
Dabria pov

As I get up I take a shower. About 20 minutes of showering I finally finshes. I them change. I put on a black long sleeve shirt with a turtle neck, I added some grey jeans and a big coat with it.

I then get my computer and go down in the living room as I see everyone there.

"Hey, I need a man's advice." I said as I get my sketch book and a pencil.

"Is this about a boy?" Aden says.

"No, I work for Bri's jewelry. Ms. Stone, wants me to make new suits for our industry, and I was wondering what kind of suit's do you guys like." I say as their eyes widen.

"You know Ms. Stone?" Salvatore says.

"Yea. Man is she scary." I said, well I am, I'm very well respected, disrespect me and I will make you go bankrupt.

"You also know what she looks like?" Azazel ask.

"Yes, we have to sign a contract to keep her identity. Everyone in the building knows what she looks like. So will you help?" I ask.

"Yes we will." Lorenzo says.

" Pockets for the Pens." Aden says I then write.

"Oh and wallets." Aden says I then write down.

"Uh, oh yea guns, knifes, and con-!" Oliver says as I smirk. Alexander smacks Oliver up side the head.

I then just write it down.

They just look at me. "Um, Dabria, we have guns because well because we, well we are very well known we own hotels clubs, restaurants and stuff." My father says.

"So, but we just want you do know that you don't need to be scared of us." Salvatore says as I laugh.

" I am fine with you carrying a gun or more." I assure them.

I also have I gun on my left shoe tucked in and I have knifes strapped to my tights and some more in my right leg. But they don't need to know.

"Ok so I have to go." I said.

"What time will you come back?" Aden ask.

"Not sure. Maybe around 3." I said as they nod.

I then leave.

/ / /

As I arrive at my building I get my mask and put it on.

As I enter the building, my assistant comes, Lila.

"I send everyone a letter for the party so when you tell everyone you're identity." Lila says.

"Ok, go get Liam." I said

Liam will be helping me with the project so he will be coming with me to help me with it.

I then go to my office, a few minutes later Liam arrives.

"Hello ma'am." Liam says.

"Hi, you'll be coming with me so you can help me with the project. I don't want you to call me by my business name or don't talk to me with business. Just talk to me as a colony like you do to everyone else." I said as he nods.

/ / /

A few hours later we finshes with papers.

"Ok get you're stuff we can work at a place, it's my biogical families house. But they don't know who I am so, yea." I said as he nods.

About 15 minutes we then go out and get in the car, I then drive us their.

About 1 hour later we arrive at the mansion. We then go outside and I open the door.

"Ok, put the papers on the table and we'll start." I said, Liam nods and dose as I say.

"We have about the rest of the day to do this, so if you mess up, I'll mess you up." I said as he gulps in fear.

I then relieze that my family and the Vogels are here in the living room.

"Oh, hi this is Liam. Well be here, working." I said as they nod.

My family and the Vogel then leaves. They're going outside.

About 3 hours into working I then realize that Liam's math is all wrong.

"Liam, you're math is all wrong." I said as his eyes widen.

"Let me check." Liam says.

"Liam, if you're math is wrong everything is wrong. We only have 2 hours left." I said Liam then gets up and runs away.

I get my pen and run after him.

Azazel pov

As were outside. I then hear screaming and running.

"Do you guys hear that?" I ask.

"Yea, what is that?" Lorenzo ask.

I then get up but then the guy that Dabria came is running.

"I'm gonna kill you!" Dabria shouts she then runs after the guy and he runs.

"I- I'm sorry. I'll redue it." The guy says as Dabria laughs.

"Redue it? You won't be able to do it because YOU'LL BE 30 FEET UNDERGROUND!"  Dabria yells.

Damn is she scary, Aden and Salvatore said she's scary, but I didn't think she was that scary.

She then runs and jumps on top of the guy making him fall on the ground.

Aden then gets Dabria and get her off him.

"I'm sorry! Ok, you are one hell of a crazy woman!" The guy shouts as he realizes what he says he out his right hand on his mouth as his eyes widen.

"One don't you dare yell at me. Two never ever call a lady crazy, you wanna see how crazy I can be?" Dabria says.

"Ok, chill. What happened?" Aden says.

"What did you do to my daughter?" Salvatore says angery.

"Uh, I - I" the guys says.

"Ima gonna kill you Liam." Dabria says she then pushes Aden and she gets Liam buy the hair.

"I'm sorry, please don't actually kill me. You're not crazy, you're actually really really nice sweet and kind. And uh I won't ever yell at you again." Liam says.

