Paper easy

sorry that this what's late my broader decided delete all tabs leave everything unsaved

two weeks later

as the students walked in excited and nervous for their first day,raijin returned to UA with his popsicle

raijin walked into the entrance getting a lot of stares from the students and the same happened as he walked through the halls

"all right let's get to it,put these on and head outside"shota said before exiting the room leaving a confused class and on the way out dodging a trap

"hi"raijin said nervously

"problem child,you missed"shota said

(i know that i won't be missing next time on my dead body)raijin thought walking into the room

"you got to hurry up,your future heroes you can't take your time"raijin said playing around with the popsicle

"*Hu*??"1A said all turning to look at raijin who they also didn't notice

"I wouldn't even trying"raijin mumbled loud enough that one of the students could hear

"hey,shouldn't you be wearing the uniform?"purple haired said

"that uniform is for students"raijin said

"huh then why are you here?"brown haired girl said

(now I have to act,don't let me fail don't let me fail)

raijin looked down at the ground trying to look sad and surprisingly doing a decent job

"the staff...will probably inform you about that later"raijin said with fake sadness

(are my acting skills actually working)raijin thought rubbing the back of his head

"oh no if you don't wanna talk about it then you don't have to sorry if I was intruding and I'm ochaco uraraka"brown haired girl said rubbing the back of her neck

(I feel so bad,normally I will prank people but not just straight up lie)

everyone started introducing their self

raijin put his head back up and put on a smile

"y'all need to get going remember he's waiting for you"raijin said sticking the popsicle back in his mouth

the class 1A students all grabbed their gym uniform and headed outside

(one of them is going to fall into my trap.outside,haha)raijin thought walking over to the desk

he put down the papers neatly in a pile

raijin left the room and on his way out stuck the popsicle stick in the trash bin

raijin walked to class 3A

raijin opened the door to 3A

"*hu*do you need something"3A teacher said noticing raijin walking in whoever that is

3A - tamaki looked at him

"*uuuu*"raijin said quietly

(act scared,act scared like you don't know him at all)

raijin walked to the desk and put down the papers

he awkwardly left the room closing the door behind him

class 3A teacher blinked

raijin continued to walk to class 3B

he opened 3B's door

"are y-"3A teacher said seeing raijin another unknown

"just-t,here"raijin said putting the papers in front of the teacher

he grabbed the papers from raijin

raijin ran off before the teacher could even look up

raijin entered class 1B

"just here to give you these test papers"raijin said

(nothing dealing with another problem no thank you)

"thank you?"vlad king said taking the papers

"bye"raijin said waving while running off

he closed the door completing his work

he walked back to his room closing the door behind him

he rested against the door

"done"raijin said

(no more acting!for today)raijin thought leading out a breath

four days later

he moved the blanket to cover he eyes

suddenly the school bell went off

(it's not supposed to go off yet,is it)raijin thought looking at the clock

"warning level three security breach"announcer said over the speakers


he got up from bed and disappeared

floating past all the students to look at the press

(do you know how much you're making the students freak out but you don't care,you're lucky it's just eraserhead and present mic you're dealing with)

"all you have to do is give us all might!"female reporter said

"he's here somewhere!"female reporter said

"he said it's his day off"present mic said

(he's better at lying than i am although I'm pretty sure if they were to just look around a corner they would find him he's not good at hiding)

"just give us one good comment on record and then we'll leave"reporter said

(shota knows how much of a lie that is)

"i know how you people work"aizawa said

raijin moved right behind the two

"give you an inch and you'll want a mile"aizawa said

some reporter took a picture

(ees if i were a human i would have to cover my eyes thankfully my eyes don't get hurt,by that)

"they're illegal trespassers,you know"present mic whispered

raijin watched as he looked at the photo in horror and shock

(Bahahaha,hahaha haha this school is mine no humans will live here not once i kill you all)raijin thought playing the events in his head

"you could call them villains"present mic whispered

(they're just reporters villains are supposed to be bad people although you call someone forced into stealing a villain)raijin thought getting a bit annoyed

"you think we can beat-'em up?"present mic whispered

"don't do it,mic"aizawa whispered

 "they'll write a bunch of half truths about you"aizawa whispered

(half truth,I'm pretty sure your scary because it is completely true if it were to get out everybody would know the truth about you.two?)raijin thought closing his eyes and nodding in agreement with himself

"let's wait for the police"aizawa whispered

present mic let out a annoyed sound

(you're annoyed about not being allowed to beat them up things are wrong with you although i guess I'm kind of reinforcing it that you can't trust anyone)

(oh right the students probably aren't taking this well)raijin thought floating over to the hallway nearby

once there he noticed the students were calm

(nope everybody just doesn't care nobody gives a fuck)

raijin saw some of the class 1A students

(why is he standing up there how did you even get up there?)

raijin floated into the crowd where nobody would notice and reappeared

he walked through the crowd even though he was being pushed and subbed

he walked up to the student

looking up he got a clear view of the student

"do you know how hard it is for them to clean up there"raijin said

(i mean i could do it but I'm a trick,so no)

"i am sorry but the students were in chaos and i needed to get their attention"blue boy said swing one arm

"you managed to calm all of them down"raijin said

(you're crazy being able to do that although they may just trust heroes more than vigilantes)

"well yes with the help of some of my classmates"blue boy said

raijin shrugged and walked through having nothing else to say

wall nobody what's looking he set up another trap

(feel bad for whoever's falling into this one)

