Dally imagine- lockdown pt1

Y/n's pov

"Then carry the one" I sighed to myself as I began to doodle in my binder. Math was my least favourite subject, and whatever my teacher was rambling about for the last hour was the last thing on my mind. Being honest the only thing I could think about was Dallas Winston. Dally and I had a complicated relationship. He wasn't my boyfriend and I wasn't his girl, but we acted like we we're. I would be lying if I said we didn't mess around every now and then too. The gangs probably catching on because we always tell the we're gonna "hang out" alone. But since we aren't officially together he thinks it's okay to go off with some other broad. Dal and I walk to school together every morning, so you can imagine how I felt when I walked into his room to see Sylvia, his ex, in his bed. Just as I snapped out of my thoughts a note landed on my desk. "To Y/n" was scratched on to the front in Dally's signature chicken scratch. I glanced at him sitting in the row next to me. He smirked and gestured to the note. I sighed to myself and opened it.

Hey y/n,
Look I don't know why your so worked up today. You've been ignoring me all day, and wouldn't even walk next to me this morning on the way to school. If Sylvia's got you worked up I don't know what to tell ya. We aren't together doll. I don't see what the big deal is. Could you get over it before tonight. I need you at bucks later so we can "hang out".
From, Dallas.
That was pathetic. When I looked at him Dallas just winked. I crumpled up the note and threw it at him. "Mrs.Y/l/n, can I help you" my teacher eyed me. "Can I go to the washroom?" I needed time to think to myself. "Yes you may" the teacher corrected me. I stood up and walked out.

Dally's pov
Y/n just left? Come on she always has a snarky comment to say, she's fiery and I like that. It's why she stands out from the other broads I hang out with. She's not afraid to voice her opinion. So I knew something had to really be bothering her. "Im going to the bathroom, try to stop me" I barked at the teacher and left.

Y/n's pov
"Y/n!" I heard Dallas call from down the hall. "Where are you going?" I could hear him run after me into the basement. The door at the bottom was locked. "Oh come on" I mumbled to myself knowing Dally was going to catch up to me. "The door is locked doll" Dallas put his hand on my shoulder. "Don't touch me" I pushed his hand off me as I spoke. "I can help you" Dallas picked up the mat and grabbed a key from under it. Then he unlocked the door and pushed it open. "How did you know that was there?" I asked him as I walked in. He placed the key and mat back in place. "I have my ways" he smirked at me. "That note was terrible and degrading Dallas." I coldly stated, looking away from him. "I'm sorry babe" He knew I loved when he called me that. "Look Dal I-" *BANG* I was cut off by a loud bang. "What was that?!" I looked at Dallas who was white as a ghost. "I'd know that sound from anywhere, that was a gun shot". The principal cane over the loudspeaker "this is not a drill, I repeat this is not a drill. There is an active shooter in the building. We are going on lockdown" another bang rang through the air. I grabbed on to Dally's arm. Then the lights went out.

Ooo I wonder what's gonna happen next?? Read the next chapter to find out;). Did you like this? If you did let me know and I can write more like this. Okay thanks for reading. Bye!
