Human Puppets

Stray Kids Woojin's fanfic is finally out! Please of check it out. It's very different from my other stories but I hope that a good thing...

Human Puppets (Stray Kids Kim Woojin)


The beast turned and fixated his canine-like, golden eyes on Woojin like a predator spying on its prey. He had a head of a jackal and body of a boy no older than him. Immediately Woojin felt as though he was being strangled, no drowned. His head seemed on the verge of exploding, the room was spinning and no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't get any air into his lungs.

The beast outstretched his hand as if initiating a handshake but he knew better than to accept. He was knocking on death's door at this point, feeling himself lose all his energy.

Just as he thought he would die, his bedroom door swung open and the beast disintegrated into a pile of black sand.

His father breathed, "Not him."
