Voting (New Story)

Since 'Fall Down', my Stray Kids Changbin fanfiction is almost finished, I will hold a voting session from now until the 10th of May 2019 that will determine my next Stray Kids fanfiction. Please vote for whichever story you'd like to see published next. I included the name and a brief conversation within the story.

1. Hide and Seek (Stray Kids Kim Woojin)

"Tell the truth, why are you here?"

The redhead was clearly surprised but soon understood what she meant.

"I think you have an idea."

"When did it return? And why me?"

"Return?" She snorted. "It never left. We just stayed in the shadows for a while. And you're the victim because you were the last one to ever meet up with Damien. Besides, you're a threat."

Taking another mouthful of ice cream, Aubrey allowed it to melt on her tongue, savouring the taste as she thought of what to ask next.

"A threat, huh? Not when everyone thinks you're an effing psychopath."

"Seems like your agency has trust issues."

"Don't even act as if yours doesn't."

"We're not an agency, we're a Mafia. Sworn by blood," she mentioned, showcasing the scar on her palm from the blood oath. "Unlike agencies, we are sworn to each other, not the agency."

"Isn't telling me the plan going against the oath?"

"It is. I'm not telling you the plan. Friends help friends, right? That's why I'm just letting you know, there are many of us. And they are on to you. I would suggest moving and keeping your identity a secret. We may be ahead of you for many things but there's still a question mark when it comes to real identity."

"We're enemies. You're part of JYPNation and I'm part of PCI. Why are you helping me? You're risking your life doing this. What's in it for you?"

She sucked on the side of her mouth before meeting Brey's gaze again.

"Once you're out of the way, Jun.K's shutting JYPNation down for good. May as well have the chase go on longer, right? Enjoy the thrill before the end."

2. The Ace (Stray Kids Kim Seungmin)

"It's a game," he spat out, bitterness laced on his words. "Just something for them to watch for entertainment as they chew on popcorn in the warmth and safety of their houses."

"They?" she repeated the word. "Who are you referring to?"

Seungmin grabbed her arm and pulled her to his side before pointing at a little creature crawling up one of the trees. There was a red light blinking off of it as it moved and when it stopped to look at them, she noticed the camera lenses it had as eyes.

"The people outside. To be specific, the rich ones. They take children from their poor families, offer them education and food to eat. And when they are old enough, they send them here. To live a game the rich people are too lazy to do themselves. They give us obstacles they know we can't survive from and false hope that maybe one day we'll leave this prison."

Inspired by: 'The Maze Runner', 'Divergent' and 'The Hunger Games'.

3. The Fifth Universe (Stray Kids Yang Jeongin // I.N)

"What is this place?" Jeongin asked as he glanced around, scanning every fallen tree and remains of what used to be a civilisation.

"Earth," Lana replied, not bothered nearly as bothered by the look of the place as Jeongin was. "Apparently we used to live here... But that was aeons ago."

"What happened?"

She turned to him, eyebrows furrowed.

"You never heard the primary rhyme of how the 'beasts' killed the world?"

His eyes widened.

"You mean the diseases, the creatures, the volcanoes and tsunamis were all true? They actually happened?"

Lana wasn't paying attention anymore, she just marched on without him and approached a cliff not far from their ship. Jeongin followed slowly, not entirely trusting of the new environment. She looked over at what lay below in, a smile slowly creeping up on her face.

"Now things are getting interesting," she grinned to herself.

Jeongin looked over and felt sick. Skeletons and corpses piled up below nearly four-hundred metres in height.

"I don't like the look of this," he stated. "Let's just go..."

"Come on, Jeongin. Don't chicken out so quickly. You haven't even realised the best part yet."

"And that is?"

"If there are corpses, it means they didn't die long ago... Whatever did this is still alive. And we're its target now."
