i love him

Some days later

Tk pov

Carlos wanted to see the thor movie. I am not crazy about thor, but I didn’t feel like ruining things for him so I said I could come with him. I am still scared of being in public. Maybe someone will say something that Carlos will relate to and he won’t want me? Make him realize I am not worth it.

“Tk come” Carlos said taking me out of the thoughts. I went to him and we went to the cinema. We got some candy. I tried to get some candy this time. I told my self to stay close to Carlos and I will be fine. He will make me feel better. Carlos smiled to me and took my hand. I looked at it not sure what he was thinking holding my hand in public. Is he crazy? He must be. I took it away not because I don’t wanna hold his hand. I do, but doing it in public can hurt him. That’s what I care about. Not if it’s hurting me.

He looked at me. I just looked away not wanting to see his face. He had a confused face and it became a little sad more in to me going in alone. I found the seat and sat down. Carlos came some time later. He sat down. I could feel tension between us. I don’t like it.. I looked at him. And then down at his hand. Fuck..I am gonna hold it. I grabbed it not looking at him. He looked at me. He smiled softly. I could feel it without looking at him. He held it back. We kept watching the movie.

I started to shake my leg to calm my self down and keep my nervousness down. As holding his hand did stress me out. But Carlos wants it so I wanna do it. Carlos looked at me. “Are you okay?” Carlos asked. I almost jumped. “Dam you scared me” I said laughing a little. I could see it concurned him. “sorry. I was just checking on you” Carlos said softly with a smile. It made me smile. I stopped shaking my leg while looking at him. We sat like that looking at each other for a while.

To someone commented on it. Of course someone had to.. “can you to love birds get a room!” someone yelled. I am not 100% sure if it was bad or not. Carlos seemed to think it wasn’t bad he just laughed. It made me feel better. As I did tense when someone speaks up. I laughed a little too. Carlos looked back at the movie. I looked at him some more before getting the courage to lean my head on his shoulder.

And embarrassingly I fell asleep. So embarrassingly.. I woke up with cute Carlos smiling face in front of me. “You fell asleep” Carlos said softly. I looked around and people had left. I blushed feeling embarrassed. “You are so cute when sleeping” Carlos said softly. Of course he had to say that. I just blushed more. “you really just had to say that’ I said embarrassed storming out. He laughed and went after me. I let him catch up to me. Our eyes meet again. I..I really love him.. but..I can’t say that...

We went out. We went to the park. We got some ice-cream. We weren’t holding hands. It wasn’t because we didn’t want to. We just forgot about it just smiling to each other. We were minding our business walking around when some teens…our age commented on Carlos. I just watched not sure what was happening.

“hey immigrant we don’t want your ugly ass here” one guy said going towards Carlos. His friends laughed. Carlos swallowed. “I-I j-j-ju-“ Carlos started. I looked at him. I felt like a dagger went in to my heart. I haven’t heard his voice like that. He looks hurt. “i-I-I shut up” he said repeating Carlos. “we don’t want your kind here” he said. I looked back at the guy. “You come here and spread your ugliness” he said. “nobody wants your kind here” he said going closer to Carlos. Carlos just stood there still taking it all in. I felt like the guy was going to close and something just kicked in me. I went between Carlos and him.

“What right do you have to say about being an immigrant. Your stupid ass is an immigrant too. We weren’t here first. So you have no right to tell anyone to get out of here. So shut the fuck up and keep your stupid issues to your self. And he is beautiful.” I said mad. I just had to add the last part. The guy seemed a little speechless. He just went away. It was quite as I watched him go.

“t-tk” Carlos said. I came back and turned to him meeting his eyes that was teary. I looked at him concerned. “I.. I love you..I love you a lot” Carlos said starting to cry. “P-pls d-don’t c-cry” I said worried. I hadnt seen him cry before and i dont like it. He went in to me. I took my arms around him. I rubbed his back softly. “I..I love you too” I said softly. “i-I r-really found the p-perfect g-guy” Carlos said softly some tears falling. He went away. I meet his eyes again. He wiped his tears. “sorry…” he said taking my hands holding them. I kept looking in to his eyes. “You just touched my heart. It means so much that you did that” Carlos said trying not to get emotional again. I smiled softly. I went closer to him. I kissed him. Yeah I did in public. I didn’t think about it. I just did it. I let go after some seconds as I didn’t wanna do to much in public. “he pissed me off. I didn’t even know I had it in to me to stand up. As I am scared..I guess seeing you hurt just made something kick in me” I said honest. I smiled a little. We moved to holding hands and walked some more around before going our separate ways.

