Gone Part 2 - Two-Bit

There is no sound, no voices and no hands trying so hard to hold you up. There is only the ringing in your ears and the hot angry tears that just won't stop falling.
     It was a terrible wailing sound you made. But you couldn't even hear it. Suddenly everything was in slow motion. Everything was white as grey and black. You knew they were trying to calm you down. Hearing them was different.
     You don't remember falling asleep. But when you said up, your throat is rough and scratchy and hurts. Your eyes won't stop filling with aggravated tears.
     The first week was the worst, you think. Too much of that awful sob you did. Dally always did say you were an ugly crier.
     By the second month, your hair was greasy and the weight you'd lost from weeks of no meals was to noticeable. And Darry wasn't trying to be mean or make you upset. You knew he wasn't but the snarl that left your lips was one you couldn't take back. He stopped trying to help after that.
     By the fifth month, you were pale and bony and usually no one dared say their names. Not that anyone ever came to visit anymore. So you sat at the kitchen table. Mostly, you stared blankly at a wall but sometimes you might go lay in bed instead. It wasn't until Two-Bit spoke up, in a voice so soft and clear and calm you might not have recognized him. "Y/n, Dal and Johnny, they... They wouldn't have wanted you to-"
      You whipped around to look at him. You looked feral, deranged even. Dirty and scrawny with bloodshot eyes.
"Get out."
He didn't move, just swallowed hard.
     Now you stood up. "Get out!" you pounded your weakened fists against his chest, "Get out! Get out! Get out!" Two's arms wrapped around you until your knuckles were white with his shirt clenched in them and sobs were wracking your body again.
Looking back, you're not really sure what you said.
     But things started to get better.
Two-Bit made them better.
     Slowly, so slowly, that hole in your heart healed.
     And just as slowly, Two-bit stopped sleeping on your couch and began sleeping in your bed.
     Slowly, you fell in love with him. You hadn't even noticed a sort of spring had come until you were past the dark winter that consumed you.
     It didn't hurt quite as much anymore.
