1 | Annoying Dongsaeng





"YOU'RE 13!"


Deep breaths Yejin ah...Deep. Breaths.

The same useless words as yesterday...and the day before...and the day before that, start my morning off with yet another pounding headache. At this point, I get so many headaches caused by my annoying donsaeng, that I don't even remember what it's like not having them.

2 minutes pass and I storm into Yena's room, dragging her out as she takes her hair roller out and quickly applies lip tint.

"No matter how much makeup you put on...it will never cover up the ugliness," I jokingly say. I give her her school bag and an apple for breakfast, since she slept through breakfast, and shove her out the door.

Just as I'm about to start tidying up, "Eonni! Don't forget I'll be late home tonight! I'm going to Got7's fan signing! And could you please open the door real quick..." Her tone of voice suddenly changes as she says the last part.

"What?" I slightly open the door so she can't run in.


"AISH!" I begrudgingly give her her shoes and slam the door behind her as she runs off to school.

I finish up cleaning the kitchen and tidying up around the house, leaving just enough time for me to get to school.

Running to catch my bus, I glance at my watch to see that only 7 minutes are left till the bell rings. That means 5 minutes to get to the bus stop outside school and 2 minutes to dash it to homeroom.

Hmm. It's doable.


I make it to my class with 1 minute to spare, giving me a minute to catch my breath and do all I can to get rid of the redness in my face from running. As I walk through the door, the bell rings.

"Kim Yejin ssi. Right on time...as always," Mrs Kang says.

All eyes immediately look either down or away as I walk through the class to get to my seat in the back corner, right next to the window. I always make it to class 'right on time' to avoid the meaningless chit chat that goes on between the other students. I don't have friends to do that with. Correction, I don't need friends to do that with.

The rest of the day goes by as usual. Homeroom, Maths, English Language, Korean history - they're all still as boring as each other. As usual, I have lunch alone and everyone avoids eye contact and speeds up when passing me. I don't care though.

Finally, the end of the day comes and I make my way to my locker to grab the rest of my books when Jaehyun walks up and leans against the locker next to mine. I ignore his presence.

"Yejin ah? You're still ignoring me like you do to the rest of the students that go here? You know I'm different from them, we have history," He says behind my locker door.

"Get lost Jaehyun."

"You know...under this mask of yours, I know the real you...so you don't need to act like this with me."

"I said get lost."

"C'mon Yejin. All I wanna do is talk..."

"Hi. How are you? Wait- I don't care."

"Yejin ahhhh. How many times do I have to say I'm sorryyy? I'm really trying here..." I slam my locker door shut making him jump and everyone else in the hallway freeze.

I look at him, dead in the eye, while packing up the rest of my stuff into my bag. I sling it over my shoulder, not losing eye contact, and push past him to make my way home. As soon as the doors close behind me, everyone that was frozen in the hallway starts to breath again.

"It's alright kids! She's gone now..." Jaehyun says to everyone as he watches me leave. A sight he's all too familiar with.


I get home around 5:30pm and start to make dinner right away for when Yena gets home. Kimchee jigae (kimchee stew) - Yena's favourite for when she's in a good mood, which I know she will be after coming home from her favourite group's fan signing.

I hear the front door open at around 7pm and I pop my head out my bedroom door to see Yena home before I expected.

"Yena ya? You're home earlier than I thought you would be...normally it takes you like 3 hours. How was it?"

"AWH BamBam oppa remembered me! So did the other members but BamBam is my bias so-. But they had to cut it short coz they had a schedule after but OOO you made my favourite for dinner! Thank you eonni!"

"I'm glad you had fun. Go eat now."

She skips over to the kitchen and starts to dig into what I made. I go back to my room to study, letting out the biggest yawn, before having to do the laundry.

A few moments later the doorbell rings. Yena being too busy stuffing her face, I'm left to get the door.

"Eonni! Get the door!"

"I can clearly hear the doorbell ring! I'm not deaf you know!"

I drag my tired feet to the door and open it to find a tall, big brown eyed, beautiful young man, starring back at me.

"Um...who are you?"


FIRST CHAPTER! I hope you liked it!

More chapters to come 💚🥰