"You're gonna stay up all night and redue it. It also better be right. Now you get 5 minutes to get up and go get the project and leave and go to you're house and do it all right. And if I don't get it back by 5 in the morning. I'll come after you." Dabria says she then let's go of Liam and he runs.

"I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE." Dabria yells.

"Ok, tell what happened?" Oliver says.

"You wanna know what happened? That idiot messed up the project. And we only get a few hours to finish. It took us 3 hours to do. He messed up his math and if he messed up one little thing everything is messed up. My name is on the project, if my name is on that project and everything is wast and full of shit, I look bad, and I can't look bad in front of Ms. Stone. Now Liam their has all night to do and fix it up. He better bring it back at 5 to me. Or I'm gonna go after him." Dabria says.

She then laughs "And I know where he lives, where he goes. " Dabria says.

"Ok, chill out. Ok." Alexander says as Dabria glares at him as he gulps in fear.

"Ok, Im go smoke some stuff." Dabria says Salvatore then gets Dabria.

"You are not allowed to smoke or do drugs."  Salvatore says.

"Oh, that's do late, the drugs are already in my system." Dabria says laughing.

"Hahahaha. Oh by the way, you're bodyguard that's by my door is so so hot." Dabria says laughing.

I then feel jealous and anger. Why? I had no idea, I need to go to the doctors.

Dabria pov

Why did you tell her to take some drugs?!

Well it will help her.

Drugs are not good they are bad, bad!

Can't you break a few rules for a second?

"I wanna go to the zoo, sooooo." I said as I laugh.

"Oh, wait we are already at the zoooo." I said laughing.

All I know is wherever I say I'm going to regret this tomorrow.

"Come on let's get you to bed." Aden says as he tires to grab my arm.

"No, no. Don't touch me." I said.

"Why not? I won't hurt you." Aden says sad.

"You got cooties." I said pointing at him as I laugh.

"Zoo?" I said with puppy eyes.

"No zoo." Elijah says.

Tears then swell in my eyes, and down my cheek.

"Why y- you b - bullying me?" I said between my cries.

"See what you did you made her cry." Azazel says.

"Just take her she's annoying." Sabrina says as I laugh and laugh.

"Why are you laughing?" Sabrina says.

"You need to go to the zoo, because you're an animal, but plastic." I said laughing, laughing hard.

"Daddy." Sabrina says but Salvatore is also laughing.

Salvatore then clears his throat.

"We'll all go to the zoo." Salvatore says.

"No, me don't want to no more." I said as he then gets confused.

"I wanna see my mommy." I say crying as I use my hands tuns into first as I rub my eyes.

"Where is mom?" Alexander says I then cry more as I remember.

( Flash back )

"Hi, my princess, it's you're birthday. I got you a cake." My mommy says as my eyes lit up as she shows me the cake.

"Cake!" I shout excited.

"Yea. Make a wish." My mommy says as she light the candle with a lighter.

'I wish for my daddy to come back. I want mommy and daddy to be together.' I wish I then open my eyes and blow out the candle.

"Happy birthday baby." My mama says as I smile.

A few minutes later I then hear load sounds.

"Come here. Now." My mom says scared as she picks me up. Mommy then run in the woods with me in her arms.

"Mommy, wh - what's happening?" I ask scared.

"Nothing just close you're eyes ok. Everything will be alright." Mommy assures me.

I the hear more loud things as mommy runs a man is in frount of us mommy then turns around and anither man is their.

About 5 men are surrounding us. One of the men walk towards us with a knife. He then stabs mommy as she screams.

As she and I fall to the ground, I then see mommy on the floor.

"Please, not my child take me not her." Mommy cries, as I cry.

The guy then gets on top of mommy and stabs her 4 other times. As she tries to get up she looks at me.

"Run." She says. I shake my head no not wanting to leave her.

A man then gets me ruff as holds my hand tightly. He then makes me look at mama.

"Look!" He shouts then i look at mommy who is surrounded by blood, another man walk toward mommy with a gun and shoots her three times as I cry.

5 stabs she was still standing, 2 shoots and shes gone.

( End of flashback )

Salvatore pov

"Dabria." I say, Dabria just looks at straight as tears roll down her cheeks.

"Dabria, baby sis. I need you to calm down. Take deep breaths." Aden says cupping Dabria cheeks.

Dabria then eyes closes and opens then closes and she faints.

Aden then picks up Dabria bride style.

"Take her out hospital now." I said Aden then runs as we run behind him.

What happened to my baby girl?

How's this chapter? I hope you guys like. This shows what happened to Dabria's mom.

Counted words: 2035
