•~Chapter 2~• small confession

Hizashi's POV
I pulled up Shõta's sleeves and I pulled off the bandages to see Shõta was-
"SHÕTA!?" I yelled. "W-WHAT IS THIS!?"
I yelled, tears filling my eyes.
Shõta looked at the floor.
"W-why are you crying...?" Shõta asked.
"Why am I crying!? Shõta, I'm crying because you won't!!" I cried.
"You don't need to do anything for me..."
"Yes I do!" I say as I pinned him onto the bed. "You need to take care of your self Shõ!" I say.
"Why do you even care.... It's not like anyone cares for me.." Shõta says.

"I care for you Shõ! H3ll I love you!" I yell.
"W-what...?" He studders. Our eyes meet. I stare into his with sadness in mine. He closes his eyes and turns his head. "I-I..." He starts. I pulled him into a hug and said, "Shõta, please don't do this.... I love you so much I-I don't want to lose you..." Tears filled his eyes, "I-Im sorry, Hizashi... I-Im so sorry..." He said, hugging back.

As I grabbed his hand, draged him into the bathroom and washed the cuts, and bandaged them properly. I looked around for anything sharp to take. I took his pocket knife and texted my mom.

H=Hizashi HM=Hizashi's mom
H-hey mom...
HM-yes baby?
H-im staying at Shõta's place for a few days is that okay?
HM-it is but why?
HM-he's what?
H-He's cutting...
H-yeah, I know...
HM-well then it certainly is okay!
H-okay thanks mom
HM-of course sweetheart

I put down my phone and looked at Shõta
"Is there anything else I need to know?" I ask.

"N-no.." Shõta studders. I look at him and put my hand on his cheek. He looked up at me blushing and I thought 'we are all alone..together..nows my chance' I thought as I got closer to Shõta.
"W-what are you do-" Shõta said as I finally kissed him. He looked shocked. I looked at him, "I love you Shõ." I say hoping for a response. "I-I love you too." Shõta says.

"Promise you won't do this again?" I say.
"I promise." Shõta said back.
