Twenty - two

Evilyn pov ( Dabria's body )

As I wake up I look around to see that's I'm on the floor chained to the wall.

"You ok? I'm sorry." I hear Salvatore says as I laugh.

"Ah, so pathetic." I said laughing.

Evilyn stop it!

Sorry love. But it's my turn to play.

Evilyn don't let Dabria take over!

She's hurt, and broken. Now let me help us, that's the only way for us to survive.

Fine, just don't mess anything up.


"What?" Salvatore says.

"I mean you and Dabria are so pathetic. Well, the only thing she's alive is because of me. But both of you are pathetic." I said.

"She has the voices in her head. You took over Dabria." Aden says.

"You're so smart." I said laughing as everyone looks at me.

"What's you're name?" Oliver ask.

"Evilyn, now that I'm in charge were gonna have so much fun." I said smirking.

"Do you know that this is actually how Dabria is? She just has it all bottled up. But once I'm out, than everyone knows her true feelings. I'm just the one doing it all." I said.

"You're the same. But I believe the worst." I said.

"Who are these people really, what do you - Dabria have with these people?" Salvatore ask.

"Salvatore, if I answer these questions just please. Please don't cry like a pussy or I swear I'll chop of your little friend." I said.

"Cupish?" I asked.

"Sure." Salvatore says.

"Good, Dabria is the Donna of the German Mafia. She's also known as number 1. You know Azaeal you're uncle is really really annoying. I remember when I was right here I took over, man I annoyed your uncle and his men just for some candy. I mean I had to get my sugar up." I said laughing.

"He's not my uncle " Azaeal says.

"Awww, yea sure. Salvatore is not Dabria's father yet again he is. JOSH IM HUNGRY! IM HUNGRY! HELLO ANYONE THEIR, IM FUCKING HUNGRY!" I said than yelled.

My stomach hurts, it's empty.


"SHUT THE FUCK UP." Josh says coming on.

You're going to get us killed.

No I won't.

"I'm hungry." I whispered.

"Ah, it's you. Evilyn right?" Josh ask.

"Yea, hey you got food where hungry. Ah can you add a water, like a big big large cup filled with water and some ice." I asked smile nicely.

"No." Josh said.

"What!?" I shout.

"HOW THE HECK CAN YOU LIVE LIKE THIS? HOW CAN YOU LIVE WHEN YOU KILLED MY WIFE AND OUR CHILD?!" Josh screamed at me as his spit goes on my face.

This man is mean.

"Ok first of all, I did not kill her Dabria did, second of all o told Dabria to kill her yet again I didn't. Third, how the heck was I supposed to know she was pregnant, I also saved that child. No if it was me I'd rather die than be you're child." I said honestly.

Josh than takes iht his gun and presses it on my head.

"What am I supposed to cry for help? Guns and knifes are my friends, like we watch tv eat popcorn together. You shall not kill me with my friends. Did you're mother ever teach you matters?" I said I then start to laugh.

"I - oh wait, d - Dabria killed - her." I said laughing my I than then my face all seriously.

"Ok, wait actually I killed her, my bad." I said as Josh puts the knife in my thigh and I just smile.

"Wait before you go. You gonna give us food?" I ask.

"If you shut up than yes." Josh says as I nod.

He than leaves.

"You killed my mom?" Henry ask as he looks as me.

"Ah shit, yea my bad. Man to be that old she was one of a hell strong ass woman." I said.

"Let me guess you gonna kill me too?" I said smiling.

You're literally gonna kill us, just so you know I wanted to waste all my money on junk food and eat it on my last month.

Hey, Josh is gonna give us food before he probably kills is. Be greatful! Most people don't get their last meal before they die.

"No, actually thank you. My mom was never good to my father and she, she was not a good mom. So I guess thanks." Henry says.

"Man you people are weird. Last time I killed a mans parents, I got haunted like in the woods their where traps too!" I said.

