21 | Careless

"BamBam?!" I assume that my brain's mental capacity has reached it's limit. All of the sudden missions I've had to hard carry throughout the day are finally catching up to me. I must be hallucinating. The person in front of me surely isn't BamBam. He can't be that stupid to turn up to my workplace like this after all the recent chaos, right?


"Miss me?" He smirks. I stare at him in complete disbelief while my jaw hangs agape at such carelessness. "Of course you did. Look! You're so happy, you're speechless! I have that effect on people."

For a split second I consider brushing it off at the sound of his little giggle. I tell myself I should be more like him and live like I don't have a care in the world. But that's a deluded world I just can't afford to live in. It's not a world I would even fit into.

I leave my post and storm towards the Thai boy whose brain is finally catching up to his reality. The reality that he won't make it to daylight once I get to him.

The night's cold breeze salutes a hello to us as we step outside to look for an area out of sight to talk in. We come across an alley not too far from the store and I drag the plodding boy following behind me into it.

"What were you thinking coming here?!" I calmly try to initiate but as the tone continues to rise in my voice, it proves my inability to remain that way. "What if someone saw you?!"

"I'm sorry. I wasn't thinking, I just really wanted to see you," he pouts. "I'll go straight back on one condition." He leans forward to take my hand into his as his pleading eyes search for forgiveness.

"Your members are probably looking for you with as much want to kill you as I do right now." I say trying not to let my guard down at the sparkling eyes twinkling at me under this moonlit sky.

"Just this one thing and I promise I'll go right back." He swishes his body right to left impatiently as he awaits my response.

Knowing he really won't leave unless I go along with it, I give in, acknowledging the regret that I know will soon follow. "Fine. What is it?"

He bends down to my level while sticking out the side of his face as he points to his cheek. "Just one," he says trying to hold in the shyness that came along with his request. "Just one and I'll be on my way, hm?"

"I'd rather-," I gesture a slap.

"I dare you." A sound so crisp and clean blares as my hand comes into contact with his cheek. "Ow!"

"You're the one that dared me," I chuckle.

He shrugs, "it's not like it's the first time you've slapped me anyway."

"And it probably won't be the last," I eat my lips in attempt to hide my smile.

"I-I'll keep that in mind," he says in pain, rubbing his poor cheek that's slowly turning red.

Without BamBam expecting it, I reach up to give him what he intially wanted. Caught off guard, he freezes, not quite sure at how to respond or react at my sudden obedience. Even I have to admit that it's out of character, but the thrill of acting out of character is exactly what I was going for. However, as the realisation of my actions sink in and the smirk on BamBam's face fights to come out, I feel a tint of pink emerging on my cheeks and I can practically hear the pumping organ in my chest about to explode and expose me.

At that, I feel long arms engulf me, replacing the icy air's breath prickling at my skin. I bury my face into his chest to avoid BamBam's obvious expression.

"Yejin ah~," he begins.

"Shut up. If you utter a single word, your arm won't be the only part of you in pain." I feel his chest compress and fill up again as he lets out a breathy laugh while I die of embarrassment in his arms. He stays silent, as he should, while we inhale each other's comforting scents.

"Is this your boyfriend, Yejin ssi?"

It's the new part-timer, Yerin. Her excitement causes a blanket of unease to fall upon BamBam and I. We break apart at the sound of her voice and BamBam acts quickly, turning away and concealing as much of his face as he can after seeing a face he's unfamiliar with.

"Why aren't you at the store?" I question a little flustered.

"I went to throw these away but got a little lost," she shrugs. Her body acknowledges the cold, sending a shiver through her. "Sorry."

I notice the crate of out-of-date products in her hands. "That's fine, I'll show you where the dumpsters are," I offer. I attempt to distract her by leading the way, leaving BamBam to exit the situation as he wishes but her eyes remain fixed on him.

"Is he the shy type?" Yerin leans in to whisper to me as she struggles to walk in a straight line due to the crate weighing her down.

I take the heavy load from her, "You could say that."

"How long have you been together?"

"Not long. Well, I wouldn't even class us as together."

"Why not? You guys seem cute together."

A steamy sigh escapes from my mouth into the cold night air, "It's complicated," I tell her.

"Is it really complicated or are you just making it complicated by saying it's complicated when it isn't actually complicated," she says all at once.

"Oh trust me, hun...it's complicated." We approach the back of the store. "Anyways, the dumpsters are down there. Memorise it coz I'm not showing you a second time. Take over the counter for me when you're done."

"Yes boss," she salutes. I start to head back as my body starts to become numb from being outside for too long. "Yejin ssi~," she calls out. I turn back and she nods behind me into the distance. "Looks like someone's waiting for a goodbye kiss," she giggles before disappearing to do her job.

I run over to the boy trying to kill his time by using his foot to play with the gravel as he waits for me. "Call me when you get back, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Mum."

I roll my eyes. "Promise me you'll be more careful," I plead.

"I promise."

We wave goodbye to each other as he walks off and all the feels rush over me. He comes to a sudden stop and runs back, planting a kiss on my cheek.


"Couldn't help it!" He shouts back with a shrug as he runs off.

I rub my arms to warm myself up as I make my way back to the store when I feel sudden discomfort creep up all over me. I pull my sleeves up to find goosebumps perked up on my arm. I conclude that it's just the cold and hurry back to the store.


I flick through the photos one more time before pressing send.