Carlos pov

I was still moved by tk standing up for me. Knowing He was scared but still talked up for me. I walked in to my house. I was to in my thoughts about how lucky I am to have tk. To hear my mom saying hi to me. But when dad raised his voice I came back. Dad looked upset. Mom was trying to brush it off saying it’s fine. “w-what?” I asked confused. It seemed to make dad more mad. “your mother was talking to you.” Dad said. “It’s fine Carlos” mom said smiling. I felt bad. “s-sorry I just were in my thoughts. H-hi” I said. “Hi dear do you wanna talk about what is keeping your mind busy?” mom asked softly. I looked down rubbing my arm.

“some guy told me I shouldn’t be here. That I don’t have a right to be here” I said not wanting to lie so I said it anyways of knowing it would make them sad. “I am so sorry Carlitos. It’s not okay for them to say that. They are wrong” mom said. Dad seemed to have calmed down. “tk..” I said feeling better just thinking about what he did. “He stood up for me. I didn’t even know he could talk like that to a stranger..” I said my voice showing how my heart moved. Mom smiled going up hugging me. “I am so happy you find a good boy” mom said softly. I smiled. “I am happy too” I said softly. Dad rubbed my back. I went to my room a little later. I texted tk and chatted with him the whole night.

Carlos pov

We went to tk’s place. We cuddled together and tk played some games on his phone. I got a message. “one of my friends is wondering if I wanna go to a party they are having. I don’t wanna go without you so I texted if you can come with me. And they said if I insist. as I of course do. Do you want to?” I asked softly. Not wanting to keep anything a secret. “I don’t know..” tk started but saw I really want to go with him. “fine I can do it for you” tk said. I smiled. “Thank you” I said softly hugging him. He rolled his eyes a little. “Shit I am losing” tk said pushing me away. It made me laugh. “You are obsessed with your phone” I said. He didn’t answer. It wasn’t a question but he didn’t even protest. He is to in the game.

I came up with a plan. I sat up leaning closer to him. “don’t bother me when I am playing” tk said upset. I leaned closer. “You are so hot” I whispered in to his ear. He looked at me with a weirded out look. “Why you telling me that??” tk asked confused with what weird plan I have. I smiled. “to distract you” I said taking the phone throwing it away. “Hey that’s expensive” tk said trying to get up. I sat on him fast.

“now you being childish” tk said crossing his arms. I smiled softly. I leaned closer to his lips. I could see tk looking at my lips. I went close but stopped right before I was about to touch his lips. Getting up smiling evily. “That’s what you get for not being grateful” I said crossing my arms acting upset. He went up after me. “Don’t your dare do that” tk said going after me. I tried to run away. Laughing. I wasn’t fully aware of how Tk’s house goes. So I got my self in a corner just based by I don’t know where is where. Tk laughed evily. I ran in to the Bathroom. Locking the door.

“let me in you little evil bastard ” tk said. I let him in. I unlocked the door. Tk smiled. Tk went in and i closed the door behind him. I went closer to him making the space smaller. Feeling him breath. “trust me” I said softly taking my hand on his hoodie. Tk looked at me. The smile going away. “o-okay” tk said understanding what I wanted to do. I took his hoodie off carefully over his head. His arms showing. He had a t shirt under. I let the hoodie fall to the ground.

I held his hands and leaned forward. Kissing him softly. He held my hands back and kissed back. I let go after some. “I will want you no matter what” I said softly. I kissed his forehead. I went a little away taking his arms up so I could see the scars of the cuts. “when is the last time you cut your self” I said with a caring voice. “since when you told me you like me. I..I cut my self that day thinking you couldn’t want me. B-but I was really wrong and I am happy I was” Tk said softly. I started kissing his scars. I just want him to feel loved and I do want him to one day at least be comfortable walking around with it around me at least. He blushed watching me kiss everyone. “I.. I l-love y-you” Tk said softly. I kept kissing every scar. In the end “I love you too” i said softly. I went up to his face and kissed him on the lips not for long and took his hand. We went out and spent some more time together.