"Why are you excited!? Why are you all smiling?! Do you want to die? Wait what is Dabria saying?" Aden questions.

I smirk "She hasn't told you!? Ah, this is gonna be one hell of a ride! Oh I'm just trying to have fun, and Dabria is telling me not to get us killed." I responded.

"Who is the other girl besides you?" Aden ask.

"Nara, shes a real softy. And annoying like you.... barbie. But you're more annoying." I said as I smile and she galres at me.

"You said that she hasn't told us? What has Dabria not told us?" Lorenzo ask.

"Not my secret, I mean I know I'm apart of her but it wasn't me who's body that had to be throght it." I said.

A few minutes later Josh comes in with other men as they hold food and cups.

"Awww, you actually got us food. You're so so sweet!" I said happily.

"Yea now shut up. You said you would." Josh says.

Ah I said I would shut up but I never ever promised, hehe.

She's gonna get us killed.

I know, I know.

"Josh, why don't you even be nicer and let us go. Mhm?" I offered.

"Evilyn, you are one sweet person, and all. But if you dont stop with that adatuditde looks like you won't be getting this. And we both know you need this." Josh says as my eyes widen as he gets the medicine in his hands.

"J - Josh, I don't want that I want the cure." I demanded.

"Like I said to Dabria is their is no cure. Ah would you like some clothes? My men seem to like looking at you." Josh says smirking as he looks me up and down.

"First of all their has to be a cure, you made it. Second of all I would like some clothes but we all four know you won't give me any. Third of all keep you're fithy eyes to yourselves because I'd not, once I get all I'm going to cut out you're fucking eyes and shove it down you're mouth to you're cords and down you're throat and into you're stomach." I said angerliy.

"Ok, bye." Josh say he and his men then leave.

"Wait, wait! WHAT, WHERE IS THR FREAKING CURE. JOSH!!! JOSH, GET BACK HERE AND TELL ME IM - IM." I said but then I stop talking as I throw up blood.

"IM GOING TO KILL YOU!" I yell as I wipe the blood.

"Are you ok?" Aden and Salvatore ask as the rest look at me with worried.

"Ok maybe - maybe it is my fault. But this is you're fault Salvatore. It's all your fault. What did you do to get the guy angery?" I ask as I says rudely with the work Salvatore.

"He was in love with your mom, well Dabria's mom. She loved me, I loved her and Josh loved her. She didn't want him and he got angery." Salvatore explains as I laugh, I laugh hard throwing my head back.

"Oh my God this is so funny. You guys are fighting because of a woman. Sorry Dabria, but really? She was beautiful tho, a goddess." I said whispering the last part.

Salvatore pov

Dabria, I mean Evilyn than starts to cough again. We all look to see her to see blood coming out of her mouth.

"Why do you keep throwing up blood?" I ask as Evilyn looks at me as she smiles laying down her dead on the wall.

"If it happened to me personally I'd tell you. But it didn't it happened to Dabria, so it's her sorry to tell." Evilyn says.

A man than comes in with a bottle and needle.

"Finally, are you gonna step on the bottle in front of me...or are you gonna actually give it to me?" Evilyn says looking at the wall.

"Boss wants you alive. You don't have much anyways, so he's just giving it to you. Dabria deserves it anyways, for what she did." The man says.

"Y - you're still mad, I see. It's not Dabria's fault. I - it's mine I talked her into it. Now are you gonna give me it? Or let me die? Now if it was my choice, I'd let me, us die." Evilyn says.

The man than gets the needle and injected it in the bottle. He then walks towards Evilyn and injects it in her neck. She's close her eyes in pain.

"Good night." The man says as Evilyn close her eyes and her head falls on Azaeal shoulder.

What did he do?

"Don't worry, sadly she still alive. But she's sleeping, she should wake up tomorrow.' the man says he than leaves.

What's happening? I'll ask tomorrow.

How's this chapter. I think you guys learned a bit more stuff about Dabria's past.

Counted words: 1585
