Ponyboy imagine

Y/n's pov

"Pony?" I called out. No one was at the Curtis house because they all had something to do, but Pony said he would be here. He was going to go out to the movie house with Dally and Johnny, but decided to stay when I asked him to. "Ponyboy? Where are you?". I was met with silence once again. As I looked over I noticed the blanket on the couch move. I walked over and slowly moved the blanket. There laid Pony sleeping peacefully. I laughed and sat in the chair across from the couch, grabbing my drawing book I left there in the process. I began to outline his face with my pencil. An hour passed, and I finished my drawing. I wrote a note on the page next to the drawing about how I felt about Ponyboy. He's been my crush for forever, he wouldn't like me though. I was friend zoned for years. I smiled at my work and re read the note.
"Dear Ponyboy, you'll never see this. But that's alright. I need to get my feelings out so why not write them here? You are amazing. Amazing doesn't even fit because no words describe how great you are. Maybe that why I started to fall for you. I don't know, that sounds dumb. Bottom line is I have the biggest crush on you. I have for years. Love, y/n."
When Pony began to wake up I threw my drawing book off to the side and hid it behind the pillow next to me. "Hey sleepyhead" I laughed and moved to kneel next to the couch. Pony smiled "Hey y/n, how long was I asleep?". "Around an hour, I'm not sure you were sleeping before I got here" I ruffled his hair. "Oh wow sorry about that" he sat up and motioned for me to sit next to him by patting the cushion next to him. "One minute Pony, I need to use the little girls room I'll be back in a second" then I walked up the stairs. When I came back down Pony wasn't on the couch anymore. I walked into the kitchen and saw him holding something with his back to me.When I walked closer my heart dropped, he was holding my drawing book the page opened to my drawing and note. I ran over and grabbed the book out of his hands. "Pony! You can't just look through my stuff!" My cheeks were blazing red, not from anger but embarrassment. But it was to late. I could tell by the light blush on his face and wide eyes that he had read it already. "I have to go" I whispered and turned around. Suddenly I felt him grab my wrist and turn me back around. "Y/n, I like you too" Pony smiled brightly at me. "You don't have to say that just because you read my note" I said looking down. "I'm not!" His smile faltered but stayed glued on his face. "Pony, really, it's okay" I tried to turn again but his hands left my wrists and grabbed my face, and I felt his lips lightly press against mine. When he pulled away I smiled at him. "WHAT JUST HAPPENED" I heard someone shout from the doorway. We both spun around to look at the door. There stood the gang mouths hung open. Dally walked over and patted Pony on the back. "Good job dude!". I looked at Pony and we both blushed.
