Chapter 3

Eric's POV

I am standing on the inside of the entrance to the hoovercraft, watching over the deserted landscape known as New Mexico. We're here to pick up Jane and her daughter Thorunn whoms father is the mighty god Thor.
I have heard many legends about him, but I don't know which ones are true and which ones are made up. As I'm standing there I see Gracie and Thorunn coming this way with Jane a bit behind. She looks lost. Or maybe she just misses Thor. Probably both parts.
"Who are you looking at little Banners?" I jump a little. It's Bucky, he always scares me like that, but I don't change.
"What? No one." I say quickly.
"Oh really?" He says with a witty smile on his face. I stay quiet. I don't want to talk to him about it. I keep looking out on the landscape.
"She's pretty. I get why you like her." He says with his 'normal' voice. I look at him. I'm starting get angry. Really angry. It's not a good sign, if I change now I won't be able to control what I'm doing and no one could calm me down. Except for Gracie. She's the only one that has ever been able to change me back to normal. Change me back to human. That's the problem about being a son to the Hulk. The rage and anger changes you into a monster.
"I guess so." I answer him with a shaking voice.
"Dude. It's so obvious that you like my sister as more than a friend." Adam is standing behind me with a big, quirky smile on his face.
"Maybe I like her a little bit, but she doesn't..."
"Of course she likes you too!" Adam interrupts. He almost screams it.
I have been to busy talking to Bucky and Adam that I barely noticed Thorunn reaching out her arms to give me a hug. It feels like I could be changing any minute now, but I put the thought away and give her an easy hug. At least as easy as I'm able to. We let go and smile at each other. Thorunn walks up to Adam to hug him and I can see how nervous he gets when they hug. She turns to Bucky and hesitate but gives him a strong handshake. When Gracie walks in I give her a big smile and she smiles back. I look after her as she sits next to Thorunn with Adam on the opposite side, right in front if them. When Jane finally is inside, she ignores pretty much everyone and takes her seat in the front, next to the pilot, with two empty seats behind her. One for Bucky and one for Pepper I think. I am about to sit down on the free seat next to Adam when I see that Bucky has trouble closing the door. I jog over to him and easily close the door with one hand and he locks it. He is staring at me. At first he seems upset and surprised, but then he gives me a thankful smile. That was something I never thought I would see from him. He walks past me and takes his seat behind the pilot. I smile a little for myself and then I walk back to my seat next to Adam and with Gracie in front of me. She is talking to Thorunn about something that I don't know. I see how Thorunn is looking at Adam here and there. He looks at her too. And so it goes on when we're flying to California to pick up Chloe Barton.
Word count: 611 words
Didn't think this chapter would turn out like this.

But anyways, I hope that whoever you are that is reading this, I hope that you are enjoying it cuz' I know I enjoy writing this.
