second day

Carlos pov

I went to school the next day. The day went as normal. I went out after the school had ended. I waited on my dad to pick me up. I saw taylor going to go home. I thought I should ask him to sit on or hang out. It took some time before I got the courage and I walked up to him. “hey Tyler -“ I started taking his arm. He jumped scared. More horrified. I felt bad immideltly. He looked scared at me for some time before it calmed down. It was sad to see. Now he felt emberesed. “s-sorry. I just wanted to ask if you wanna hang out. Maybe go and watch a movie at the theater? Have you seen spiderman?” I asked trying to come up with something on the spot. He just stared at me.

Tk pov

It was a normal day with some teasing but not any beating. Luckily. I went out of the school. I started to walk home. I put my headphones on. I heard someone say my name. I fasten up wanting to get the hell out of there. I felt someone touch me. I jumped and tensed horrified at what could come next. I slowly calmed down when I saw it was just Carlos. Then he asked if I wanted to hang out. I just stood there staring. So shocked. W-why would he wanna spend time with me? I realised I have been quiet for a while. “I-..y-y-you wanna s-spend t-time w-with m-m-me?” I asked confused and shocked. “yeah I do. Have you watched spider man?” carlos asked softly.

I just looked at him again. Just processing it all. A..a cute boy wants to hang out with me.. “n-no” I said. He smiled again. Dam why do he need to smile. Its killing me. “okay then do you wanna go to the cinema and watch spiderman?” carlos asked again. He keeps asking so I guess he do want to spend time with me. “s-s-sur-re” I said. He smiled again. Dam it makes butterfly’s come in my stomach. He took my arm and took me to his dad. We got driven to the cinema. I was really nervous to be around him. Carlos. He seems really nice. But it could just be all a play..

we came to the cinema. I called my mom to tell her I was spending some time with a classmate. She said she is really happy for me. We went in. carlos went to the little store. I wasn’t feeling okay. Not beause of him. I just don’t like being around people scared they will start saying bad stuff and hurt me. Yeah I am fragile. Carlos was smiling getting some candy. I just followed him. Not getting anything. Just trying to stay calm. As calm as I can get. We went in the cinema room. We sat down at our sits. I took my hand tight on my leg trying to use it to calm my nerves. The movie came and I wasn’t really able to pay to much attention. I heard Carlos laugh some few times. I looked at him ones but fast away after scared he will notice. I kept telling my self to stop thinking about him. He wont become anything. He is straight. So leave him alone tk.

Carlos pov

I was enjoying the movie. I looked at taylor and my smile started to go down. He looks stressed and miserable. “Tyler-“ I said he jumped a little looking at me fast. I touched his hand that was holding his leg tight. “we don’t have to be here. If its making you anxious, If you want to leave. We could do something else. That doesn’t stress you out” I said concurned and caring. He just looked at me. And then my hand and then up at me. He took a shaking breath. “its really okay if you wanna leave” I said caring. He looked back at the tv screen. “i-its o-okay” he said. “you sure?” I asked worried. He looked at me. I am pretty sure I could see tears in his eyes. He nodded and looked back at the tv screen. I took away my hand. I could see his grip going more lose but still there. It made me feel a little better.

Tk pov

Carlos started talking and touched my hand. It made me speechless. He talked with such a caring voice. It made me emotional. He is so nice..i tried better to calm my self knowing he is there. I was able to watch the movie. I started to think. He actully touched my hand..knowing I am gay..he does know right? I feel like david makes it clear that I am. Maybe he doesn’t know. Maybe he doesn’t know what fag means. Somehow I don’t know. He seems to nice. We went out of the cinema.

“do you wanna go home to me? Or you that’s probably better. For you. As you feel safe there. And also you can ask me to leave any time” Carlos said. I thought about it. It wouldn’t be that bad. I do appreciate that he said I could tell him to leave at any moment. “y-you c-can c-come t-to m-my p-place” I said feeling embarrassed about the stuttering. “okay” Carlos said with a smile. We got picked up by Carlos dad. He asked about my address and I said it but not without stuttering. It made me embarrassed. But Carlos smiled to me trying to make sure I knew it wasn’t a problem. I felt a feeling in me. That I liked and also is scared of. We came to my house. I followed him. Being really shy. He tried not to make me embarrassed so he just looked at the photos without saying anything. I do appreciate that. Mom said hi to him. I was to shy to speak so Carlos introduced him self. We went up to my room. Carlos looked around at my room. “you room is really cool” he said softly.

“wow” was the next thing. “you can draw?” he asked taking a paper that laid on my desk. And showed me. A shocked impressed face was all over him. It made me blush a little. He clearly noticed and smiled. It made me blush more and I turned. “y-yes” I said hiding my blush trying to calm it down. “I really like it” Carlos said softly. It was a drawing of a guy. I like drawing guys..”I havent seen you draw at school. Why is that?” Carlos asked. I had calmed the blushing and turned back at him. “e-em b-because t-they t-think i-its g-g-gay” I said out. Then he will now right? “that’s unfortunate, is it because you like drawing guys?” carlos asked siting down on my bed looking at the drawing. “y-yes…i-its w-what i-I a-am i-intrested i-in” I said a little nervous. “that isnt fair. You shouldn’t need to do what others think you should. Its not okay” Carlos said seeming upset about how people are treating me. I just looked at him. He seems to actully care..

”y-you r-really d-don’t m-mind?” I asked. He looked at me. “no of course I don’t. and seeing you get bullied makes me sad and it hurts inside. I wanna step up for you but..i-I am a-also scared of David. I am sorry I cant help more then spend time with you and be there for you” Carlos said sad. He really cares..i started to tear up. Just the caring moved me. I guess I am just not used to all that caring from someone else that isnt my family.

“d-did I say s-something w-wrong?” Carlos asked really worried. I shaked my head tryintg to stop but the caring was to overwhelming. “I-I d-didn’t w-wanna m-make y-you c-cry” carlos said feeling really bad. I shaked my head. “i-its o-ok-kay” I forced out. Then I felt some strong arms around me. He hugged me.. Aww..he so sweet..i started crying just it all came out At ones. He rubbed my back softly. He kept hugging me to I calmed down. I didn’t let go. Just feeling his comfort made me calm down. It didn’t cross my mind that he is straight. I just forgot about that part. But he didn’t let go. I started to daze off. I fell asleep. Yeah I know so embarrassing. But it happened. I got to comfortable. And we all know what this leads to. I like him. I clearly do.

Carlos pov

My broke heart as he kept crying in my chest. But he slowly calmed down. I didn’t mind the hug. But then I heard peaceful breathing. “taylor?” I asked moving him a little away seeing he was clearly hard asleep. My first thought was awww. As he is so so cute. I put him carefully on the bed. I tucked him in. I stood there for some. He so cute. I left feeling like I should leave. I said to his parents that I needed to leave as my parents wanted me home. I also said it was really nice to meet them. I have always been told to be really kind. I also just am it. I went home and the day passed
