hizashi!" Shõta called out.

"Oops- Sorry Shõ." I reply.

"Jeez what's with you today." Shõta says.

"Umm-well." I say nervously. "I was thinking umm, can we have a sleep over?" I ask. Shõta froze. His eyes looking at the ground. He then looked up at me and said.

"Why would you want to spend time over at my house.." he then looks back to the ground. I started to worry. Why would he say this? I remained calm and finally got his permission.

~~~~•time skip•~~~~
Aizawa's POV
I went home after school and went up to my room. 'Why does he want to come here?' I think. I started to clean up and hide a few things such as, my diary, and notebook. I then made my bed, and went to my bathroom. I looked at the mirror and started to think. 'Why? Why would he be my friend? I don't deserve him in my life..' I then pulled out my pocket knife.

I then pulled the blade against my wrists, clenching my teeth a little. This hurts like h3ll but I didn't mind it. I then clean the blade and bandage my wrists waiting for a familiar blonde to rush into my room.

"Hey Shõ!" Hizashi ran up to me. "What's up!?" He asked me.
"Really it's nothing just waiting for you." I say.
"Awww, Shõ! Your soo sweet!" Hizashi said.
"Don't say that." I replied in my normal emotionless voice. He then grabbed my hand, pulling it up to his face.
"Shõta, why is your hand bandaged?" He rolled up my sleeve. I tried to pull me arm away but failed. He saw my wrists....
