Chapter 9

Gracie's POV

We just got into the enemyplane and I realise that don't have any weapon except for my ring that turns into a shield when I touch it. Then I get the tought that I might have some marshall art skills like my mother. 

We are all doing different things. Eric and Harold for example are trying to destroy the engines on the plane. Chloe on the other hand is shooting some of her arrows at the guards, but they won't get through their armours. My brother has a gun in his left hand and a copy of our fathers shield in his right. He and Thorunn are working together. She is smashing her fighting rod onto his shield to create a strong magnetic wave that makes some of the guards fall to the ground, but there are just more coming. I'm not so sure what I am doing myself. I just jump on to the guards trying my best to show them my fighting skills. And just as I thought earlier, I have some of my mothers fighting skills. I just got one guard down and when I'm about to turn around I get caught in someones arms. From what I can see, he has giant muscles and really doesn't want to let go of me. I  am not able to move my arms so I start kicking with my legs, but only makes the guard angrier and his grip around me gets tighter and I get a hard time breathing for a few seconds. When I feel like I'm about to pass out, the guard drops me on the floor and I turn around watching him fighting against Ryan. He just saved my life.

While I try to get up someone grabs my hand and pulls me up. It's Thorunn. She must have seen me when she was done fighting the amount if guards that are now on the ground and my brother is now fighting only one guard. Everyone is. They are only fighting one guard each and when some of the guards are trying to get up, me and Thorunn makes them stay on the ground. We make a great duo the two of us.

All of the guards are now laying on the ground moaning and I see some of them have wounds that looks really serious. In a different scenario with my friends wounded and injured, I would help. But these guys, these guards, are not my friends.
I pick up my earpiece and start talking to Harold.
"How is it going with destroying the engines?" I ask.
"Well...not that great anymore" he says that last word like if he is standing right behind me, so I turn around and see him and everyone else being held by a guard except for me and Thorunn. We are the only ones that are not in the arms of one of these guards. That's when I realise that we didn't take out the pilot. He is still flying the plane.
I slowly reach closer to Thorunn and whisper: "On the count if three, distract them for me so that I can get to the pilotseat". She keeps on looking forwards against the guards, but nods very slowly so that none if the guards will see. In my head I count to three and she must have been reading my minds because she goes to attack against the guards almost fighting for her life and I run towards the pilot. He has passed out so I swiftly move him out if the way and take the seat. Once I am sitting there, I can hear how the others have gotten lose and they are now fighting again. Right when I'm about to turn around and see them, something hard hits me in the head and everything gets black in front my eyes and I pass out immideitly.
Word count: 652 words.

I have to say that I really love writing this story and I think this gas been my favorite chapter to write this far.

Thank you fir reading and as always don't forget to vote, comment and share this story.

By the way, if you have any suggestions of what you want to happen in upcoming chapters, please leave a comment about that and I will see you soon.
