Home pranking


raijin turned the corner and put his phone in his pocket he looked up to see to see his brand new house

raijin walked up to the front door

raijin walked inside and looked around his new house

(I can't believe nezu gave me all of this,all I need is one room)

raijin started looking around

(I couldn't even hope to buy a place like this,it's so big,I mean nezu did say that it could be a good test for the teachers actually why did he do it he could test if they blame each other or adapt to the situation or figure out what's going on what are they going to do when they figure out what's going on are they going to call the ghostbusters)

raijin jumped when he ran into the sofa and fell onto it

(I should have paid more attention)

raijin sat up and saw the remote and decided to check if there were any news on any heroes

when he checked he found a news reporter saying that the water hose hero duo are dead killed by a villain with a power up quirk

(I want to help them,i said I would become a vigilante but I'm not strong enough but why should I care about that I just want to help i should go out there and help,they probably have a kid and he's without parents anymore)raijin thought closing he's eyes starting to get a migraine

the lights in the house flickered nonstop as the plant on the coffee table slowly incest towards the edge

(it hurts so much)

the vase of flowers fell off the edge of the coffee table and hit the ground shattering the vase

"what!!!!"raijin said lifting up his head

raijin looked up to see the lights flickering and the flowers and dirt on the ground and noticed that wouldn't the only thing that moved the coffee table with slightly move away from him the TV what's about to fall off

(wait did I do that is this more of my power)

(I moved it and I'm making the lights flicker and I have a migraine)

(wait how can I even have a migraine I'm a ghost)

(my migraine is starting to go away though maybe it's connected to my powers but when doing anything else this didn't happen but maybe it's because of the kind of power)raijin thought starting to go on a rant about the possibilities

(oh wait I still need my vigilante outfit I will have to test out my powers later I need to go to the store)

raijin got up and cleaned up the mess and then put everything back in place before leaving



(all I have to do is see what happened to shota after I messed with the coffee)raijin thought walking down the halls

raijin didn't have to go far before running into a yellow caterpillar

(well you didn't make me search for long)raijin thought looking at the sleeping shota

raijin try to shake awake shota but found him to be sound asleep

(he won't wake up guess that's what happens when you switch the coffees)

"hey did you know there's a ghost watching you sleep"raijin said

shota didn't react

"so you wouldn't mind if I moved you"raijin said


"great so we both agree"raijin said grabbing the yellow caterpillar

to the outside viewer it looks like he's moving in his sleep

raijin dragged shota to one of the fake city's

shota started waking up

shota looked at his surroundings surprise clear in his face

(oh no he's waking up this isn't where I was planning to take him but this will work)

shota started looking for where he what's

"get out!"raijin said sounding like a banshee

shota jumped at the voice and looked around

(he's actually pretty jumpy)

"hello?"shota said in a tired voice

"leave my home and never return"raijin said

"this looks like a city"shota mumbled

"this is one of the fake city's!"shota said annoyed

(he figure that out quickly how do you even tell)

"go away hero"raijin said

"if anything that's the opposite way"shota said still trying to look for who he is talking to

(true but I technically work here)

"no this is my home I've lived here for ages"raijin said

(I'm a terrible liar let me sounding like a banshee cover it up)

"you're saying you've lived here for ages completely unnoticed"shota said

"who would I be if I didn't watch over the future heroes"raijin said

"*sigh*and i have to speak to nezu about this,who are you"shota said

raijin came from around the corner and he's vigilante outfit

"i am majin"raijin said that means demon god and I didn't even notice there's just a two letter difference

shota looked at raijin he was wearing a black varsity hoodie with red a kitsune mask with red inside the ears,a red flower around the left eye where he's bruise used to be red lines spinning around the cheeks and at the edge of the mask,it only has eye holes the mask made he's magenta eyes look dark purple with gray from behind the mask a big piece of hair suck out that what's tied into a braid dark blue pants his normal shoes but in dark purple with white

"how did you get past the security"shota said unzipping the sleeping bag and stepping out

(actually nezu let's me walk around without the security going off but I'm not going to tell him that)

"let's just say your security has a lot of flaws"raijin said

shota activated he's quirk

(no,no,no wait I'm here)

raijin mentally slapped himself

(of course I'm here I'm quirkless this isn't my quirk)

"you do know coffee is a thing right"raijin said

shota deactivated he's quirk

"it didn't work!"shota said in surprise

raijin blinked

"the coffee is wearing off"shota said we've he's eye twisted

shota left

(did I just ignored for coffee at least I don't have to come up with more of a fake story hopefully that will keep him from relighting my terrible lies)

raijin checked his phone for the time 8:49

(what do I do now)raijin thought putting his hand on his chin

raijin started walking back and forth

(I could prank the rest of the staff)

(ya i should it's literally a part of my new job)

(It's so weird that I have a job and nezu's my boss who is paying me to mess with his workers in the process keeping them from doing there work...)

(uuuuu I should try and use my new powers to prank the staff)

raijin floated off to prank the staff of UA

raijin what's thinking about what pranks to play when coming across a store he had a idea,after buying what he needed from the store he went searching for his next victim hound dog

hound dog what's walking around the school on his usual patrol

raijin took a big breath and blew into the dog whistle

"*bark**bark**growl*wwwwwho-didd that someooooone is in t-ttroubleeerrr"hound dog said

(good luck finding a ghost if you manage to i will take the punishment)

hound dog started sniffing around

two years later

the day of the entrance exam

raijin yawned looking at the students take the test

(what had it been like an hour now this is so boring I've already seen the written part of the exam be taken multiple times it's easy)raijin thought watching one of the students put down the wrong answer

(oh B it with A again,I need to go do something else before I go crazy)

raijin floated to nezu's office

raijin knocked on the door

"come in"nezu said

raijin floated through the door

"hello raijin,come take a seat"nezu said

raijin sat down on the sofa across from nezu

"do you think we can do something different this year?"raijin said

"why the sudden change"nezu said

"I recognize some of the people here and I wanna see if they can be true heroes and the staff are getting used to my pranks"raijin said


raijin finish setting up the prank right when shota turned the corner

(ha,ha once shota falls for this prank he's going to be mad)

raijin saw shota unknowingly walking towards the prank and a bath

shota yawned

shota made it to the classroom and walked through the door

"nice try but I'm not falling for that"shota said to his mystery pranker

(he's getting to use to me,they don't even know who I am and they're able to dodge my pranks with each and he was the only staff member that hadn't gotten used to it)

the prank set off but missed

(I have to get better otherwise how am I going to entertain myself,I would just be a bored ghost that can't scare anyone what kind of ghost would I be)

"and now I have to clean it up*sigh*"shota said

(ee that's good enough)

